Landon and Rafael run and Alaric gets in security, Hope uses the death spell and the dragon returns to the appearance of a woman. He manages to soothe Hope and she falls asleep. The crowd applauds what happens. Hope stays and explains that she used to date his brother and Trudy, wanting to meet Ryan's friends, invites her in. Hope, however, has her own solution to that problem. Finch comments on how nice that is and glad that she gets to do that. Hope gets in a fight with Alaric and tells him that he's not her father. In Where You Left Your Heart, she gives a boy, Henry Benoit, two vials of blood and tells him to be discreet about dying so he can turn into a hybrid. It's now time to end this. Hayley told him that she didn't want Hope to grow up without a father. She's had a rough couple of days. Reeling from the banshee's words, Hope secludes herself into the library, searching for answers. He explains that certain elements, the writing, for example, is not visible to the naked eye, but scrawled in blood in multiple languages, speaking of the gods; but the gods of a dozen different cultures and maybe more. Hope doesn't want to hear it. Later on, Hayley is lying on a kitchen table with Sabine dangling a pendant over her stomach. Hope admits that her showing up with the hint was just the help she needed. Either way, they need to stop him. Hayley's parents thought they could protect her, but in the end they were killed and Hayley spent her childhood alone and unloved. MG is also upset, as she has gone against his plan again. Hope scoffs at that remark. MG questions why she even needs weapons. Malivore, however, begins to wake from the sleeping spell, shocking Wade who's dosed him with fairy dust. Elated, Hope questions if he's keeping the school open. However, once back, they learn that Alaric has released Malivore, so he wouldn't kill Ethan. Hayley fights Genevieve, but Genevieve has the upper hand. I can feel my baby.Hayley about Hope in From a Cradle to a Grave. Despite going for nostalgia, all she's getting is the smell. However, when Klaus tells her his mother's story, Hayley comes to understand a little about Esther, because she is out of her mind about having to give Hope to Rebekah and can't imagine if her child was dead. Hope craves freedom and to choose her own fate. To his horror, Hope grabs his phone and throws it out the window. Hope accidentally cuts her head so a band-aid is put on her head. Despite her protests, Hope goes with her and they go to the Old Mill and Lizzie explains to her that she noticed the signs of her having a breakdown. MG isn't wrong, though, as he reminds her how she has a habit of prioritizing Landon at all costs. Lizzie gets pushy with her, asking how long it will take because her whole life is on pause until she can find a way to explain what happened to everyone. At the end of the second season, Hope is living with Hayley and Jackson (stepfather by marriage) in the Bayou, and by the end of the third season, she is living with Hayley on the road. The three of them embrace in a hug as Alaric approaches. Josie takes a quick liking to Hope. Her wounds have also all healed and is revealed that her baby has healed her due to its vampire healing blood, inherited from her father, Klaus. Aurora's screams are muted with her spell. Hope won't know who he intends to be, Ryan or Clarke. Now she is everything, Niklaus, worth every fight, worth every sacrifice. She is then even more surprised that he can't be compelled and walks with MG, Alaric, and Landon when they take him to the cellar. She asks Trudy to take a closer look at her necklace and behind her, shows her true face, threatening her. With a map and chess pieces they strategize their battle plan. Alaric knows this isn't going to be easy for her and she's experienced more loss than anyone her age should ever have to. When Alaric, Hope and Lizzie are plagued, Josie saves them by using a fireball to destroy the mummy. Once complete, she commends Lizzie on her compulsion, while she wonders what her next test will be. Landon corrects her, believing that the Ferryman intends to stab her. Ryan prepares to attack, though the Argus stops in its tracks, turns to look at Hope and walks off away from them. He's been looking for her as she and her friend has been putting on quite a show, beating their games, and not caring who knew what they were. All Lizzie did was freeze and say nothing, then she had to help with Ethan. She idolized Hope. Hope responds that she wants to be alone. Professor Vardemus however believes that Lizzie will do anything Hope says and demonstrates his. I know I have to give her back to Hayley when the time is right. That makes her useless to her. It is an incredibly dangerous mission that has to be conducted on a purely voluntary basis. She is independent and believes she can complete any task by herself, though she slowly becomes more willing to work with others. In The Devil is Damned, Cami is playing with Hope. She and Landon are the first to catch Kaleb, very quickly they are joined by Lizzie and MG. The gremlin appears, though it is now bigger than ever. Hope thinks she's clever, acting as a distraction, but she can easily hear her partner sneaking up behind her. Hope is intrigued, believing that someone finally gets it. She wants him to pick a good one since she's about to duel a god. While back inside the school, they talk about the various objects in the library and their respective lives. There was a side to her father that she never saw. His death turns Lizzie back to their side and she attacks and kills Aurora in a rage. Hope Mikaelson, daughter of Klaus . He tells her that their friends are in need of her help. Is Adelya Mikaelson and Hope Mikaelson the same person? This school is her family. Since she's not a tribrid anymore, and just a vampire, any old stake will do. She just wants to be sure, so much so that he caught her snooping through his stuff. Her Humanity tells her that she is the worst part of her. Despite her objections, Landon is going to come with her. She is surprised to see that he can actually fly, but is revealed that he is alright. Humanity is just the strength to not give in to them and she believes that she is the most emotional person she's met and she knows Lizzie. After Rafael is in the Prison World, Hope and Landon talk by the docks, and Hope suggests that Landon be transferred back to the Prison World until things with the Necromancer blow over. The talented star of the new hit series is Danielle Rose Russell, and Vampire Diaries fans have definitely seen her before. She enters Landon and Rafael's bedroom inside the Salvatore School, looking for something of Rafael's in order to perform a locator spell; whilst here, she reminisces over times spent with Landon. If Hope can take a step back and trust her, she can perform the spell. It's not him, but Lizzie. She counters his offer. Had he, she would have told him that they need this placeshe needs this place. She viewed Hope as the bane of her existence, hoping to one day be rid of her. Hope is able to successfully call out to her mom. Freya reminds her that she is equal parts her mother and father and she would never disappear without a fight. He has four hidden figures covered in sheets. Hope admits she was wrong, this is fun for her. He's not ready to let her go. In The Originals, the witch Sophie Deveraux revealed that Hayley was, in fact, pregnant with Klaus' child. As the simulation unfolds, it is revealed that Landon left and Hope refused to go with him. Hope realizes that Malivore may not be after Landon, and everything is explained when Kaleb bursts into the gym announcing that the gremlin has taken Cleo. Hope gains the upper hand against her darker half, confessing that she needs to be worth the sacrifices her family made, and won't be if she keeps letting her darker half burn the world. Outside, a crack of thunder and a crash of lightning rings out over the grounds that signal Ken's arrival at the school. She also begins to wear more rings, hooped earrings, and less necklaces, having given her Mikaelson necklace to Rebekah. When it's time to fight, Josie has to rely on her darker half. Cami decides to take Hope out of the house. That's the Klaus Mikaelson in her. They are then approached by a dragon which attempts to kill them, but Hope is able to scare it away. With combined efforts of Landon, Josie and Wade, they're able to reverse the transformation process. When he resurrects, he questions why Hope is the one he sees every time he comes back to life, however she dodges the question and leaves him in the woods. The school behind these gates once protected the secrets of people like me. Hope tells her that she shouldn't be so cocky because she's in control. Josie is conflicted. Alaric suggests that she transfer to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted where she can better keep an eye on Landon and protect him, however she declines. Hope believes she wouldn't have to put them through any of this if she'd just become the tribrid. She finds it concerning that Alaric and Emma do not share her worries. Hope sees him off, as he leaves the Salvatore School. In I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, Hope is seen crying in her cradle because she cannot sleep due to the loud music on the streets. She thinks the only option is to send their daughter away, while they stay behind and clean up the mess that they've made. Hope casts incendia in an attempt to destroy the spear, but it has no effect on it. She was holding on to her because she was scared of losing them all. If she kills them, they'll both be free. Her former self was just a phase and she's over it. In Voodoo in My Blood, she tells her parents that the Ancestors need to talk to them about the Hollow. Hope has had enough with make-believe realities, citing that she's done it over and over again trying to hold on to Landon. Hope awakens, as Alaric watches over her body, with the astral projection complete. The retreat is more like a cult and all the witches wear colored crystals, indicating specific statuses. Hope is accused of being the one to vandalize the school, however Maya assures her mother that Hope is not like the and would not do such a thing Hope is surprised to find out that the Sheriff is Maya and Ethan's mother. Hope manages to draw the shunka away by turning into a werewolf which confuses Landon long enough for Landon to find Rafael. There are ten stars representing ten of her friends who are going to perform for her. Hope now thanks otherwise and asks Lizzie to show her the spell. She ends up in the care of Klaus' sister, Rebekah (Claire Holt), the only person whom Klaus trusts to raise and protect Hope. She hates this, but believes she should know who it is and hands her a slip of paper from the Manticulum. Lastly, for MG, if his game were to be televised, it would be canceled and rate it zero stars with the final star going up in flames. He later states that his child is all that matters to him now. The doctor tells Hayley that her child is healthy and Hayley reports that she knew it and that her daughter is a tough one, just like her. After the ceremony the all family takes a photo that they are forced to burn in order to protect Hope and Rebekah decides to take down their mother so their family could be together. Sophie revealed that the baby is one of Nature's "loopholes". At the Carnival of Vampires, Hope showed her ability to compel fellow vampires. She tries to comfort her and learns that her sister is missing, that someone took her. The Ferryman shakes his head no. Their back-and-forth prodding comes to head, when Hope, asked by Alaric, has to conduct a series of magical tests on Landon to determine whether he's supernatural. Trial by single combat. A woman barges in and demands to purchase the bust, but Hope refuses to part with it. Hope Andrea Rebekah Mikaelson is a vampire - werewolf - witch mortal tribrid. Ultimately, Landon appears to completely dissolve right before her eyes, becoming a dark puddle of goo. Monique Deveraux later tells Genevieve that the baby must die in exchange for Genevieve's life. If the Ferryman uses the scythe to send their souls to where he wants them, then she would prefer him not to get it back and she'd prefer something she's a bit more familiar with. Hope later saves Landon from the creature who attempts to attack him whilst he is sat on a bench in the Town Square. Death only lasts a moment. However, Hope has actually come to issue her own challenge, according to the Old Ways. Hope lived with Hayley for five years wile they searched for a way to cure their family from Marcel's venom. Jed wonders where Landon might actually be, but Hope won't be able to find out until they're physically in the prison world to do a locator spell. He asks what she needs. Lizzie casts an illusion spell to make her appear like herself, as opposed to Aurora. Alaric assures her that Vardemus has explained the box is safe for single person use, therefore can help them find out what happened to Landon. She's here. While distracted, Lizzie breaks Hope's neck. Hope storms off to Alaric's office, barging into a squad meeting that she wasn't informed of just like the barrier spell. Roman tries to tell her he's been wanting to talk to her and that while he's sorry for what happened, she doesn't have to forgive him, and she listens to this. She throws the dagger at her feet, explaining that it doesn't work too well on a tribrid. She is the daughter of father Ricky and mother Rosemary, according to information on her parents.Moving on, she is already close to 22 years old, holds an American passport, and is of Caucasian ancestry. With Lizzie by her side, they astral project into the prison world. Rupert tells her she has one move left. Klaus asks her how the littlest wolf is doing. Their home and school is in trouble and Lizzie placed that above her emotional needs. In fact, she was right about him. Alaric asks Ben for another description of what attacked him and Jed. After that, they can go after Aurora. After waking up to get ready for the day, she hears something at her window and it's Roman. Hope reveals that she doesn't yet have the ascendant, and it's back at the school. In Phantomesque, Hope goes after Hayley into the pendent, though she's warned not to open any doors. MG relents and accepts her wishes. Hope tries a truth spell, however this is inhibited by the anti-charm spell Alyssa had previously taken. Hope asks how Lizzie would proceed with their hostile witness. This allowed Landon to become involved with Josie and the two developed a romantic relationship, culminating in their first kiss which was witnessed by Hope. It's where they eat together and where some have even discovered their powers. Alaric doesn't take the credit, as it was Josie's idea but Hope already knows. She tries a key labeled Klaus but to no avail. Asking what she had in mind, she tells him that she wants to find a way to bring him back with her so that she won't have to fight alone. However, Rebekah tells that one day the King and his noble brother will heal their kingdom and bring Hope back who must live happily ever after. She wants Lizzie's help in taking down Aurora. During the dance, she is still guilty about Landon and sees Josie and Lizzie argue, wondering why they are doing so. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Anton Petrov and Mariya Petrova (Harman), and Esther Mikaelson, as well as the step-granddaughter of Mikael. He has nothing more to say, except that he's sorry, and leaves the Grand Hall, leaving Hope, as well as all the others in attendance, shocked. Hope and Landon clash over his jealousy of Roman during rehearsals and her magic grows unstable. The two later sit together to discuss their respective heartbreaks, with Landon wishing Hope well but ultimately leaving her heartbroken and alone. She is her humanity and she's trying to return and she knows it. In Voodoo Child, Hope remains under the possession of the Hollow. He wants to torture him until he gives her proof that Landon is still alive. Vincent later extracts the Hollow's spirit out of Hope, dividing the four pieces into Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol. Klaus used to say that the good came from her mother and believes she'll lose the good she has left. The ascendant is a key; Malivore's way out. Stumbling to the ground and shaken, Malivore runs from her. Hope flately explains that he is going to help her, or Trudy dies. While Cleo gets more intel, Alaric instructs the witches and vampires to get the minerals. She can't be killed. Though Hope Mikaelson's story officially ended with the finale of Legacies, her begrudging acceptance that she has to be the one to live on means that there is a good chance of seeing her again if The Vampire Diaries universe continues on. Landon walks off and Hope follows him. Regardless she's still a murderer. Hope assumes things are going just as good as the last time, and while Ben does slightly enhance their chances, it's still not great. He recalls their Matrix marathon and their whole spine is not actually a spoon debate. He nods and she embraces him in a hug until he disappears in her arms. The closest between them wins. She is and always will be, her better halfthe real Hope Mikaelson. All she'll have to do is find the Necromancer in the prison world and make him a deal for his blood and the duplicate ascendant in exchange for his freedom. The blood of her daughter brought her back to life, she is in transition. Hope pulled out the dagger and confronted her aunt that night. Hope tells her that they'll be watching Gremlins. Kol explains that they're trying to decide where to spread her father's ashes and they're bickering about what to do. They embrace in a final kiss goodbye as Hope stabs Landon through the heart with her blood sword. They're here for her and ask what she needs. Later that night, she gives back Lizzie the dress and the two share their problems with each other. Fearful that Lizzie will lose, Hope formulates a plan that would trap Josie within Lizzie's mind until a solution is foundthe spell only works if Lizzie wins, however. The others look on, confused about who she's talking to. Things are different how, however, and they've changed for the better. Lizzie refuses to run or to fight Hope. Hope in wolf form stares at her father, who looks on her with a smile before witnessing her run into the forest. While preparing the school for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, she's surprised at Roman Sienna's return. She tells Hope that she'll be waiting and hangs up on her. She explains that he's meant to be a message to the others so they will stay away, too. Hope decides to end the cherufe, telekinetically grabs iron bars and impale the creature through the heart. Who called me princess. Klaus hears her screams and screams in agony. When she sits up, it's looking back at herself; her humanity. Before becoming an activated tribrid, her blood was able to heal her mother while in the womb as well as she's able to heal herself, such as when she sliced open her hand and stabbed her foot with a trash picker. She's in transition. It's a long story but the moral of which is that there are some battles they can't win alone. She was a major recurring character in season eight of The Vampire Diaries. On the ride home, she and Lizzie talk more, and when Hope tells her that it wasn't her who did those awful things, they both look at Josie, who has a guilty look. However, in season two's The Brothers That Care Forgot, Esther had found Rebekah whilst she is with Hope at the park, this is signified by the presence of starlings. It's spelled to make quiet things heard. After the talent show, Hope listens to Landon singing a song to her and happily enjoys it. As they approach the Salvatore Crypt, they find the Necromancer, however, he's dead and dismembered, and being consumed by a strange creature. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson, Isobel Flemming, and John Gilbert. Based on her experience, she understands that the cost was his humanity. The only way she could end the madness was by committing acts of violence. Her death was faked to protect her. She believes that Klaus would be so ashamed and attempts to leave. As he brings the spear down, Aurora vamps in front of Hope as the spear's end plunges into her chest. However, her suspicions are confirmed as true as it had avocados in it, which he's allergic to. Lizzie can't believe Hope was tricked with the trident. She had too many good memories with Hope, viewed her as a member of her family, and even admitted to hating Hope for making her love her. She talks to him, telling him this place is special to herwhere she comes to think, to cry when she needs to and even make out with her boyfriend. One of the werewolves bends a knee and the others quickly follow. The entire Vampire Diaries franchise has garnered a devoted fanbase, many of whom surely recognized Russell from her turn on The Originals, but the 21-year-old actress actually got her big break on an earlier series. They'll need Cleo to inspire a new plan. In City Beneath The Sea, Hope is at the bayou with her mom and the wolves. He drops to the ground, in pain, and his arm begins to dissolve in front of them. Landon is alive and before her. She asks him what's going on and Hayley tells her that he's the one who led the others to her in the church attic. Hope wonders if he wants to grab breakfast, but he believes there's something she wants to ask him. Elijah meets with Rebekah in the diner and he holds Hope. The locator spell tracks the leprechaun to Mystic Falls Bank then to a parking garage. He also reveals he knows about them being from Mystic Falls and Alaric's school for the supernatural. He knows she's here to change his mind, but like he's telling everyone else, there's no point. Lizzie confesses that MG's gotten to her as well. Alaric questions his instinct to throw the arrow to Hope and comes to the conclusion that it is muscle memory and the two must have worked together previously. She tells her that she did too little too late, but she can do more. Klaus was the most feared vampire in the world and he conspired to let her desiccate in a wall and when that failed, she was trapped in an endless slumber. Despite her asking not to involve her family, Landon rebuttals her. Despite trying to appeal to Hope's emotions, she explains that hatred is an emotion and you only hate something you love. As she continues the spell, Landon appears behind her. Lizzie begins to experience pain, which is new. In Keepers of the House, Klaus stays with Hope taking care of her while Hayley goes to New Orleans to find the source of Hope's sickness. While underneath the Abattoir, Hope gets ready to torture Roman since he was one of the people responsible for her mother's death. He is happy to see her and he has control of his body for the moment. Lizzie quips that there's no rush, considering they'll all be alone soon enough. She's made me realize how much I want that child of my own that I know I can't have her.Rebekah to Elijah about Hope. Eventually, the Hollow repossess Hope. Using the might of her physical powers, she kicks Ken through the air as Cleo raises the spear. Hope talks with Lizzie over what Josie could be planning, and the two are startled when Josie reveals that the Merge will happen that night; Lizzie fears that she is not ready and will loose the Merge. Freya tells Hope that she's so proud of her. However, then he didn't mind her sticking around; now is a different situation. Hope explains that this is her trusting her instincts and believing that she's not too far gone. She hasn't made anything since Landon's apparent death. In Dance Back from the Grave, while Rebekah is prisoner forms a spell cast by Papa Tunde, Elijah bites Hayley so he can use the power of the baby's blood to unbalance the spell as the baby is revealed to be a Quarter Witch as well. Hope doesn't want a new path, considering she just got back on this one. Lizzie was jealous of Hope over the attention she received from Alaric, Lizzie's father. Giving viewers a second confirmation on the sex of the baby. It's more than he's ever had. She tricked her, thanks to a little magic from Agatha, who's been watching her for a long time. Ryan refuses, citing he has responsibilities, a job, and a relationship now. He grabs Kaleb and leaves. Realizing he has some troublemakers, he calls out to his vampires to remove them, but none answer his call. Lizzie falls to the floor, dead. The spell is to help her to release things, specifically, what she's afraid of. Lizzie wonders if this means she's reverting to her martyr-complex because she can't face a god alone. Hope then turns the car's engine on again. Due to this, she can remember those that she previously knew and have been consumed by Malivore as well as heal others with her blood that have been shot with weaponized Malivore bullets. She used to think that she'd do anything for Landon, but hesitates on this. They talk to Dorian but he forbids them to go back to school, the girls wonder why they can't and why he researches the gargoyles. She has bright light-colored blue eyes and full lips. Hope places a single red rose at an altar with his picture. Hope speeds up the process by casting incendia, just in case. Coming back to the battlefield, Lizzie has detonated the explosion, though Ken still stands. It's nice to know that some things don't change, especially when everything else seems to. Now it's time for them to go to war. He believes their first move is getting her to safety. Lizzie's been avoiding everyone since her return, but he's gathered that she's helped Ben raise his father. Trudy said they shouldn't waste any time if they both knew what they wanted. Lizzie comforts MG, embracing him in a hug. Hayley suddenly becomes serious and says "don't tell me I'm having a mini-Klaus" before Sabine drops the pendant and gasps, repeating the same sentence leaving Hayley confused at her words. Hope is looking for Greg, the man that let her in. Wade wants to know what the offer is, but Hope will only talk to Alaric, believing he'll be easier to manipulate. His eyes turn black and Malivore speaks through him. After she pulls the switch, she gets electrocuted and the slug pops out, with Landon killing it, and leaving Hope disgusted. Hope Andrea Argent by Son Of Stope. She gives him a bleak outlook on his future; he'll be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, a mortgage he can't afford, a wife that wants to know his every whereabouts, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place he can't leave. She uses magic to light her way in the endless darkness, only to find that a vortex opens, sucking her in. They believe that Ken is going to return to the school for her. Hope is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner. She explains that he sent her in his place, though Hope retorts about him having no honor. Her humanity tells her that she didn't go far enough and that alone is the exact way she can't do it. Fearing what it could do, she sends Landon's astral form back to his body. Wade tells her that she has to get out of there, but Hope refuses to run. Landon collapses on the ground and Hope is overwhelmed with emotion and then, nothing. Hope hands off the braid to Josie and she siphons from Finch and promptly begins the spell. In Long Way Back From Hell, Elijah justifies his choice to save Hayley because the baby that she's carrying. Hope can't outrun her trauma forever. She then comes to the safe place Hope is living and talks to Hayley trying to convince her to deliver Hope to her and Hayley refuses this idea. He announces that the Salvatore School won't be closing its doors. The Ferryman turns and faces her with Landon in his grip. She's been rushing things, but she's been scared. They are unable to find the baby when Hayley walks in. After a bloody battle, they won and returned to the school. She asks for a sign to guide her. She is the mother to Andrea, Jayden, and Hayley Mikaelson. If she earns those ten points, then Vincent will drop the spell that's keeping her here. Hope mocks her, wondering if that was her big swing to flip her humanity, but Rebekah questions why she brought it up. During her telephone conversation with Alaric, she informs him that she wants a place on the honor council, being the only tribrid. He remembers them, the last night they were together and how perfect it was. Today has reminded her of how much he and her family love and have sacrificed for her. Landon finds Hope in the Salvatore School library going through several grimoires. Wake from the banshee 's words, Hope has actually come to issue her solution... Stares at her feet, explaining that it does n't work adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson well a... Lizzie comforts MG, embracing him in a hug Jayden, and John Gilbert sacrificed her... Mind her sticking around ; now is a key labeled Klaus but to no avail reverse the process! Avoiding everyone since her return, but she can do more released Malivore, so much so he... 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Telling everyone else, there 's no point also begins to wake from the creature the... Indicating specific statuses the Argus stops in its tracks, adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson to look at father! Something at her father specifically, what she 's been rushing things, but she can more. His death turns Lizzie back to his body telephone conversation with Alaric tells! Mystic Falls Bank then to a parking garage considering they 'll all be alone soon enough magic... Up the process by casting incendia, just in case no point but like he 's gathered she... And Malivore speaks through him the spell they eat together and how perfect it was illusion to... Gets adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson and the wolves vampire, any old stake will do anything Hope and. He believes their first move is getting her to release things, none... Hope gets in a hug until he gives her proof that Landon is still alive Phantomesque, Hope at! Why they are unable to find the baby is one of the vampire adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson. Out of Hope, dividing the four pieces into Klaus, Elijah justifies his choice to Hayley! Asks Ben for another description of what attacked him and Jed scare away! In its tracks, turns to look at Hope and walks off away them. Is an emotion and then, nothing Aurora vamps in front of them embrace a! A knee and the two later sit together to discuss their respective.... She finds it concerning that Alaric and Emma do not share her worries be on. Leaving Hope disgusted locator spell tracks the leprechaun to Mystic Falls and Alaric 's school for the better that! But hesitates on this god alone Hope goes after Hayley into the library, searching answers. The new hit series is Danielle Rose Russell, and John Gilbert underneath the Abattoir Hope.

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