Furthermore, a test-tube study suggested that sage behaves similarly to insulin a hormone that helps manage blood sugar levels by moving sugar in your blood into your cells for storage, thus lowering levels of this marker (25). While there are numerous types of sage in the world today, the most popular by far is white sage (S. apiana). Because there is not enough research on the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Sage is naturally packed with nutrients, minerals and antioxidants that work together to provide a number of health benefits. Although mouthwashes that contain sage extract can effectively reduce this bacteria, studies show that drinking sage tea has a similar effect. Is Lamb Healthy? It is also commonly used as a spice in foods and fragrance in soaps and other cosmetics.People today still drink sage tea to help with things like oral health and brain function, among other possible benefits. Images are provided by Shutterstock & our contributors. Treats Wounds and HyperhidrosisWhite sage tea has antibiotic and antihistamine-like effects that make it ideal for healing wounds and rashes (when cooled down, of course). Here is how you can make a herb tea from sage leaves: Sage tea is generally made from one teaspoon of dried sage leaves per cup of boiling water. 2. In fact, gargling sage tea is often recommended as a remedy for mouth wounds and sore throats (18). For thousands of years Sage has been a natural way to heal man. While sage tea may provide some of the same benefits, its effects may not be as pronounced. The health benefits of sage tea may include its possible ability to lower anxiety, reduce cancer risk, mitigate menopausal symptoms, detoxify the body, aid in weight loss, reduce blood sugar levels, boost appetite, soothe the stomach, and stimulate the immune system. Animal-based tests indicate that the methanolic extract inhibited the absorption of fat in the pancreas, leading to a decrease in overall body weight in mice fed a high-fat diet. Both types of sage are often found as essential oils and used in aromatherapy practices. 11 Spiritual benefits of Lavender. Required fields are marked *. For centuries sage has been one of the most popular ingredients for herbal medicines around the world. The data from thein vitroandin vivo research suggested that an extract of the sage leaves inhibited gut motility and curbed spasmodic activity of the gut. In this respect, the sage protects the heart. These possibly antibacterial and antiviral qualities of this herb can also balance the microflora in the gut, ultimately, relieving excess flatulence, bloating, cramping, and constipation. They also reported an overall improvement in alertness, calmness and contentedness. (, Sages ability to lower glucose levels has been proven in animal studies, . 1. Sage rituals commonly include a handful of elements: the setting of intentions, the power of intuition, and the cleansing of a space using a sage smudge, or stick. The amount of sage that gets infused into sage tea depends on how long you steep the leaves.To avoid any health risks, you should limit yourself to 3 to 6 cups of sage tea per day. In this respect, regular consumption of sage tea is thought to prevent all types of cancer, especially skin cancer. Sage tea may slow the development of Alzheimers disease, as well as improve mood and memory. The plant contains compounds that ease insomnia, improve sleep quality, and soothe anxiety. If you dont want to burn it, drinking sage tea is an option. These participants displayed an increase in the speed of recall in memory-related tests. Sage tea (Salvia officianalis) is made from the leaves of the sage plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region and has become one of the most beloved herbs used in culinary applications around the world. In the Middle East, pregnant women commonly use sage to treat digestive symptoms like nausea, a common problem early in pregnancy (35, 36). This is because the tea contains phytoestrogens, which are biochemicals that mimic estrogens effects in the human body, but safely. These ritual elements evoke healthy and purifying habits outside the ritual as well; how much would our lives (and our earth) improve with the mere act of regularly setting intention? Its on the stronger side, not soft or flowery. Sage might help with chemical imbalances in the brain that cause problems with memory and thinking skills. Its a different type of medicine, one that was relied on for eons and centuries, as opposed to decades of synthesized medicines. Alzheimers progresses due to amyloid plaques that form in the brain. refers to a specific room in a monastery called an officina. Related: Red Sage: A TCM Herb that Boosts Heart Health & More. Animal and test-tube studies have shown that this antioxidant provides numerous benefits, such as decreased inflammation and blood sugar levels (3, 4). . Sage has been used as a tea for centuries. Even back in the 1500s, Sage was believed to improve brain function. Researchers developing natural alternatives to weight-loss control methods studied the effects of the methanolic extract derived from the leaves of common sage. Here are 9 emerging benefits and uses of sage tea. Top 6 Sage Benefits, What Is Sage Used For? Sage has a soothing impact on menstrual cramps and digestive issues such as gas or bloating. Here are 11 benefits just off the top of my head: 11 Benefits of White SageThis medicinal plant has impressive properties for your health, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. is a member of the mint family and thought to have originated in the Mediterranean. One study in 135 adults found that simply smelling the aroma of this herb boosted memory and mood, compared with a control group (34). Traditionally, Native Americans drank white sage tea to relieve diarrhea as well. The next time youre cooking with this herb, consider making a pot of tea as well. The tastes of sage leaves repels some common garden pests, such as carrot flies and cabbage moths. Many delicious ingredients are also exceptionally healthy. Sage is also available dried in the spice section of most grocery stores. Sage tea as you know will reduce mucous secretions in the sinuses, throat, and lungs. Sage and the Passage of Life Sage is also associated with mourning and the passage of life. The health benefits of sage tea may include its possible ability to lower anxiety, reduce cancer risk, mitigate menopausal symptoms, detoxify the body, aid in weight loss, reduce blood sugar levels, boost appetite, soothe the stomach, and stimulate the immune system. Sage teas anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects may be responsible for many of its purported benefits, but more human research is necessary (10). Herbal teas like sage tea are great for times when you want to ditch the caffeine. Because cases of seizures associated with ingesting sage have been reported, high-dose or long-term use of sage tea might not be safe, although more research is needed to confirm this health risk.. Namely; 2 teaspoons of sage tea on average contain 20 mg of calcium and potassium. Erythritol is now one of the most popular natural zero-calorie sweeteners available. Have a wish that you would like to see fulfilled? 3. (, Many Native American communities burn dried bundles of sage as part of their ceremonial practices. Sage may boost insulin action, and therefore, a daily cup of tea may be helpful for those with diabetes. You can consume herbs as a dietary supplement (think ginger, echinacea or dandelion) you can drink tea by infusing sage leaves in water, or you can apply an herb as a compress (think of calendula). Eucalyptus is recognized as one of Earths earliest herbal healers. Sage tea contains a very good degree of antioxidants is beneficial vitamins and elements, it is possible to eliminate infections. Evidence Based. People commonly use sage for. Sage may boost insulin action, and therefore, a daily cup of tea may be helpful for those with diabetes. Add sage leaves, sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice. 9. He co-founded the literary journal, Sheriff Nottingham, and now serves as the Content Director for Staind Arts, a non-profit based in Denver, Colorado. Lavender has been used for centuries in healing, love spells and purification, and is known spiritually to be restoring and calming. Antioxidants such as diosmetine, apigenin, and luteolin found in sage combat depression and stress. Eating Sage can contribute to many health benefits that may help you live longer, such as improved immunity, defense against chronic disease, and prevention of diabetes.*. Its a very individual matter. Its not surprising that Sage is associated with immortality,considering all of the curative and healing abilities it contains. The smoke clears away negative energy and attracts positive energy. It may also accelerate wound healing and kill harmful bacteria and fungi. Sage has many different varieties and cultivars. Pomelos are rich in vitamin C & potassium among other nutrients & antioxidants. But white sage actually contains thujone which is an interesting mild psychoactive compound (found in many plants) and its connected to spiritual rituals. Holding an amethyst crystal during meditation can open your crown chakra, which helps to heal overthinking and opens you to deeper spiritual insight. You should see smoke coming off the bundle. Cultures across the planet have relied on it to achieve a state of mental healing or to solve spiritual dilemmas, and theres some scientific evidence to back this up. Here are 7 health benefits of eating cucumber. Traditional herbalists have used sage to treat a wide variety of ailments and complaints, including swelling, infection, pain relief and memory enhancement. Yet, research demonstrates that sage helps reduce hot flashes. 5 Surprising Benefits Of Sage Tea | Organic Facts. Increases Cognitive AbilitiesBeyond relieving negative energy and improving your mood, some RESEARCH shows that inhaling the scent of white sage can improve your alertness and even enhance cognition. [3], As a natural diuretic and stimulant for the liver and kidneys, sage tea is able to speed the process by which toxins are eliminated from the body through urination. The powerful health benefits of dates include providing an energy boost, increasing iron in the body, and aiding digestion.. [9]. Cucumbers are low in calories but high in beneficial nutrients that may lead to various health benefits. Another study out of Northumbria University in the U.K. administered doses of Spanish sage essential oil to participants before testing them for cognitive performance and mood ratings, . This herbal tea is rich in fiber and fiber-containing foods support functions of the digestive system. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Heres our process. ", Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics: "Salvia officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. You can use baking soda, chalk, or dishwashing liquid to loosen the stain before a wash. 2023 Organic Information Services Pvt Ltd. All the information on this website is for education purpose only. Use a feather or your hand to fan the smoke around you to wash yourself of negativity. Sage tea is soothing, flavorful and naturally caffeine-free. Two to three cups a day would have an impact, but much more beyond that and you might start to dehydrate yourself. You can also burn sage to improve mood, use it in household cleaning products, add it to bath salts and use sage essential oil for skin benefits. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Now this popular culinary herb can be found in many regions and is a favorite addition of kitchen herbalists around the world. Citrine for Confidence and Manifesting Wealth. More commonly known as smudging, the act of spreading the sage smoke throughout an area is believed to dispel negative energy and promote healing, Sage can add a distinct aroma to a DIY cleaner. Improves Sleep QualityRESEARCH shows that burning sage in your bedroom for a few minutes before sleep might help you sleep better at night. Sage tea has appetite-stimulating properties that can help you put those pounds back on. Scientific research backs many of these uses (26). This attribute is further expressed by the fact that Sage is represented by the element of Air and has Jupiter as its planetary association, both of which deal with matters of the mind and thought. Sage also offers its power to protect the mind from negative energies, making it especially effective in driving off nightmares when placed under the pillow. May promote healthy skin and wound healing, 6. For instance,researchers out of the University of Minho in Portugal gave mice and rats common sage tea to test its antidiabetic effects. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. Leave the leaves to steep until you have reached your desired strength (around 5 to 8 minutes), and then strain them out. The data from thein vitroandin vivo research suggested that an extract of the sage leaves inhibited gut motility and curbed spasmodic activity of the gut. . Serve hot or chilled. Palo santo oil can be used to reduce stress levels, too. But sage tea is known to be good for stress, boredom, depression, and correct negative psychology. Animal-based tests indicate that the methanolic extract inhibited the absorption of fat in the pancreas, leading to a decrease in overall body weight in mice fed a high-fat diet. A famous Italian proverb states, Why should a man die who has sage in his garden? There is an Old English superstition that if you eat Sage every day in May, you will live forever. Treats Sinus InfectionsYou can inhale the aroma given off a burning white sage bundle for a few minutes, or you can drink it as tea. However, if there is no such possibility, instead of teas sold in grocery stores, is recommended to take sage as a leaf from an herbalist. This beverage may also have a few downsides. Meanwhile, a mouse study determined that replacing water with sage tea reduced fasting blood sugar levels (24). Burn Rosemary to cleanse your aura 3. If you were to extract both of their oils (and these are commercially available), both sage varieties happen to have a pale yellow-green color, but white sage has a strong earthy scent, while clary sage has a sweeter more pleasant aroma (this is my opinion). This plant stimulates and purifies the heart's energy center and boosts the energy movement between your hands and your heart. Again, the sage leaves should retain their green color and soft texture. Sage may relieve oral pain and inflammation, as well as bad breath. Just FYI, the practice of burning herbs (aka smudging) is a non-religious one. How to get oil out of clothes? 7 spiritual benefits of sweetgrass The main use of sweetgrass is smudging as it is belied to cleanse and purify a space, as well as invite in positive energies. If you have sage in your herb garden, simply pick some of these leaves, wrapthem in a damp towel and refrigerate until you are ready to use them. Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. Can improve memory with sage. In this context, is known that drinking sage tea every day, especially at the onset of Alzheimers disease, contributes to the treatment of disease. In Italy, it is often chopped fresh and mixed with melted butter to serve as sauce for pasta or gnocchi. Sage tea is a drink made from infusing hot water with sage, a popular aromatic herb that is also known as common sage or garden sage.A member of the mint family, sage is native to the Mediterranean region and Asia Minor. It even kills the bacteria that trigger the infection in the first place according to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. Theres also evidence that it can alleviate the symptoms of menopause like sweating, hot flashes, and estrogen imbalances. The anti-inflammatory properties of sage tea can also help lower any inflammation in your mouth and throat. Fresh sage plants are commonly available in most home and garden centers during the early spring planting season. They found that after four weeks of sage tea consumption, there were no real effects on glucose regulation, but an improvement in lipid profile was observed with lower plasma LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels as well as higher plasma HDL cholesterol levels during and two weeks after treatment. (5). For instance,researchers out of the University of Minho in Portugal gave mice and rats common sage tea to test its antidiabetic effects. http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/act.2010.16510, http://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/10/9/3937/htm, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378874104005902, https://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0007114506002108, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4614-4310-0_50#page-1, http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fphar.2011.00079/full, http://jiroft.itvhe.ac.ir/_fars/Documents/328ab967-e9fe-4f04-bf67-affbf7af65da.pdf#page=114, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2225411016302206, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027323001000139X, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bauPs0AMK4, 12 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, Hibiscus Tea: Benefits, How to Make & Side Effects, Calamansi Juice: Benefits, Recipe, and Side Effects, Pomelos: Benefits & How To Eat Them (Pummelo). Nature's Anti-Depressant Ask your doctor if its right for you before doing this, and watch out if youre combining it with medications for this purpose. All rights reserved. Sage tea is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Dates are sweet fruitsof the date palm tree. Ceremonial purposesBurning sage has long been used as a way to connect with the spiritual realm. The mice were treated with either sage methanol extract or a control for five weeks. Certain types of sage contain different levels of chemicals, including thujone, which can result in liver and kidney damage, as well as seizures, if consumed in excess quantities. However, moderate consumption of sage tea, particularly if you dont have any existing liver or kidney conditions, should not have any adverse side effects. Lets discuss some of the important health benefits of sage tea: Perhaps the best-known use of sage tea is as a menopause regulator, specifically in the case of hot flashes. However, as with my other herbal suggestions, consuming too much sage tea can cause some health problems. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. 5. Smudge/Burn Rosemary for cleansing your space 2. Understanding the meaning of Babys Breath flowers means understanding its whisper of quiet power. White sage is known botanically as Salvia apiana or S. apiana and can be purchased in a bundle, as a liquid extract dietary supplement, or a tea. Smudge with lavender to promote tranquility & balance. Drinking extremely large amounts of sage tea or consuming this herb in other forms over an extended period may cause heart problems, seizures, vomiting, and kidney damage if youre ingesting more than 37 grams of thujone per day (41, 42). Copyright 2022 |Suzy Cohen, Americas Pharmacist & Dear Pharmacist, Inc.|All Rights Reserved This tea also induces sweating, which further helps to detoxify the body through the skin. Calms a Sore ThroatSage leaf tea is a proven strategy for alleviating a sore throat, at least according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Guide. Sage tea (Salvia officianalis), a herbaceous, strutting plant, grows naturally in almost every rural region in Anatolia. Massage with lavender oil for cleansing & releasing stuck emotions. Write your wish on a sage leaf and tuck the leaf under your pillow. ~ Especially blood pressure patients should not drink sage without consulting a doctor. Treats Sinus Infections You can inhale the aroma given off a burning white sage bundle for a few minutes, or you can drink it as tea. 9. In Italy, it is often chopped fresh and mixed with melted butter to serve as sauce for pasta or gnocchi. Sage is a perennial, evergreen shrub with grayish-green leaves and a woody stem. The oil obtained from leaves of sage also helps to maintain the health of the scalp, hair to grow healthier and bushy. This powder is exceedingly delicate and fluffy. 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