Although he may have sought shelter in an abandoned building, most, if not all, of the abandoned buildings in the area were searched and neither his remains, nor his personal belongings were ever found. Oh ok yeah that makes more sense. Its also possible that he went off the grid, as he has done in the past, and is now missing for an unknown reason. Or go to nearest farm house and just ask the exact address. Your email address will not be published. Unless he wanders on to a secret marijuana farm. True Crime Files reports, he was walking along Highway 68 between Canby, where he attended the party, and Marshall, where his parents lived. Even years later, there are still no answers regarding what happened to Brandon Swanson, though theories abound. If he went to Porter, he may have gone to his friend's house, or where the party was that night. As reported by The True Crime Files, Swanson planned to take a shortcut through some fields, as opposed to staying on the main road. If the farm worker operating the machinery is undocumented (or even if he isn't) it's easy to see why they would hide the body rather than have to explain the accident. Also you generally only use those at a specific times, plowing/harvest. Here is the exact quote: Interviewer: "did you try to call him after that? HasanAbi Net Worth: Height, Age, Bio, Career, Real Name & Girlfriend. The problem I have with this is that in this scenario, it seems like there would be pcs of broken phone or some kind of evidence at the scene. Instant classic. They were told at first that it was hardly unusual for young men that age to stay out all night after the last day of college classes. He was generally healthy and had no known pre-existing conditions. Hi Iris. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. all through the call, Swanson satisfied his dad and mom he changed into no longer injured and might wait with his automobile. After learning about the mysterious disappearance of Brandon Swanson, read other unsolved baffling cases like that of Brian Shaffer, who disappeared from an Ohio bar, and Brandon Lawson, who vanished from a Texan highway. Although it is plausible that the phone dropped to the ground at the same time as Swanson slipped within the water, it changed into by no means located close to any of our bodies of water within the place. In line with eyewitness statements, there had been liquids at the celebration, and Swanson had at least one shot of whiskey. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Since part of that circle included Yellow Medicine County to the north, authorities from that jurisdiction also took part. It set up a tip line; by 2015, 90 leads had been reported that way. Swanson's case remains unsolved. Still, the case is heartbreaking and I hope his loved ones can get at least some kind of closure one day. [8], Annette met with Marty Seifert, minority leader of the state House of Representatives at the time, whose district included Marshall, in a local restaurant. He attempted to call his friends for help but nobody answered. Just before 2 a.m., he called his parents on his cell phone, telling them he had driven his Chevrolet Lumina off the road and into a ditch from which he could not remove the car. It seems unlikely that Swanson would have staged his own disappearance, as hed been trying to meet up with his parents that night. So, he might have gone there. Here is a look at some of the facts and theories surrounding Brandons disappearance. Brandon Swansons disappearance mystery has now not been resolved after 13 years of his disappearance. Listen to this episode to hear what happened leading up to the accident, his phone calls with his parents and the investigation that ensued after. He also may have knocked on their doors that nigh. Dogs on those searches continued to follow scents of human remains into an area northwest of Porter that had not been searched earlier. Debbie is the owner of the blog True Crime Diva where she has been writing on unsolved murders and missing persons cases since 2010. Walking by the fence this will get me there faster. In this article, well take a look at some of the facts surrounding Brandon Swansons disappearance, as well as some theories about what might have happened to him. Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. [3], Annette and Brian Swanson got in their pickup truck and drove out to where they thought he was, keeping him on the phone despite occasional hangups and drops. He would have easily froze and hypothermia and blindness in that open area that is a sensible distance for him to walk from where his car got hung up, we believe he lost his phone crawling over all those fences and it was wet and dark and he was legally blind. Annie Martell Part Ways From John Denver; Where Is She Now? There is no sense to farm roads. Thanks for reading. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. Around 1:54 a.m, Swanson called his parents asking for a ride home. [5], After the original search found no sign of Swanson, most efforts were discontinued. Either in the duck reserve where its all thicket and fences and wetland for the ducks straight south. Brandon has not had any communication with his parents since. I really tend to think he did not die of exposure since the area he was in was not wooded, there are no dense forests or dense shrubs. Another is that something he ate or drank that evening intoxicated him in some way so that he lost his sense of direction or lost his memory of where he was going. My theory also is that he fell into water and then continued on. I can't help but think that either A. Brandon had had more alcohol than people said or saw him consume, or B. since a pipe was found in his car he might have been smoking something at the party, because he drove in the wrong direction, left the Highway and then ran into a ditch on a gravel road, then later walked across the fields in the pitch dark and apparently without his glasses. Farmers don't work in the middle of the night, at least not with huge pieces of equipment. In response to your questions, at 6:30 a.m. Brandons parents called police to report him missing. This is indeed a confusing and heartbreaking case and everyone has strong theories as to what happened. Brandon Swanson. He could have had a head injury and been disoriented and walked away. I've seen a few theories about farmers as there are many private farms nearby. However, Brandon was said to be in Porter. Good points, all of these. He was not on a highway he was walking on farm roads and through farmland and pastures. On Tuesday, May 13, 2008, Brandon Swanson, 19, of Marshall, Minnesota visited with friends and had a few drinks in nearby Lynd. If course, a lot of teenagers smoke pot and this doesn't really prove anything, but it at least somewhat helps support the theory. Surely he could swim? Authorities began their official search for Swanson shortly before noon. Frustrated cause no one can pick me up, I rifle through my car to find my heavy coat and I have to call my parents to come get me. His parents successfully lobbied the state legislature to pass Brandon's Law, which requires that police begin investigations of missing adults promptly. During the call, he told his father he passed several fences and gravel roads. Another interesting, yet unexplained tidbit was that apparently Brandon's car doors were opened upon discovery. But I guess that depends what route he took on the back roads. That definitely caught me by surprise :). I think your theory is pretty good. Since he has not been found above ground, one can only assume that he is below grund somewhere. Clothing or something? Leaving the car and navigating dark fields, Brandon called his parents for help. I try to avoid dark backroads as much as possible. Book Author Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. Im excited to present a guest post byDebbie Buck. After analyzing the SAR (Suspicious Activity Report) report, he uncovered details that the media never publicized. Annette and Brian Swanson believe their son's disappearance may have been solved if law enforcement had begun their investigation immediately after they reported him missing. I know that some animals will carry the prey off and bury it away from everything else. I hope Brandon is found soon and his loved ones get some answers. Thank you for sharing that! "There really is nothing to indicate that he's in the river," she told CNN. I wonder if someone came upon his vehicle and searched through it? In the months following his disappearance, law enforcement personnel and volunteers searched the region on horseback, on foot, and using all-terrain vehicles. Brandon Lawson was 26 years old when he went missing on August 9, 2013. He was in the middle of no where, there were no streets or smth like that. Why call your parents at all if you wanted to disappear anyway? If you take that immediate area where the car was and then the time frame when he was talking on the phone with his parents, who knows what direction he went and how far he traveled? (Kirk, 2018). "[9], Dennis Frederickson introduced a companion bill in the State Senate. Leaving the car and navigating dark fields, Brandon called his parents for help. He had been wandering about for a while spreading his scent everywhere. If you add up information about the call, the search dog tracks, the path of travel, the lay of the land, and the time of day and season of the year, it all paints a pretty compelling picture - that Brandon passed out in a field and was run over by a farm vehicle, and his death was covered up afterwards. Perhaps he was trying to avoid someone specific, besides the cops? He then chose to study wind turbines for a year at the Minnesota West Community and Technical College campus in Canby. He left his home in Tacoma, Washington to go running and never returned. Hi Courtney. Im not familiar with the area but what I have read about this is there are areas where there are mining shafts. On May 13, 2008, 19-year-old Brandon Swanson completed his first year at Minnesota West Community and Technical College. He didn't have his glasses and is legally blind. Wow! She had to sit in a service station to recharge the GPS because she couldnt get home without the GPS. I knew a young woman on Facebook who was driving in the city where she lived when the battery on her GPS died. However, in the morning he went disappeared, he forgot to take his glasses from his vehicle. Unless he lost his glasses in the car sometime that evening and was attempting to drive without them (I discover all sorts of things weeks later in my own car!) Over the months following Brandons disappearance, volunteers, emergency personnel and law enforcement utilized walkers, boats, horseback, and all-terrain vehicles to search areas of Lincoln, Lyon and Yellow Medicine Counties and bodies of water including Yellow Medicine River. Delzer said Swanson become legally blind from his left eye and constantly used glasses. If someone did go looking through it while leaving the doors open, prints would help in that case. This could explain his disorientation. -Brandon was taking backroads instead of the main highway. The disappearances of Brandon Swanson & Dan Zamlen from Minnesota are presented. Via the following day, the jewelry had been going immediately to voicemail. It's a puzzling case for many reasons. [3], A native of Marshall, seat of Lyon County in southwestern Minnesota, Swanson graduated from Marshall High School in 2007. Super late to this. But, his mother and father each stated he looked clean when they talked with him on the phone, and he did not have any facts of mental ailment. He told his parents he would walk the rest of the way and meet them in the parking lot of a Lynd tavern. His parents must be gutted about how this turned out. And at that hour in that area no one is going to be awake or driving around, so foul play is vanishingly unlikely. Just the trees and stuff in the distance. I read through the comments and nobody else seemed to catch it. Theories about Brandon range from the supernatural to conspiracy theories. Wikimedia CommonsBrandon Swanson disappeared in the early hours of May 14, 2008. Witnesses at the Canby party said he had an additional shot of whiskey, but left sometime after midnight to head back to Marshall. His final words to his parents on the phone were a chilling, Oh st!. However, as reported by The True Crime Files, Swanson's friends said he "did not appear to be intoxicated" when he left the party just after midnight on May 14. Anything is possible and I will always be preying for that miracle that someone stumbles upon him. The 19-year-old was driving home on a night in 2008 when he crashed his car into a ditch. immoral? Suddenly, as he drove down Highway 68, his car became stuck in a ditch Brandon called his parents, Brian . Of course, this info can't PROVE any theories, but I think it certainly has the potential to rule some out. Brandon Swanson is a 24-year-old man who has been missing since September 8th, 2016. I agree that this is a possible theory. As he was unable to get his car ack on the road, he called him parents for a ride. It will save lives. Within the months following his disappearance, regulation enforcement personnel and volunteers searched the region taking walks, on horseback, and the usage of all-terrain automobiles. An age-progression image of Brandon Swanson (Image courtesy of the Lincoln . Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment. The I dont know why Im not where I said I am but Ill walk to another location is not a good reason. The dogs indicated that Brandon did fall into the river, but quickly got back and continued along the eastern side of the river. They requested that the office of Lyon County sheriff Joel Dahl assist them. There have been several theories about what may have happened to Brandon. He remains missing. Lincoln County Sheriff Jack Vizecky said the vehicle was positioned in a way that Swanson would not be able to get any traction to get out of the ditch. So, where is Brandon Swanson? But, their calls had been by no means replied to. "I consider it one of the most important bills I authored in my 14 years. His final words to his parents on the phone were a chilling, Oh st!. It's a remote area with nothing but a few farms, a dirt road, and the middle of the night. The smiley face killers were active along interstate 94, which runs NEAR THE YELLOW MEDICINE RIVER WHERE BRANDON IS BELIEVED TO HAVE FALLEN IN. An extensive search involving police dogs, air surveillance, and hundreds of volunteers began. [3], After the searches, Annette Swanson was still struck[3] by the initial response of the Lynd police that her son had "a right to be missing" when she told them how old he was. Does anyone know how fast the water was by the fence line was? His mother called him back, apologizing, and Swanson told his parents he would just walk back toward his friends house in Lynd. Brandon Swanson deliberates his disappearance. He was wandering around farmland and wandered through at least one abandoned farm. If the call was still active, but there was simply silence after the "oh shit" then his parents surely would have heard something if he had fallen in the river or had been attacked by an animal. At the time of his disappearance Brandon was 19 years old, 5'6" and 120 lbs. The hit and run scenario is definitely a possibility. Take a second to support Christine on Patreon! I will share the link. The next morning, the police were notified, and a delayed search for Brandon Swanson began, assisted by helicopters, volunteers, and dogs. He attended a couple of local gatherings that evening, first in Lynd, near his home in Marshall, then in Canby, roughly 35 miles from home. Honored to have @chanel__ali on this week. Finding someone on the road is easier than finding someone who is in any kind of natural area. As he was on call with his parents the call suddenly went dead with him remarking "oh sh-t!" [3] So if Brandon was that mixed up with his location and walked as long as he did before yelling out, he could have . Likewise, if Swanson had fallen into the river, managed to climb back onto dry land, and eventually succumbed to hypothermia, a cadaver dog would also likely have picked up his scent. Is it a possibility that he fell? Brandon's Law, which was sponsored by former House Minority Leader Marty Seifert and Senator Dennis Frederickson, was signed into law by Minnesota's then-Governor, Tim Pawlenty, on May 7, 2009. Unsure of his exact location, he told them he believed he was near Lynd, and they drove out to pick him up; however, they were unable to locate him. However, later that day cell phone records showed Brandon was near Porter, Minnesota not by where he thought he was. Personally I go with the he fell in the river (which is really not much of a river at that point), got soaked, got out and walked on until he gave in to hyperthermia - and then just curled up in a field and perished. I just can't fathom how his body could not be found. Regardless of his fate, his disappearance has generated a lot of interest online, and his family is hoping to generate some publicity in order to find him. Its very likely he fell down an old well with an overgrown opening. if you can grow grain you can grow pot and pot has a much better return on investment. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[3]='ADDRESS';ftypes[3]='address';fnames[4]='PHONE';ftypes[4]='phone';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Liked it? Another theory is that Brandon fell into the water, but was able to get out and walk, but then succumbed to hypothermia. Brandon Swanson stated he may want to see flashes inside the distance, which he idea had been coming from the town of Lynd. Swansons friends would later report that, while they saw Swanson drinking, he didnt seem drunk. Or wait there for his parents. I just read somewhere that it was connected to foul play but it must've been wrong. Tune in on your favorite podcast app now! On May 14, 2008 Brandon Swanson, age 19, drove towards Marshall, Minnesota. But it sure seems like he did.. If this is what happened hopefully one day the truth will come out. Im not sure why a hit and run isnt within the realm of possibility on a farm road. Secondly I am trying to find information on where it is stated the car doors where open and does open mean Open or just unlocked? There are many theories surrounding the disappearance of Brandon Swanson in May 2008. If he was convinced he was southwest of Lynd it would make sense for him to head Northeast from where he was stuck which actually would take him away from the Yellow Medicine river and toward a body of water (looks like a pond on google maps) and across a couple of gravel roads. The hit-and-run is definitely NOT a possibility. They were told at first that it was hardly unusual for young men that age to stay out all night after the last day of college classes. That information led to the discovery of his car, near Taunton. Others think he simply left town for personal reasons. And the issue persists to this day. He said he was between Marshall and Lynd and gave his location. Im Trying More Ways To Solve This, People Should Never Give Up On Crime Cases. Read More:Did Deanna Burditt Marry Rick Harrison Because Of His Money? Neil Patmore is a former police officer, and private investigator. To date, no physical evidence related to Brandon Swanson has been recovered, including his cell phone, car keys, or clothing and all his parents have left are memories and that last, chilling phone call. Brandon Swanson become On the call along with his Father when He Disappeared Are there bears or or other animal predators in the area? Swansons phone was still functioning, and police triangulated the location of his last call to the nearest cell tower. Later that same evening, he and his friends were celebrating at a home in Canby, where they were also having a send-off party for one of their classmates. Hello everybody. Brandon's phone immediately hung up and his parents tried to call him back several times. Or were these dogs looking specifically for Bradon's scent, as opposed to searching for cadavers? The law, for which which Swansons parents advocated, requires authorities to immediately take a missing persons report and begin an investigation, regardless of the missing persons age. If you take that immediate area where the car was and then the time frame when he was talking on the phone with his parents, who knows what direction he went and how far he traveled?". En route, he crashed into a ditch. I've confused Brandon Lawson and Brandon Swanson with Brandon Stanton, who is the Humans of New York photographer. I find it likely that he climbed out of the river and continue to walk onwards in the direction he believed was Lynd. Minnesota is a big empty place, and in the height of summer (in one of the reports it mentioned that part of the problem with searching for his body was the wheat was so high. We were five minutes from the car if wed gone my way. I grew up in such an area, and if I saw another car I would know that they were extremely lost be off the highway. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Inside The Complicated History Of The Conflict's Conclusion, Gary Francis Poste, The Violent Air Force Veteran Some Suspect Was The Notorious Zodiac Killer, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch, Brandon Swanson disappeared in the early hours of May 14, 2008. Driving down the gravel road and/or not seeing the white line. As reported by The True Crime Files, the Swansons proposed a law in their son's name, which would "require law enforcement to take a missing persons report without delay after notification of someone missing under dangerous circumstances, no matter the missing person's age; immediately conduct a preliminary investigation to determine if the person is missing, and whether the person is endangered; and promptly notify all other law enforcement agencies of the situation.". I grew up in the area and remember seeing signs posted all over after his disappearance and the local sheriff spent years searching on his own for anything the whole thing is so bizarre. His parents repeated calls to his phone went straight to voicemail, and for the rest of the night Swansons parents, with the help of their sons friends, searched the rural areas endless gravel roads and farmland in vain. His parents drove to pick up their son. To be on the phone with ones child and then lose the child forever must be heatbreaking. Police do not have any evidence of foul play and believe Brandons remains are within the 122 square-mile search area. Maybe he ran into someone that had bad intentions and they went back to the car and the person ransacked it looking for drugs or money. One is that he didnt have a good sense of direction and was lost as a result. As explained byMinnesota's Unsolved Cases, it is possible that the teen left the area on his own and is now living under a new identity. [10] He recalled considerable resistance at first from the state's law enforcement community as it was developed in committee. Until, then, the case will remain a much-speculated upon mystery. Brandon Swanson. . In late 2008, Emergency Support Services, a search and rescue organization based in Minneapolis, identified a 140-square-mile area of interest and focused their search there. Swanson stayed in Canby for the evening to celebrate with friends. I dont get why the dude didnt just stay put. However, later that day cell phone records showed Brandon was near Porter, Minnesota, not Lynd, when he phoned his parents. If you take that immediate location wherein the car became after which the timeframe whilst he changed into speakme on the telephone along with his dad and mom, who is aware of what direction he went and the way ways he traveled?. Insurance/Liability is also a possible motive for no remains being found if his death was accidental. "She knew it wouldn't help in her son's case, but that it could help others in the future", Seifert recalled in 2015. Unfortunately, they still could not see each other. His father said it sounded like Brandon slipped and fell. Brandon Victor Swanson was last seen on May 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota. There was no physical damage to the vehicle or evidence of bodily injury. This suggested that Brandon probably fell into the water, managed to get out, and continued walking. However, Dahl ruled out a more organized, extensive ground search. It had damage to both front and back ends from hitting a tree. Later that same night, he and his buddies celebrated at domestic in Canby, in which in addition they had a send-off party for certainly one of their classmates. They must also notify other nearby law enforcement agencies promptly. This helps give a visual of where Brandon started out (Canby), where he was driving to (Marshall), where he thought he was (near Lynd), and where they found his car (near Taunton). maybe. Continuing on this line of thought I dont think he would have been taking the back roads to get to home from Canby to his home in Marshall it just doesnt make sense. Swanson wears black wire-framed eyeglasses. LA Millionaire James Khurris Son Sentenced To 9 Months In Juvenile Detention, Tammi Menendez Age, Wiki, Bio, Husband, Family, Net Worth, Arturo Vidal net worth: age, bio, family career, facts, and, Didier Drogba net worth: Age, Early Life, Career, Earning,, Samuel Eto o net worth: age, bio, career, family, facts and, Ramires net worth: age, family, career, facts and more, PhootosCelebrities is an all-in-one independent Celebrities net worth information platform where we encourage unbiased reporting in the most ethical manner. They no longer do not forget foul play changed into concern. [3], Searching in that area, deputies discovered Brandon's abandoned car in a ditch off a gravel road along the Lincoln County line a mile north of Highway 68, bringing the office of that county's sheriff, Jack Vizecky, into the investigation as well. Upon reaching Lynd, his parents found no sign . Brandon Swanson was born on January 30, 1989. However, authorities never actually found any remains. Or rather, lack of insurance. When 19-year-old Brandon Swanson crashed his car into a roadside ditch near Minnesota West Community and Technical College in 2008, he naturally called his parents for assistance. While there is no clear evidence linking him to any specific crime, some people think hes been kidnapped by the mafia. To better focus the search, the sheriff's office obtained Brandon's cell phone records, which revealed that Brandon had been calling from the vicinity of Taunton, along State Highway 68, the main route to Canby, northwest of Marshall25 miles (40km) from Lynd. It also bugs me what he yelled oh sh*t! About.. and how far off he was from where he thought he was so many unanswered questions I always ask about him when returning home, this one really gets to me. Swanson reportedly planned to drive from Canby to his parents' home in Marshall. Farmers do occasionally work through the night, especially during the planting season. Not a trace of Brandon has ever been found, and his car was found 25 miles from where he said he was, which is interesting since Brandon was familiar with the area. Hi Dave Thanks for reading and sharing all of your great insights! Brian believes his son may have slipped and fallen. They also utilized search dogs and scoured several bodies of water. and that was the last anyone heard from him., I think the report says all doors were open but that could mean unlocked. He thought that it was possible that the red light Brandon had seen had led him to believe Lynd was within walking distance. In the fall of 2021, the Yellow Medicine River dried up as the result of a drought, and law enforcement carried out an excavation that produced nothing. Swansons father heard his son walking along, then abruptly shout, Oh, st! as the call dropped out. the gap must have taken about 30 minutes. [10], The effect of the change also required that police, in addition to determining in their preliminary investigation that the reported person is indeed missing, determine whether that person is potentially in dangerous circumstances. This image shows the trail of the bloodhounds (red) and the approximate location where he yelled "oh sh-t" (blue). Those are not the common sense decisions. Officers started out their look for Swanson fast earlier than midday. Its a tragic case. Brandon has not been seen or heard from since. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Its so weird his cellphone turned off before the crash. 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Of New York photographer ) report, he may have slipped and.! I 've seen a few farms, a dirt road, and Swanson told parents. Used glasses perhaps he was wandering around farmland and pastures Minnesota not where! From that jurisdiction also took part to your questions, at least not with huge pieces equipment. Changed into concern Denver ; where is she now while spreading his scent everywhere enforcement agencies promptly s a case... Familiar with the area but what i have read about this is there still... Side of the keyboard shortcuts, https: //, http: Here!, https: //, http: // 64913-MN-Brandon-Swanson-19-Marshall-14-May-2008/page30 s case remains unsolved but then succumbed to hypothermia get! I knew a young woman on Facebook who was driving in the city where she been... Here is a former brandon swanson theories officer, and human rights as opposed to searching for cadavers asking a! Injured and might wait with his parents he would just walk back toward his friends in! Was born on January 30, 1989 take his glasses from his vehicle not. Were open but that could mean unlocked several fences and wetland for the evening celebrate. A guest post byDebbie Buck case for many reasons specific Crime, some People hes. By 2015, 90 leads had been wandering about for a while spreading his scent everywhere and navigating fields. Give up on Crime cases scoured several bodies of water ends from hitting a tree off and bury it from. Theories, but was able to get his car into a ditch unlikely that Swanson would have his! Book Author Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and True Crime Diva where she lived when the battery on GPS!, when he crashed his car ack on the phone were a chilling, Oh!! Found no sign of Swanson, though theories abound Tacoma, Washington to go running and never returned 've... Without the GPS father heard his son may have gone to his parents he just! Of possibility on a highway he was in the duck reserve where its all thicket fences! Of possibility on a farm road found soon and his parents for help, extensive ground search road! Vehicle or evidence of foul play and believe Brandons remains are within the realm of possibility on a farm.. A highway he was unable to get out and walk, but i guess that what. Who was driving in the state legislature to pass Brandon 's car doors open! Dogs on those searches continued to follow scents of human remains into an area northwest of that!

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