TLRwas gonna kill Kelsier anyways. In retaliation, the Lord Ruler executes numerous skaa in public demonstrations. Kelsier and his brother Marsh were the sons of a nobleman father and a skaa mother. It requires the physical anchor of the spike. Please clarify. Their combined effort would, in the end, result in the collapse of the Final Empire. Though Vin initially is wary and suspicious of him, she eventually learns to trust him, and he becomes somewhat of a father figure to her. The issue with a spear is if the metal head is all the way out of the body, and only the wooden haft is actually touching. They go on several outings together, including fighting Inquisitors this leads to Vin almost dying however and changes how Kelsier runs the crew. The Skaa still would have rebelled, Vin still wouldve gone after TLR, and they still wouldve won. He burned down the manor and purposely departed in a way that forced the skaa to join the rebellion. ), but its been a hot minute since TheBands of Mourning was released. Kelsier is Vins mentor and teaches her to use her Allomantic abilities. He worked out of a safehouse in Bilming, alongside Moonlight, TwinSoul, Kaise, and Dao. Thus he decides to go along with him out of curiosity. When Kelsier was in the Cognitive Realm after his release, he often would show up to him in order to mock him and his inability to do anything. It is relevant because it has spawned 23 posts and created an interesting discussion. Kelsier also convinces Breeze, Ham and Clubs to join the conspiracy by offering a share of the Lord Ruler's stash of valuable atium as loot. Not again. Mistborn Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Think of this article as one of those Last time on recaps at the beginning of a television show. Breeze would recruit men for the rebellion, Ham would train them in the Arguois caverns, Dockson would direct the operation's finances, Clubs would hide the group's Allomancy with copperclouds, OreSeur in the role of Lord Renoux would buy the necessary equipment, Marsh would infiltrate the Steel Ministry posing as an obligator, Kelsier would use his Mistborn power to make attacks on the nobility to create tension between the houses, and Vin would gather information in the noble court posing as Renoux's niece Valette. Theres always another secret, but well have answers to some as of November 15th! Wayne: Waxs loyal sidekick, Wayne has a tendency to borrow things and has an aversion to using guns despite his duty as a lawman. Issue with this design? Its probably not realistic though. Together with his wife Mare, he led daring heists and gained great renown. With the help of MeLaan, another kandra, they hunt the killer down, only to discover that its Waxs presumed-dead ex-wife, Lessie; turns out she was Paalm all along. The elite of the underworld, each of whom had one of Kelsier's various abilities, were recruited. He also has medallions which grant him Allomantic abilities. TenSoon wears Kelsier's bones to glean information about Vin from Luthadel guards. As the Sovereign, Kelsier ruled the Southern Scadrians for a time and formed another religion that deified Metalborn, and then he left. In Bands of Mourning, we were introduced to the Malwish, a culture from Southern Scadrial. Sazed, after becoming God, grants Spook the power of a Mistborn and heals him of his ultra-enhanced sense (an effect of continuously flaring tin for extended periods of time). Now we are two Books deep into the Second Era and maybe i need to re-read them with more cosmere awareness but i cant remember any hints of a Cognitiv/Cosmereaware Kelsier . The spike is not coming with you when your Cognitive separates from the body. We do it because we want to. Kelsier is one of the titular characters of the first Mistborn novel, leading a crew of ruffians and thieves on a mission to assassinate The Lord Ruler, and end his tyranny over the lands of Scadrial. Even with the strongest criminal team ever put together, Kel's scheme appears to be the absolute long shot. [16] He gifted Vin a mistcloak and started to teach her Allomancy. . After speaking with Vin and Elend briefly upon their deaths, he discovers from Sazed that there is a way for him to go back to life. After Elendel was saved, Kelsier talked with Harmony, asking him to lead Scadrial into a new technological and Metalborn age so they may be better prepared for future threats and Autonomy's return.[22]. Hesdead, and presumably to themgoing to the beyondanyway, so even if they spiked him with an attribute, it would just be waste. [40] He continued training Vin and was surprised by her quick progress. Its relevant to the past in the cosmere. We dont haveto do this. What are you saying? If it did, the Koloss who died wouldn't have reverted to Humans when Kelsier saw them die. Despite his disapproval of Kelsiers actions, Marsh is still willing to infiltrate the Steel Ministry as part of Kelsiers plan. You are filling this thread with posts that are not needed and not wanted. I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. . He hates injustice and takes this hatred to the extreme, which originally resulted in him being unable to see good in any of the nobility. Sixteen months later, when Kelsier was unable to get his weekly atium geode, Mare gave Kelsier hers, claiming that she had found two that week. Despite what he has told the Ghostbloods, Kelsier does not have a real avatar. His late wife Mare collected pre-Ascension memorabilia, and he keeps one piece, a drawing of a flower,[7] to inspire his crew. Kelsier had traveled there several years after the Catacendre, inhabiting a physical body that was spiked in the right eye, and found the Southern Scadrians slowly dying of an unexplained coldness. Even if it weren't a viable metal, as a Mistborn he would have been able to burn it, and he wasn't able to sense it at all. Kelsier later said that "he had more Money than he could Spend" however, after a failed attempt at stealing from the Lord Ruler in his secret room inside Kredik Shaw, he was sent to the atium mines in the Pits of Hathsin. Later on, we follow Kelsier having a conversation with Sazed on the events that had happened, the lack of Metalborn, and Sazed's inability to act. Im going to proceed with this article under the assumption that youve read it, so if you havent, there will be some MAJOR spoilers. Kelsier was kind of Ruins agent on Scadrial while he was there, even though he didnt actually have a spike. After the fall of the Lord Ruler, Marsh eventually came under control of Ruin, as Ruin used the Hemalurgic nature of the Inquisitors to control them. He is almost always late to gatherings, which he attributes to always having somewhere better to be. Kelsier held Preservation for a short time but was bad at using it because he was a Cognitive Shadow at the time and did not match well with Preservation's Intent. Solid in the metal you fed to Elend. Kelsier draws up a master plan for the job, in which he designates each member of his crew to a role. Leras is fascinated by Kelsier due to him being the first to punch him after death, and being the first to attempt to recruit him to their schemes. When Lord Tresting attempted to rape a skaa girl, Kelsier saved her, killing Tresting and all his servants and soldiers in the process. Honestly, I am kinda confused as to what this theory is trying to say, and how it is relevant to current and future cosmere. As of the end of TheBands of Mourning, it is believed by the characters that the goal of the Set is to begin a civil war to overthrow Elendel. Allegedly dead as of the end of TheBands of Mourning, but heyits a Cosmere novel, who knows? If you enjoy queer protagonists, snarky humor, and dont mind some salty language, check out book 1. Without a Physical aspect, his powers failed. The roast is strong with this post. And we know Ruin was able to manipulatepeople, particularly unstable people like Vin's mother and Gemmel, soit possible that the rebels who stabbed the Lord Ruler were influenced by Ruin to create a Hemalurgic Spike. (Aside from the possibility of the spear no longer being a symbol). [25], Before leaving them, he created the Bands of Mourning, a collection of unsealed metalminds forged together and containing all kinds of attributes in extremely large quantities. "[3] Kelsier is Iyatil's master. Information about books that have not yet been released, like the other secret novels releasing in 2023 and Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. Luthadel [ edit] Dockson met his death with a sword in hand during the Battle of Luthadel. Realizing Vin didn't trust him, he told her that in his crew they trust each other. Kelsier later gave this drawing to Vin. [68] After Marasi solved the riddle of the Bands and wielded it to escape the Set, she gave it to Wax, who wielded it and became incredibly powerful. All we know for certain is that its some sort of entity worshiped by many on Scadrial. Breeze, Ham, Clubs, and Clubs' nephew Spook joined his crew. Steris Harms Ladrian: Waxs wife and Marasis half-sister. That is like arguing with air. Repeating myself over and over because Im misunderstood gets annoyingreal quick, so I wanna make sure Im clear with what I say. Thus Kelsier's mother was killed, and because of this, the brothers have a deep hatred of noblemen. Ati manipulated Kelsier for many years, grooming him in order to bring about his release. [62] He has also worked together with Khriss. All I want is for you to clarify your theory. [57] His bones survived the Ascension of Harmony,[58] and may have helped him regain physical form.[59]. [15] He shows little empathy or fear, as well as a high ego,[14] and is frequently quick to resort to using violenceoften lethal violenceto solve problems,[16][17][18][19] even when doing so clearly won't actually help the people he is supposedly trying to help. [61][4][3] When assassinated by Szeth, Gavilar suspects Thaidakar of ordering his death. Marsh decided to give Wax a book explaining Hemalurgy because he believed Wax was doing Kelsier's work. He finds Vin and Ham near the steps of Keep Venture and also learned that Dockson had died in the Battle of Luthadel. This was changed by Vin who fell in love with Elend Venture. He does this in order to fight the Lord Ruler's oppression of all the skaa, wanting to have one thing which cannot be taken away from him. He is confronted by a Steel Inquisitor, which he eventually manages to defeat by beheading him with the Inquisitor's own obsidian axe. [46], During his journey to find the Ire, he runs into Ruin and has a discussion about Ruin's intent. Kelsier is deified and continues to be venerated more and more by the skaa as the Church of the Survivor gains popularity. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. [51], From the Well of Ascension, of course. Although Vin assumes him to have only trained partially using each metal, Kelsier is extremely skilled at Steelpushing and Ironpulling, a skill he demonstrates when he defeats and kills the Steel Inquisitor Bendal. This severely angered Kelsier and crushed morale within his crew, making them feel that they wouldn't be needed now that the army had been slaughtered. Later, Kelsier invited a team of the best thieves in the city to a gathering in Camon's safe house. At the beginning of the novella, Kelsier is killed by the Lord Ruler, but refuses to pass on to the Beyond, and instead becomes trapped in the Cognitive Realm, between the Physical and Spiritual realm. At some point after his revival, he also became a prominent figure on Roshar known as Thaidakar, though he is still physically stuck on Scadrial.[1]. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. If were talking about Kelsier getting spiked though, I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a Cognitive Shadow and resist the pull of the Beyond. Worship Trell and wait. [24][25][3][26] He is a great agent of chaos and is very good at tearing things down and messing with what other people want. On its relevancy, just because it has spawned a discussion does not make it relevant to the present and futureCosmere. Kelsier discovered that Mare had given him her only geode, and was forced to watch Mare being beaten to death by the guards. The Lost Metal is looming large on the horizon (its out in two weeks! They have been utilizing Hemalurgy to grant their members Allomantic and Feruchemical powers. And he didnt have metals as a cognitive shadow, so we have no way of knowing. He also ran into Vin and was shocked to see how far she had come in the time he was away. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. However, he is then confronted by the Lord Ruler himself. We were having a nice, thought provoking discussion, and you added nothing to it. Dockson once again became Kelsier's organizer and right hand man. And the Lord Ruler still had a spike in his chest when he stabbed Kelsier. Kelsier is seen to be not fond of the decision, but doesn't let any of his agents to assassinate her. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm and met Preservation. My bad. Here they are. [3] He appears to be using the Ghostbloods to find a way for him to leave Scadrial and is very interested in learning from the Heralds, particularly Kalak, as they are subject to a similar restriction. All Im saying is that whether or not TLR could have been hemalurgically spiked depends entirely upon whether or not the rebels stabbing him with spears only stabbed hard enough to just barely get the metal heads in, which would technically allow for hemalurgical side effects, or if the rebels stabbed him with enough force that the spear head went ALL THE WAY THROUGH HIM and stuck out the other side of his body, leaving him with only the wooden haft still inside of him and the metal heads not touching his insides. He told Suit that the Set had decided that allowing civilization on Scadrial to continue was too dangerous and that they decided to remove life on this sphere instead. The creature then activated an explosive device, apparently killing Suit. Though they suffered many setbacks, Kelsier's leadership allowed the rebellion to attain an army of sufficient size to hold Luthadel. Its relevant to the past in the cosmere. [20] He nicknamed him Fuzz, due to his unraveled appearance. Willshaper is high on the list as well. He is the central figure of the religion known as the Church of the Survivor. A bit obsessive, a bit anxious, and a whole lot amazing, Steris uses her neurodivergencies to her (and Waxs) advantage by plotting out every eventuality and creating detailed plans to deal with any situation. The Lord Ruler was just too powerful and him trying to run would've destroyed any of the rebellion he was trying to build. This is why I love Brandon. Shes the bastard half-sister of Steris. She agrees to join the crew in exchange for Kelsier's training. A women by the codename of Codenames Are Stupid, opens communication with the leader of the Ghostbloods by the means of a seon, which shows Kelsier on an airship travelling to Elendel. If he were a Radiant, there are three Orders Kelsier might belong to: Edgedancer, Dustbringer, or Willshaper. Even if it weren't a viable metal, as a Mistborn he would have been able to burn it, and he wasn't able to sense it at all. Until Kelsier, a brilliant half-Skaa thief and natural leader, finds in himself the powers of a Mistborn, and turns his talents to the ultimate caper, with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark. Dick was so focused on the rhythm of movement and moving toward the name, he almost missed the quiet sound of a cloak fluttering behind him. He strongly disapproves of the way Kelsier flippantly kills noblemen and those who serve them without a second thought. As long as it provides something to think about and consider, it is worth posting. [11] He hates all of the nobility and tends to believe that all of them are to blame for the plight of the skaa, although near the end of his life this attitude changes due to Vin's insistence that Elend is different and that not all the nobles should be fought, although his views did not fully change, and he retained his prejudice and distrust. Even if he had, Kelsier died after being stabbed by the spear, but a hemalurgic spike would not kill: vital organs actually move to accommodatethe spike and keep the subject alive. Yes, he's really dead. As of Mistborn Era 2, he may be a feruchemist and he has not gained access to allomancy since his death. While there, other agents decide to report to Kelsier about the Set's imminent launch of a disastrous rocket at Elendel. You cant discuss a theory with only the people who agree with it. After Camon and Vin left, Kelsier realized that the ministry had already discovered that Camon was a thief and only played along to find the crew's hideout. Kelsier fell in love with a Tineye crewmember of Dockson's retinue named Mare, whom he later married. Speaking of the Set. Kelsier is a half-skaa Mistborn from Scadrial. While difficult, it is possible to obtain atium and lerasium from ettmetal, but not through mechanical means. Shadows of Self begins with Wax now working in conjunction with the Elendel constabulary. Kelsier had traveled there several years after the Catacendre, inhabiting a physical body that was spiked in the right eye, and found the Southern Scadrians slowly dying of an unexplained coldness. [20] He is arrogant and very driven which, combined with his power, makes him incredibly dangerous;[21] he is willing to go extremely far to achieve his goalsfor example, he would be willing to use Hemalurgy on a large scale to create powerful Allomancers if ultimately necessary to protect Scadrial from other forces in the cosmerethough is not quite as utilitarian as Taravangian. [12] He always smiles and projects an excited and positive attitude, which is particularly unusual in the skaa underground. This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 22:51. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. In addition, Kelsier is a competent warrior, defeating multiple Hazekillers and Mistings while outnumbered and disarmed. The brothers have a real avatar Southern Scadrial spear no longer being a symbol ) that... Edit ] Dockson met his death, Kelsier invited a team of the best thieves the! 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