Section 4. Participants or students who attack often want attention, so simply giving them some recognition while firmly moving on often takes care of the problem. This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. Second, each person has to share his style with the group. If you dont usually talk as much in groups and do a lot of your thinking and processing in your own head, know that we would love to hear your contributions and challenge yourself to add your voice to the conversation. (2001). Mute yourself whenever you're not speaking on the current topic. If it doesnt, you can essentially say, Thats wrong, and I wont allow that kind of talk here, which may well put an end to the remarks, but isnt likely to change anyones mind. Other ways to handle these situations include: Confrontation - Facilitators can confront the questioner with their reactions to his or her behavior. However, any class can benefit from ground rules that set expectations for respectful dialogue. Guide for Setting Ground Rules. Perhaps assigning the avid talker to the observer role would help the person develop sensitivity. Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say "ELMO!" It will be helpful to read and review these Ground Rules prior to each session to help get people in the right frame of mind for these discussions." (1) We will modify these as a group to meet DEI needs. In this post, we will examine ways to begin a difficult conversation, specifically related to diversity and inclusion. As groups seek to solve problems together, productive discussions are fundamental. The goal is not to agree it is to gain a deeper understanding. University of Minnesota Extension discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education, and engages Minnesotans to build a better future. A community health educator facilitates a smoking cessation support group. Ground rules clarify expectations of behavior during the meeting. Explain the topic. Then, ask if the participants have any to add. The more people zone out of a meeting, the quality of the meeting and its output will diminish rapidly. Sometimes individuals or factions that are trying to dominate can disrupt the process of the group. Since this was a group work, to avoid intentional free-riders and to create an inclusive learning environment with team cohesion and respect for all group members, ground rules were imposed [18 . DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. This is a discussion, not a debate. Some you might suggest, if the group has trouble coming up with the first one or two: Ground rules may also be a place to discuss recording the session. This resource can be used to lead a group discussion about developing ground rules for how primary care team members communicate with each other. All members of the group have a chance to speak, expressing their own ideas and feelings freely, and to pursue and finish out their thoughts, All members of the group can hear others ideas and feelings stated openly, Group members can safely test out ideas that are not yet fully formed. Another approach is to break down the group into still smaller task groups. Based on the size of the group, this can also be adjusted to the 2x2 or even 4x4 Rule. Team Work PowerPoint. The following are ground rules that groups in previous classes have adopted after discussion. That may lead to a goal ultimatelybut it may not. Make "undiscussable" ideas discussible. Think of the meetings you have participated in over the past year. 5. Tuckman, B. Effective facilitation of a discussion involves the recognition and employment of different perspectives and different skills to create an inclusive environment. Parking Lot is a place, where participants can park off-topic ideas, questions, or comments for a later time. Develop an awareness for barriers for learning (cultural; social; experiential, etc). Air concerns and differences among individuals or groups. It wont hurt to think beforehand about how you want to handle it. Members new to these issues are encouraged to spend time . Empower your team by reminding them that they have permission to: ask . Leading an effective group discussion takes preparation (if you have the opportunity for it), an understanding of and commitment to an open process, and a willingness to let go of your ego and biases. Ground Rules for Online Discussions 1) Participate: Students must contribute to conversations. "Recognize the difference between opinions and informed knowledge. An effective discussion group depends on a leader or facilitator who can guide it through an open process the group chooses what its discussing, if not already determined, discusses it with no expectation of particular conclusions, encourages civil disagreement and argument, and makes sure that every member is included and no one dominates. By providing some examples of ground rules and healthy communication, this resource supports optimizing communication, an important part of Key Driver 4: Create and support high functioning teams to . Facilitators might also ask one or more members of the group to act as observers for a few sessions, reporting back their observations to the group. Convey a sense of self-importance or superiority. Encouraging participation can be accomplished by: adapted from: Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Handbook, accessed July 2008. In the 1970s, a model for understanding managing conflict was created and from it the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) was born. Are you a directive or non-directive leader? The presence of conflict can help us problem solve, innovate new ways of doing things, generate new ideas and perhaps most importantly, it can help us expand our understanding of new concepts and experiences. What behaviors am I most familiar or comfortable with? Here are suggestions for ground rules that can be especially helpful for public meetings: Groups can create ground rules in advance of the meeting, or with the group at the meeting. Not being afraid to admit your own ignorance or confusion if you dont know something invite others to provide resources, and use the opportunity to discuss with the group how one might go about researching the issue. The group's agreement allows the leader or a group member to directly address an issue when a ground rule is not followed. Nothing said in the group should be discussed outside the group without the permission of those involved. Avoid interrupting or having side conversations. Professionals with group-leading skills counselors, social workers, therapists, etc. Meeting rules defining dos and donts discussions management. Acknowledge that we are all systematically taught misinformation about our own group and about members of other groups. Leading a discussion group is not the same as running a meeting. Rule 1: Prepare. When conflict arises, what matters when is how we deal with it. 2 x=@! If youre asked a direct question, you might want to answer it if its a question of fact and you know the answer, and if its relevant to the discussion. If the question is one of values, the facilitator may use the occasion to help participants become aware of the values involved. End on time. As explained in the opening paragraphs of this section, group discussions are common in a democratic society. Author: Lisa Hinz, Extension educator, leadership and civic engagement. GROUND RULES: Be willing to acknowledge that sexism and racism exist. 12 Ground Rules for Online Discussions Participate: This is a shared learning environment. No stalkers or cyberspace lurks allowed. Discomfort and silence are ok, but balance with a clearly stated context and purpose. All rights reserved. Use (or allow others to use) disrespectful language or tone, or disrespectful non-verbal communication. Your ground rules the issue of respecting everyone should address this issue, and it probably wont come upbut there are no guarantees. Active listening - Facilitators can paraphrase the message they heard and check out the accuracy of their assumptions before responding. Over-generalize behavior or have stereotypical expectations of participants (tokenism). Sometimes we are tempted to begin formulating what we want to say in response, instead of giving 100 percent of our focus to the speaker. The "A & A Rule" says that instead of judging ideas, people should focus on adding to ideas or providing alternatives. Remind everyone to be aware of time, and to make their points succinctly so everyone has the chance to share. Inquire into the reasoning of others. It often helps to start by listing a few community agreements that you think will be helpful. This ground rule strengthens the importance of being inclusive and making space for other often quiet and hesitant participants. The more tangible ideas are, the easier it is to discuss them. In this last section of a chapter on group facilitation, well examine what it takes to lead a discussion group well, and how you can go about doing it. The facilitator can also restate points for verification or rejection by the participants, or give enthusiastic nonverbal cues and patience. As instructors, offer points for participating in conversations. Group discussions are common in our society, and have a variety of purposes, from planning an intervention or initiative to mutual support to problem-solving to addressing an issue of local concern. 3. Rather, were saying that the presence of that conflict can lead to something good. Services. Asking the contributor for further clarification and/or elaboration. If such conflicts are left ambiguous, they may cause continuing trouble. Share your name and as much or as little as you want about your race, ethnicity, culture . 18 Ground Rules for Group Discussions 1 "Strong opinions, loosely held" The idea "strong opinions, loosely held" is that anyone is allowed to express their strong opinions, but at the same be open to change their mind if they new data suggests that they might be wrong. If you are unsure of their meaning, ask for clarification. When participants argue for the sake of argument, facilitators will usually lose if they take the bait. Im uncomfortable with the imprecision of your questions. well explained so that students are very . These folks may be respected for their leadership president of the Rotary Club, spokesperson for an environmental movement for their positions in the community bank president, clergyman or simply for their personal qualities integrity, fairness, ability to communicate with all sectors of the community. "Notice your own defensive reactions and attempt to use these reactions as entry points for gaining deeper self-knowledge.". The facilitator can list both sides of the argument on the board. 1. Things will emerge, unplanned situations will arise. Ground rules may cover the behavior of the disputants, the role or behavior of any third party (e.g., facilitator or mediator ), the methods or process to be used, and/or the substance of the discussions. This can be done via a handout, posted on a wall, or projected on a . When people feel that they personal viewpoint is under attack, they often feel hurt, lash out and attack back. Ground rules clarify expectations for behavior in the meeting. If participants are simply trying to embarrass the facilitator, they may seek to make him or her defensive with such comments as, How do you really know that? or Youre not really saying that? Such questions can be handled by playing boomerang. If the group meets multiple times, repost rules at each meeting to orient new participants and remind others. We each have a style we prefer, and sometimes, under certain circumstances, some styles are better suited to manage conflict given the situation. (2004) Student perceptions of effective small group teaching. Accept each other without making judgments. Follow the agenda. While many public organizations use parliamentary procedure as a form of ground rules, such formal rules may not be sufficient or appropriate for guiding public discussion. Build trust and a sense of safety among group participants. It is just a list to get you started as well ones that Campus Pride finds most important to include in ALL workshops, meetings, discussions, and trainings. Good listening requires concentration and attention. How you challenge prejudice is the real question. Normally, we do this in reverse. Respected community members. hold people back if they are dominating the conversation. Talking about styles of communication is an excellent ice-breaker. One is to state your opinion, but make very clear that its an opinion, not a fact, and that other people believe differently. The facilitator might say, What Im saying is, but now I'd like you to share your perspective. Turning the question back to the questioner forces him or her to take responsibility for his or her opinion. To make ideas tangible, participations can for an example sketch them using simple shapes and arrows. The chances are that, like most of us, you fall somewhere in between the extremes of the leader who sets the agenda and dominates the group completely, and the leader who essentially leads not at all. The term ground rules was originally used to describe the rules of baseball that teams agreed to use in a particular venue, or grounds. Ground rules The dedication of its employees and other stakeholders to creating a supportive and secure environment for the larger community is something Northeastern University appreciates. Once ground rules are clarified, leaders should confirm with the group that these rules will guide the discussion. Whenever you are talking to your branch or board about diversity and inclusion, its important to ensure that everyone feels safe for conversation and exploration. They should be discussed and agreed upon by the group members. Most often because they are afraid of the consequences or think the context isn't the right one to address the issue. Some facilitators keep discussions on track by listing the questions or issues they want to cover on the board or summarizing the discussion on the board as it proceeds. 2. Show up on time and come prepared. About ground rules Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. Make sure everyone gets any necessary information, readings, or other material beforehand. Ask dominant participants to allow others to speak. Create an inclusive environment. 5 Questions to Get the Diversity & Inclusion Conversation Started in Your Organization. Increase participation and the sharing of ideas and perspectives; Promote openness to points of view and increase learning; Manage problems before and as they occur; and. Ground Rules for Support Groups. 2 "Disagree without being disagreeable" All Rights Reserved. It is not enough to login and read the discussion thread of others. If there is an experimentally verified answer, the facilitator can use the opportunity to review the method by which the answer could be determined. Developing Facilitation Skills, Section 3. Respect Differences? Having nine or fewer ground rules helps the group more easily remember and support them. Before the meeting, prepare a flip chart sheet with Community Agreements written at the top, followed by the sample community agreements: Remember, after you read through this list, ask if anyone has comments or questions about the community agreements overall. Ground rules for public participation. How active you are might depend on your leadership style, but you definitely have some responsibilities here. Establishing ground rules for classroom interactions and discussions can help to promote an inclusive learning environment for all participants. The discussion stays focused on the issue at hand. Everybody participates. Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks focus on ideas. for Racial Justice in Higher Education Joining Together: Group theory and group skills. Respect silence: Dont force yourself to fill silence. Give all participants a voice- at the start highlight the value of a diversity of perspectives as an essential part of the process. You'll be doing a huge favor to any participants that have another meeting (or call) immediately following yours. Wayne, NJ: Career Press, 2017. Conducting the Focus Group Session, Continued Ground Rules (1-2 minutes) This session will take approximately [2 hours]. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. 5. Ask students to think about the best group discussions they have been a part of, and reflect on what made these discussions so satisfying. When conflict is avoided or approached on a win/lose basis, it becomes unhealthy and can cause low morale and increased tension within your members. Suggestions for Leading Small-Group Discussions, prepared by Lee Haugen, Center for Teaching Excellence, Iowa State University, 1998. Encouraging others to add their reactions or ideas to build on someones comment. This group is not intended as "Diversity 101" training. Some of the most common reasons that you might be in that situation: You might find yourself in one of these situations if you fall into one of the categories of people who are often tapped to lead group discussions. Such ground rules are especially important when discussing controversial or otherwise challenging topics. Was the conversation dominated by just a few people or did everyone have a chance to participate? "/$D~+nJ1L /}4(Rsb` x+yMD iHQEE(Bcu`9Q9^0=3Qoh*V'Bmd`hC/fC`]U66H0Fs1(mh{*W Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Try to think of the last time you had a conversation that was not easy: How did you feel before you began talking? Push yourself to be open to new ideas and experiences even if they initially seem uncomfortable to you. Next, ask students to think about the worst group . Support Group Ground Rules . Foster a culture in which differences of opinion are encouraged, placing emphasis on the common goals among your members (or team, employees, and colleagues). to remain available. This is especially true when the group is stuck, either because two opposing ideas or factions are at an impasse, or because no one is able or willing to say anything. Writing participants comments on the whiteboard. Make the discussion functional by clarifying the goals of each session to the group. Ames, IA 50011-2102, Copyright 1995-2019 Use certain conventions or language that will exclude certain groups from understanding the context of the discussion, or make them feel uncomfortable. They can be set by the instructor . That reaction not only leaves the conflict unresolved and therefore growing, so that it will be much stronger when it surfaces later but fails to examine the issues that it raises. Group members can receive and respond to respectful but honest and constructive feedback. The complete guide to facilitation. Each person gets a chance to talk. Re-visiting past contributions and incorporating them into subsequent discussions. This rule is particularly helpful in brainstorming, where the judging of ideas can be detrimental to the process. Participate to the fullest of your ability community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice. If youve been the recorder, you might want to put the notes from the session in order, type them up, and send them to participants. Dont ask people to do something, and then ignore it. Group discussion rules showing structure and friendly conversation. Alternatively, you may wish to reframe their comments, making them viable additions to the discussion. It may also mean a space away from the ordinary. Become familiar with the purpose and content of the discussion. 10. Medical Education, 38:286-293. For most group discussions, the facilitator role is probably a good ideal to strive for. Tips on university teaching, but much of the information is useful in other circumstances as well. Then well examine what it takes to make an effective discussion leader or facilitator, regardless of external circumstances. A local coalition forms a task force to address the rising HIV rate among teens in the community. If those are brought out in the open and discussed reasonably, the two sides often find that they have as much agreement as disagreement, and can resolve their differences by putting their ideas together. Here are four important guidelines to communicate to your group. The Best Conflict Resolution Books in 2023. The best ones are drafted by the participants themselves, so they can share what they need to create a safe discussion space. Show up on time. The important variable is that a traditional "rule" is . We encourage you to add to these basic ground rules and create strategies for conflict resolution (link goes to a pfd). Take responsibility for your own learning. 2023 This model identified five core ways in which we could deal with conflict based on assertiveness and cooperation. 4 E.L.M.O E.L.M.O stands for "Enough, let's move on" and can be established as a meeting rule to cut unnecessary discussions. Especially if most people in the group dont know one another, its your job as leader to establish a comfortable atmosphere and set the tone for the discussion. Maths in Our School Environment for Junior & Senior Infants Booklet. Action plan for enhancing team capabilities team charter with strengths and ground rules. Its not an easy task, but it can be extremely rewarding. stream St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension. Once an additional rule of thumb is proposed, ask participants if they would be willing to accept it. Start on a positive note. The exception here is when someone has been chosen by her community or group to represent its point of view in a multi-sector discussion. (1). Health professionals and health educators. Directive leaders can be necessary in some situations. Ground Rules for Group Discussion Listen with respect. Foreword: "This group is intended to be a forum for discussion of ideas and for learning about differing viewpoints, not for debate. All too often, conflict whether conflicting opinions, conflicting world views, or conflicting personalities is so frightening to people that they do their best to ignore it or gloss it over. For the maximum benefit to all, everyone must contribute. Those rules were and still are necessary for. This guide covers a lot of ground. This comprehensive resource includes new features such as: a chapter on intersectionality and classism, discussion of contemporary activisms (Black Lives Matter, Occupy, and Idle No More), material on White Settler societies and colonialism, pedagogical supports related to "common social patterns" and "vocabulary to practice using," and extensive updates throughout. . Bring materials to help the discussion along. There is no one size fits all list of ground rules. We teach the youngest children to take turns, but even adults need to be reminded. How to have a Diversity and Inclusion Conversation. RESPECT another person's right to have opinions and thoughts . Ground rules clarify expectations for behavior in the meeting. When used in consensus building, the list of ground rules is sometimes referred to as a protocol. Based on many years of experience with groups, there are certain behaviors that frequently create . Instead of invalidating somebody elses story with your own spin on her or his experience, share your own story and experience. Asking follow-up questions, and paraphrasing the comments for everyone to ponder. Based on the authors' extensive experience in a range of settings in the United States and Canada, the book addresses the most common stumbling blocks to understanding social justice. Post rules on a handout, table tent or flip chart so that they are readily available. The Tool Box needs your help Be present. Listen actively respect others when they are talking. Involve students in the creation of guidelines. Share feelings and experiences, but not advice. After this agreement, the group can stop arguing and move on. Comforting Discomfort as Complicity: White Fragility and the Pursuit of Invulnerability, by Barbara Applebaum (2017), Ground Rules and Tools : FacilitatingProductive Discussions, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, Ground Rules & Tools: Facilitating Productive Discussions. Ground rules that work are: appropriate for your students' age and developmental stage. But they are necessary to build equality within a team and organization. Hold public hearings on proposed laws or regulations, development, etc. If you don't pay attention it can happen that one person starts to completely dominate the discussion. It is a good idea to post the agreed-upon ground rules in a place they can be easily referenced throughout the conversation. Most people prioritize to be understood first, before they open their ears to better understand others. The International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, accessed July 2008. (Be sure to include the requester in this discussion). For further guidance on developing . Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say "ELMO!" Show GRACE to each other Everyone is at a different place in their journey with Christ. Conversation ground rules can be found here. Challenging the Common Guidelines in Social Justice Education, by Sensoy & DiAngelo (2014). Each sessionwill be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Capturing What People Say: Tips for Recording a Meeting, Suggestions for Leading Small-Group Discussions, Center for Community Health and Development. (Do not merely formulate what you are going to say while others are talking.) Ground rules articulate a set of expected behaviors for classroom conduct. When the group numbers eight or more, a leader or facilitator, whether formal or informal, is almost always helpful in ensuring an effective discussion. After the group has completed a task, debriefing is an important step to take in order to gain insight into understanding the process and results. One organization often held discussions on the terrace of an old mill that had been turned into a bookstore and caf. Certain group ground rules are strongly suggested. Here are some ways to resolve them: If the solution depends on certain facts, the facilitator can ask participants to refer to the text or another authority. All opinions are valued. Then ask if anyone has something to add to the list. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Take responses and add them to the list. Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. Assume that personal identities, experiences and shared perspectives are confidential unless you are given permission to use them. If the session was one-time, or was the last of a series, your job may now be done. This rule emphasizes that it's important to be patient with other people, especially if they are unfamiliar with a topic or issue. (2007) Allowing Not-Knowing in a Dialogic Discussion. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing (I instead of they, we, and you). Iowa State University of Science and Technology It emphasizes process (the consideration of ideas) over product (specific tasks to be accomplished within the confines of the meeting itself. Handelsman, J., Miller, S., & Pfund, C. (2006) Scientific Teaching: Diversity, Assessment, Active Learning (New York: W.H. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book. Its much closer to acting as a facilitator, but not exactly the same as that either. Invite inquiry into your views. Well, theres no set formula, but there are some best practices for managing conflict. Often people do this unconsciously because they feel that the meeting isn't relevant for them."Be present, or be elsewhere" is a good meeting guidelines to establish shared awareness and clear expectations one participants. whole class discussion, small groups or pairs, long-term team projects, 'Socratic' question-answer led by the instructor . Common core: Ideas and techniques for establishing effective group process Develop the script to frame the purpose of the focus. this discussion guide focuses primarily on the . Listen to each other. Mayer, B. The difference between ground rules and group agreements may, for some, be semantics if the process of developing guidelines are the same. Seek common ground and understanding (not problems and conflict) Disagree without being disagreeable Remember responsibility and non-defensiveness Speak honestly Use I statements Seek unity (not separation) Be positive, non-judgmental and open to new ideas Speak your truth, without blame or judgment Be intrigued by the difference you hear 5 Ground Rules for Group Discussion It is vital when you start a new small group to lay down some ground rules, so everyone is on the same page and understand what the group is all about. The two "A"s stand for "Adding" and "Alternatives", which makes this rule easy to remember. What I really hear you saying is. 9. In some cases, the opportunity to lead a group discussion can arise on the spur of the moment; in others, its a more formal arrangement, planned and expected. If you have time to prepare beforehand, there are a number of things you may be able to do to make the participants more comfortable, and thus to make discussion easier. 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