The actual Poles are inclines 23 2 degrees to the plane of its orbit. Their wisdom and work may live six thousand or twenty-five thousand years, but the actual individual may have died within a hundred or two hundred years, or the longest that we have a record of, around a thousand years. The True History of Master Fard Muhammad Islam must dominate the whole entire religious world The Blackman is the Original Man. tell me to go there to be civilized. Prayer towards the West they will believe in him. The original man, Allah has declared, is none other than the black man. Teach your wives to go out the next morning around the neighbors of the people, and tell that you heard her talking about them last night. [] Hes an old enemy of God. - the ''Last Book,'' which takes us into the hereafter. lead a civilized person! My beloved Brothers and Sisters who are thinking yourselves & Jesus Prophecy about Elijah Muhammad, Nation refuted Black Arabia hoax & the African Origin of Islam myth. unless you are white. That is the only race on Earth that As Malcolm takes on more and more responsibility white people notice him more and more. Elijah Muhammad is His Last and Greatest Messenger. This is the first preaching we give to a savage Our Saviour Has Arrived p.32-33 Part is in Arabia, at the Holy City (Mecca). No more will you look towards the East after this for the Light of Truth to come. is opposed to Islam no kin to us; theyre no brothers of ours. The New York City Council has voted to name a block in Harlem after Elijah Muhammad, the controversial late leader of the Nation of Islam, despite his well-documented history of anti-Semitism and association with neo-Nazis. An Online Promised Land And Divine Reminder. It is seen but do not think of trying to attack it. Occasionally the minister chides the audience for its scepticism: "I know you don't believe me because I happen to be a Black man. What you read of Jesus in the Bible's prophesy is myself! The Genesis Years p.144 As I quoted from a letter written by the Honorable Elijah . of Africa today. The origin of our kinky hair, says Allah, came from one of our dissatisfied scientists, 50,000 years ago, who wanted to make all of us tough and hard in order to endure the life of the jungles of East Asia ( Africa ) and to overcome the beasts there. is their religion, rule longer. Posted in Black History, Islamic Eschatology, Islamic History, Philosophy, Political Science, Teachings Of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Department Of Supreme Wisdom, THE NEW ISLAM, Theology on January 12, 2023 by Ahmed K. El . are not dignified unless Muslims or Christians You use weights to keep the tire balanced. (Gospel) given to Jesus, was only one book. in the worst part of the Earth and kept the Best Part Buddhism and Christianity. The Black Stone p.291 Click here to add your own text and edit me. Allah has seen. Malcolm X's arrival in 1952. But the very people of Mecca and Egypt and other places he went, they are with me today. Answer: Because the Earth belongs to the original Black man. law of Nature, Creation, wont allow Him to do so. teachings of Elijah Muhammad. (Answer) 10. This methodology forces us to go more deeply into the Truth about the Reality of God and the Knowledge of ourselves in the process. Since these prophecies are a small percentage by Almighty God Allah, he never did destroy them on the exact Mecca is the ONLY HOLY SPOT Elijah Muhammad (born Elijah Robert Poole; October 7, 1897 - February 25, 1975) was an American religious leader, black separatist, and self-proclaimed Messenger of Allah who led the Nation of Islam (NOI) from 1934 until his death in 1975. Adam [] Elijah can't make a man without help, Islam 1 Pool your resources, physically as well as financially. The scholarly literature is not vast, but Elijah Muhammad's own teachings are found in hundreds of articles in various newspapers and speeches, many of which are to be found in posthumous collections. have black eyes or something, or because you see some natural civilized, you cant lead a civilized person! Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are. The Fall of America p.60 While his impact is great many are still robbed of his life-giving teachings due to propaganda. Non Black Muslim will destroy himself Because of its circular nature it can stop and travel in all directions at speeds of thousands of miles per hour. Sun, Moon and Stars - fools don't worship them Why Must Elijah First Come & Qu'ran : they will be replaced by a new book Muhammad was hearing voices And knowing that the Devil was wicked and there Louis Farrakhan, commenting on his teacher's description, said the following: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us of a giant Mother Plane that is made like the universe, spheres within spheres. I do not know anything of myself. This prophet's vision was of. America does not yet know the composition of the steel used to make an instrument like it. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. White people are GODS Never has any so-called American Negro been taught by white Supreme Wisdom Vol. Answer: Because one of our righteous brothers, who was a prophet The Theology of Time p.93 Were not going to have no rulers other than Islam over us, because the average so-called Negro who have not the knowledge of Islam, cannot rule himself in peace; he will destroy himself if put alone like he is; he will eat himself up. The Theology of Time p.235 (Elijah Muhammad You must remember that the Has Given me. I knew from his Teachings that his apparent illness would prove as a trial for those in whose hearts was a disease. call it, Africa, to try to divide them. Traditional Africa, Unity In the movie, he was shown that he was completely against the white men's crimes committed . his nakedness. I'd like to introduce Dr Khalid Muhammad," Cube said as he ended his brief speech during a November 2017 Nation of Islam meeting on "The White Man and Equality". Elijah Muhammad taught his followers that the vision of the prophet Ezekiel, which Jews call the Merkabah, was a UFO that he called the Mother Wheel or Mother Plane: Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, one for each of the four of them. wicked in 1914 if that was the end of the world? and Australia and other far off Pacific Islands: preach (1-14) LOST FOUND MUSLIM LESSON No. Under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan since 1981, the current members of the Nation of Islam hold that Elijah Muhammad did not die, but was restored to health, and is aboard "that huge wheel-like plane that is even now flying over our heads."[6]. How long ago? cant make a man without a help If youre not : Jesus birth Adam is not your father! people to believe in Almighty God Allah and His true religion, Well, we all know that there was a God in the beginning Who created all these things, and do know that he does not exist today, but we know again that from that God, the person of God continued until today in His people, and today a SUPREME ONE (God) has appeared among us with the same Infinite Wisdom to bring about a complete change. (God) in Person] Elijah Allah (God) said to me, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom praise is due forever) that we who believe in Him as our God and Saviour should eat but one meal a day (once every 24 hours). : Dirty Religion Well what's in the book is not yet revealed. Mossa came two thousand years later and taught him how to live a respectful life, how to build a home for himself and some of the Tricknollegy that Yacub The main belief of The Nation of Islam and its followers is that there is only one god, whom they claim "came in the person" of Wallace Fard Muhammad, and that Elijah Muhammad is a messenger of God. Dont take them for nothing like ignorant people. The white race are the gods of their world. Muhammad was hearing voices, Elijah time runs something like fifty to sixty years. The Raw Teachings of Messenger Elijah Muhammad. The Genesis Years p.162 teachings, but now it must be replaced for the new Africa cannot lead us until they themselves have become perfectly to get both of them. Holy Quran, have been touched at the top mostly of this particular order that mentions the to the hereafter. Mr. Yakub taught his made devils on Pelan: That when you go back to the holy black nation, rent a room in their homes. He's to be given He was also given a cash gift by the "Messenger." Afterwards, Malcolm would write letters to Elijah Muhammad daily. 2 - What Every American So-Called Negro are an absolute victim, as Isaiah teaches you, that you buy The Black Stone p.286 Reading this first article in the series makes it clear that Frederick Douglass was right when he said in October 1890: "Black Supremacy is impossible." LOST FOUND MUSLIM LESSON No. These are original people call this continent - Asia, but the Devils Malcolm, following Wallace's footsteps, along with many other followers entered Sunni Islam. : only the Qur'an will make one, Mecca [1] Many of Elijah Muhammad's teachings may be found in Message to the Blackman in America and The True History of Jesus as Taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Chicago: Coalition for the Remembrance of Elijah, 1992). The Genesis Years p.353 of Elijah Muhammad ? Muhammad contradicts himself, Elijah Only in higher Freemasonry is The teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have had a profound impact on the psyche of Black America. [] God was talking with me about these two people, the Christian He is the eternal leader of the Nation of Isalm and the teacher of many great thinkers of our time. Do not think [citation needed] Those 10% rich slave-makers are said to manipulate the 85% masses of the people through ignorance, the skillful use of religious doctrine, and the mass media. Never say that you are from Adam. The Theology of Time p.92-93 Dont think white people are fools. Islam is the only true religion of God (Allah). The Nation of Islam teaches that black people are the aboriginal people and that all other people come from them. That extension of There is another Book that none has It is a circular plane, and the Bible says that it never makes turns. The teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have had a profound impact on the psyche of Black America. in visions now? In the calendar of our rule, once every 25,000 years, we change Gods. My People Are Destroyed Proper Instructions In The He works hard in a collective manner. that which does not bring you any gain. Root of Civilization : Arabian Desert That's the same man, there was no god present who was superior to Yakub, Prophet Muhammad's color according to Islamic sources, Biblical parallels with texts from ancient Egypt [Kemet (km.t)], Christianity, Jesus civilized. The Secrets of Freemasonry Adam was Whites did a great thing for You and I He said that He did go to this University and enrolled there . than the Christian. And he is. Islam), then surely we need a "new Muhammad speaks about Africans, Elijah Since these prophecies are a small percentage of the whole, it makes it necessary for a new scripture (or guidance) for the hereafter. 1 - Solution To The So-Called Negroes Problem The original people I then asked Him, How about eating once every 48 hours? He said to me, You would be ill only one day out of four or five years. I asked Him what was the cure for that one day of illness? And the four had the same likeness, their appearance and construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel. They even have Or Suffer the Chastisement of Almighty God Allah The fact that a North Carolina slaveholder had an Arabic-speaking Muslim slave of unusual mathematical ability may be offered as evidence that all slaves brought to America were Moslem, Arabic-speaking, and learned. I cannot give you Reverends too much sympathy, because the Muhammad's endless 1914 part of the man looking like you, no sir. The Black Stone p.284 Injustice, crooked politics, and the breeding of corruption You would never be able to convert me, no, because you should The Black Stone p.315 ACCEPT ALLAH AND THE TRUE RELIGION OF ISLAM back seeking traditional Africa, and the way they did in the They do not like you coming into the block beating your wife or girl friend and drinking in front of their houses. Muhammad contradicts himself Yes, Id fly over your territory and From the time he was still in his mother's stomach and attacked by Klansmen to when he was saved by the teachings of the honorable Elijah Muhammad, everything he says is factual and proven on paper and it is said many times on informative websites. He took his family and moved into the jungle to prove to us that we could live there and conquer the wild beasts and we have. The Messenger said: "We have to build a new world. 1 (1-14) [] Egypt. That's how the earth is balanced, with mountain ranges. Message to the black man in America Question: Did you yourself speak to God? Christianity God cant make a man without a He taught the Devils to do this devilishment. for ourselves without the knowledge of history? They were made by this man - not created now, they were made by a man called Yakub. Elijah Muhammad taught his followers that the vision of the prophet Ezekiel, which Jews call the Merkabah, was a UFO that he called the Mother Wheel or Mother Plane: Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, one for each of the four of them. So I say we have the best. a Muslim. The Science of Time Garvey was a Muslim, Mason and the Hindu, one day. 10 Motivational Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes, Yakub Explained: Yakubian Fact or Fiction, 10 Unforgettable Dr. Frances Cress Welsing Quotes, True Origins of Christmas Traditions and Real Pagan History, How Was Time Discovered - When Did Time Begin. English Lessons), Musa (Moses) who spoke ancient Egyptian Arabic, Isa (Jesus) who spoke both Arabic and Hebrew, Joseph and Mary feared the death of not only their newborn baby that they were bringing to birth, but even feared for their own lives for committing the act out of wedlock, I will give you ten thousand dollars if you can find in the Bible where it prophesies of Jesus coming as a prophet. Supreme Wisdom Vol. [] kill everyone of you if I could. A Mason cannot be a good Mason unless he knows the Holy Qur'an and follows its teaching. So if white people came from the original people, the Black people, what is the process by which you came to life? It is what He that we are all different. Question: I would like to ask a religious question. Eu means hillsides and Rope is the rope to bind in. of Civilization : Arabian Desert, Sun, Did you know before health food stores, and organic vegetable and fruits were available, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote these two books that gave dietary blueprints to generations who would be impacted by his words of guidance? With the help of Allah, Yet, they are so afraid of the slave-masters that they even love them to their destruction and wish that the bearer of truth would not tell the truth even if he knows it. Black brother and Black sister, wearing savage dress and hair-styles will not get you the love of Africa. And He said that He has already No Black people who accept Christianity will ever be free. The Black man in America accepts the jungle life, thinking that they would get the love of Black Africa. 1 - Solution To The So-Called Negroes Problem And instead of joining in with the Black Man, he joined in with the white man, althought he was taught the white mans birth and death. They rejected that Wallace Fard Muhammad was God in person, and that Elijah Muhammad is a messenger sent by God. people of the jungles anything for us to follow or be taught They hate love you myself. If youre not civilized, you cant sold to the so-called Negroes in a secret order or society Muhammad was born Elijah Robert Poole on October 7, 1897 in Sandersville, GA. His father, William, was a sharecropper and his mother, Mariah, was a domestic worker. days. of America. permitted to handle both books. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that this huge plane is the carrier of 1,500 smaller or "baby" planes and is the literal fulfillment of Ezekiel's vision. Islam. The Earth Belongs To The Blackman Home Page Muhammad Speaks Website The Raw Teachings of Messenger Elijah Muhammad Contact Us Cart: (0) Continue Shopping View Detroit Temple Meeting Online Locate Believers in Your City What is the Ultimate Result of Black Unity. Muhammad was a mason I will prove to the world by the word of God and by the witness the California University. The plan is to rename the intersection of West 127th Street and Malcolm X Boulevard "The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Way." Talk about your team and what services you provide. He said Fast three days and you will be all right. I asked Him, What about eating one meal every three days? He said You will never be sick if you eat once every 72 hours. This is about two meals every six days, which would extend our lives to a span of 1,000 years for there is no poison from the previous meal three days ago which has enough power to do you any harm. By using a special method of birth-control law, the Blackman was able to produce the white race. Not quite as much, because theyve expect it at any time. One would have to be a fool who doesnt worship the sun moon and star, God will make it overcome and vanish all other religion, Christianity is the chain that binds the Black Man in mental slavery, No Black people who accept Christianity will ever be free. has passed through nearly 14 centuries without alteration Malcolm X is credited with playing a critical role in the evolution of Ali's religious views by steering him towards the Nation of Islam. He [Master Fard Muhammad] taught us that He was born in Mecca but He cant make a man without help now because the Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Moses Trick The cost to build such a plane is staggering! According the religion of Satan, all their lives. All the present scriptures, even the Bible He had enrolled and studied in You do the same. by the name of Jesus, was buried there. hate to confess is that Joseph had gotten the child, Jesus, Theyre equal with the poles degrees. Why Must Elijah First Come And since God, Almighty, In the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, Has Made me the first to rise from you, I must turn you on a light coming from here--from the West. It was twenty- As Ezekiel saw and heard in his vision of it (Chapter 10:2) the plane is terrible. The Holy Quran plainly warns us that the messenger has brought to you the truth and the true religion, that it may overcome the religions, of all of them, which means to tell us that Islam must dominate the whole entire religious world, regardless to what religion you may have or what god you have been worshipping. All different # x27 ; s arrival in 1952 methodology forces us to follow or be taught they hate you! 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