She was at one time working with Vasher, but as ofOathbringer, that relationship seems to be rather strained. Can't remember if Raoden glowed less in Sarene's country. I hadn't considered that his wife could be from the 17th shard. More curious to see if I missed one/a few. There are *hesitantly* no current faster ways, but I mean, there are depending on how fast you can get through Shadesmar and yeah. I think it has something to do with traveling through Shadesmar. In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. It might be the same for one of the other two guys at the Purelake, while the third one is functionally immortal, as far as we know. Still, there are old stories and new whispers that claim that some of the Knights Radiant can send themselves physically into the Cognitive Realm without using a Shardpool. Felt from Mistborn is also a possible worldhopper in WoR. While Mraize was born on Roshar, he has spent considerable time elsewhere in the Cosmereas his collection inWords of Radiance can attest. I think there's a WoB saying that Demoux is a 17th because of his wife (the terris one in the end of HoA), so the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? The only time manipulation for which there is solid evidence is in Allomancy, bendalloy and cadmium (within The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self and The Bands of Mourning), and that's effectively a relativistic effect. Rashek Ashweather Cett Straff Venture And Iyatil and Demoux and Sandersons published Cosmere books contain highly visible worldhoppers like the Vessels, Hoid, and Khrissalla, but they also contain Some of those who have read it (not me) have a pretty good idea who he is but they can't discuss it here on the forums. They aren't actually hopping between worlds, they are trudging between worlds in the cosmere.[20]. Sign up for a new account in our community. I do like the idea of Demoux kind of tagging along for the ride via his love interest. Although I'd say that investiture is involved in it, since every known worldhopper was already a magic user before. Here's Greg Elwell in the Oklahoma Gazette: "Lobster is fancy. So no idea. Hoid is likely both 1) and 3). The only possible exception would be travelers from Sel. It speeds or slows the passage of time relative to absolute time for a small bubble. There is an article by Drew McCaffrey on Worldhoppers here. Yep, (most of) the Heralds are worldhoppers. Demoux is a worldhopper and he is on Roshar in Wok. The love interest ended up being a terriswoman making eyes at him at the end of HoA. As for known worldhoppers on roshar, there is the guy who made the map of alloy of law, and rescued jasnah stuff from under the ocean. As an atium misting he would be pretty much powerless since there's no more atium in the cosmere for him to use as it was all used up at the battle of the pits. I could imagine using such a "super-Aon" to worldhop, though it can't be easy--you'd need a knowledge of cosmic layout that you'd be hard-pressed to gain without radio telescopes. As Alice and Megan covered in their recent article on Secret Societies of Roshar, the Ghostbloods include multiple members who are worldhoppers. Spook | How do you think Demoux became a worldwhopper? A: Is there a planet in the cosmere where Worldhopping is common knowledge. It is possible that the only way he can reasonably be tracked is by watching the points where he can travel. But as the peoples of these worlds grow, it becomes more and more likely that others will eventually learn of the secrets of the Shardpools. Well problem #2 would be that Ghost Kelsier would have to become a (Full) Feruchemist somewhere along the way Maybe with The Lost Metal we'll finally see how the Excisors and the Bands were created. PS: I didn't read Secret History, does anyone know if it is in another format than Ebook? I pushed a red button on the screen without wanting to does anyone know how to stop the effets. I heard he became a Worldhopper. In Chapter 54, Gibletish, Dalinar approaches Brightlord Hatham for a discussion. how did demoux become a How any of them found their way off their respective worlds is as yet unknown, but its possible Demoux was recruited by his partner, Aslydin. There are powers of Investiture on Roshar that create holes or perpendicularities in the Cognitive Realm. Drew McCaffreylives in Fort Collins, CO, where hes spoiled by all the amazing craft beer. This week, Ill be diving into what we know about all of those pesky worldhoppers who keep showing up on Roshar! Who knows, though? If there is concrete WoB I'd like to see it. Preservation | Like Demoux, Felt is a character from the firstMistborntrilogy: He was one of House Ventures chief spies during the events of The Final Empire, and helps Elend track Vin back to the crew hideout at Clubs shop. Can someone tell me how he became a Worldhopper and ended up on Roshar? WebMason Wheeler: I was re-reading the original Mistborn trilogy, and I was struck by how devoutly Demoux believes in the divine nature of Kelsier. I don't know what tricks demoux is using to be supernatural, but I really don't see him as the transportation specialist. New Zealand. Since interplanetary (and interstellar) space is pretty much empty of thought, it is condensedgreatly in Shadesmar, creating a solid surface and avenues of travel between worlds. What am I missing? I mean, even when Hoid is getting between planets it's taking him weeks or months, he's not jumping. Demoux is a loyal man to Kelsier and a terrific leader. The whispers of the Cryptics warn of the dangers that their fellows present. The concentration of pure Investiture is so great that it effectively dissolves the boundaries between the Physical and Cognitive Realms. and then there are the three guys that were looking for hoid in the way of kings (galladon, demoux, and someone we don't know). Press question mark to learn the rest However, his motivations arent totally virtuous: In The Way of Kings, he tells Dalinar that hes willing to see Roshar burn if he can achieve his goals. Chaotic Good Hoid is one of the oldest characters in the Cosmere, and was present at the mythical Shattering of Adonalsium, when all the Shards were created; he was even offered the chance to Ascend and take up a Shard himself, though he declined. It's also possible that, despite alternate, Scadrian ways to get between planets, Worldhoppers tend to use a single system which allows for buddies tagging along, or is focused/usable through devices or artifacts rather than or in addition to people. They came from Ashyn, another world in the Rosharan system, before taking up their eternal struggle So, while we know a surprising amount about the worldhoppers on Roshar and how worldhopping is possible, many questions still remain. Or there was an unforeseen consequence for Atium-dragging like was done in the final battle in HoA. Here he demonstrated a sharp contrast to Yeden's impulsive nature by being patient and prudent. I should add that it is suspected that Scadrian Worldhopping might not have anything to do with Allomancy at all, or at least that all Allomancers has access to it, independent of their own ability. N/A He is in possession of all sorts of Invested artifacts, including Hemalurgic spikes, the Tears of Edgli, Amberite Aethers, White Sand from Taldain, an Aviar from First of the Sun, and more. I thought that she had just died. So I think her parents were somewhat Cosmere aware, and possibly worldhoppers themselves. EDIT: I should also add that Feruchemists (or maybe also just normal Scadrians) would have access to it too: There's a Terriswoman running around, if you keep your eyes open. This article looks like it needs to be 20% cooler with at least an image. Worldhopper before or after she met Demoux? last i saw him was in the end of HoA with a broken leg. Can we-- But some of them when we saw them in actual just books, before we saw them jumping between worlds, were not functionally immortal at that time. Most likely he is involved w/ Spook and Kelsier's shenanigans. Do they just learn a new language for each world? They may be young and loud but Wanaka band Powder Chutes is making people stand up and listen. Roshar is of itself particularly dangerous, for the spren there are far more powerful than their diminished counterparts in the Physical Realm. WebConclusion. The creation of Harmony must have attracted the attention of the 17th shard (if they weren't watching even before), and likely they looked for potential recruits among those closest to the events. Marasi Colms | Knights Radiant | do we know for a fact she is a world hopper? He could have gotten a Feruchemy medallion from Kell. The Seventeenth Shard is the only operating group of Worldhoppers of which readers know for sure. Yeah, you have an excellent point. Baon joined The Seventeenth Shard sometime after the events of White Sand. Finding Hoid Containing the 2003 player WebDemoux fights a man who believes that Kelsier's rebellion will fail during the first book, and is helped by Kelsier's Allomancy. Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist. When I pressed it (without wanting to) there was a -1 that appeared at the bottom of your, Magestar. One day, readers might see networks of inter-dimensional highways connecting the peoples of the cosmere. Worldhoppers' time is going to pass normally unless they can stay near large collections of Investiture. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Tindwyl | Terris names do use the 'in' sound in the end of the name at times, but in thosecases it's usually something like -wyn, with the 'y' instead of the 'i'. Demoux and his men then charged the incoming koloss forces with Elend, fighting with the power and determination of an army of Allomancers ablaze with atium. Marsh | Evil Librarian, Just Some Guyn From Silverlight. It would definitely shut down a current thread in Mistborn, but oh well. So the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? And/Or his gf's: I have a personal hypothesis that after Kelsier was revived he brought Demoux into the fold and eventually Demoux joined the 17Shard. And I just had to wonder, what Brandon has confirmed that he is a worldhopper, though which society hes with is up in the air as of yet. Before the fight, Hammond confides to Kelsier that while Demoux's fighting abilities are not great, he is a trustworthy man but he is no match for Bilg in a fair fight. Remember that BS promised the friend whom Demoux is named for that his character would live and have a love interest. Also, to my knowledge, there is no indication thatThe Way of Kings takes place too long after HoA. He is the leader of the grasshoppers and Flik's arch-nemesis. Is there a planet within the cosmere where Worldhopping is common knowledge? Alexandra Office Felt is a worldhopper, and has been a member of various groups over the years. If Harmony turned him into a full blown mistborn, then he could have burned duralumin with the time stop metal to place himself outside of time for awhile. A. On top of that, theyre some of the few people on Roshar who have also been to Braize, the third inhabitable planet in the Rosharan system and the home base of Odium. 18 Skird Street Mine you, it means that SA contains spoilers for Nightblood (it means both Vasher and Nightblood survived the sequel), but Vasher may have been a bit into worldhopping before that Warbreaker. (Though, really, I doubt it's the flowers, it's probably some Command that an Awakener can use, well, at least in as far as getting to the Cognitive Realm is concerned). It drains its victims of color, leaving them grey. Remember that BS promised the friend whom Demoux is named for that Webi was wondering on how demoux became a worldhopper? Is burning Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping? Giving us the mover, the tracker, and the fighter (blunt). Another confirmed worldhopper appears inThe Way of Kings, though just for a brief moment and not in a major role. I know that one of them was Galladon from Elantris and another was Demeaux from the Mistborn trilogy. Blunt is Baon from white sand., Jasnah went to Shadesmar in WOR to "converse with the great Spren". He works mostly with Khriss (who is the author of the Ars Arcanum at the end of each book), and plays a role as sort of a Cosmere James Bond.. A. Alexandra, 9320 There is nothing more terrifying than the realization that one slip, one misstep or encounter with a powerful Cognitive being and one's life can be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. Because most of the time what you're doing is you're leaving a planet and going into the Cognitive Realm, where for the most part you're going to have the same sort of feelings of gravity and then you are walking slowly through Shadesmar to another place and you're not even noticing the minute changes. Thanks! Given Harmony's mention of Adonalsium, my current theory is that he is, somehow, involved with however Demoux got involved with the 17th Shard. I think there must be someway of world hopping that involves magic that predates the Shards and involves magic we've never seen. Something to do with Sel magic systems becoming weaker the further from their land maybe? The future of Worldhopping is as unpredictable as the people who practice the art. They seem to see themselves as a policing force, attempting to keep some kind of balance and observing the actions that are happening across the cosmere. WebDemoux was originally a captain in Kelsier's rebellion and a general in Elend's army after the Siege of Luthadel. And those are three separate things among characters you have actually seen. Although many Seers would fall in the Battle of Hathsin, Demoux survived the Final Ascension. When Elend arrives, he discovers that the mistfallen had not been stricken down by the mists for nothing - they had been Snapped, awakening the Allomantic powers of a Seer (an atium misting) in all of them, including Demoux. I'm not sure, actually, but that's certainly an important distinction, as if I remember correctly Demoux was not a worldhopper until after the events of HoA. They seem to feel that the peoples of Roshar are far too easy for an outsider to manipulate. Whether we get answers in the forthcomingRhythm of War or Brandon is reserving that knowledge for later on in the Cosmere sequence, there is plenty to dig into right now! Carrying on with that train of thoughts, every worldhopper is also apparently ageless, and we know that massive investiture grants it. Scadrial had a pretty active Worldhopper scene via trade through the perpendicularity in the Pits of Hathsin, so it's possible he got involved with that and moved off-world (although that all became way more difficult after the pits got destroyed so maybe it was something else). The issue is, can just anyone survive this process? Kelsier | He first appeared on Roshar inWords of Radiance, when he was attempting to sketch the men of Bridge Four, and his notes appear on several of the maps and illustrations inOathbringerincluding the chart of wines and the map of Shadesmar. If you imagine a lobster talking, it probably has a British accent. WebThe Final Empire []. If anyone has any idea who the other one was I am quite curious. Captain of the Skaa Rebellion Preacher of the Church of the Survivor General in the New Empire Some Worldhoppers just want to be immigrants. He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. Wit may be helping the Good Guys, but hes by no means an entirely virtuous person. And there is still some Atium. In theory; getting to Sel is really tough.[17]. Q: Obviously the world covers different planets, but most people on individual planets don't know about the other planets. Jasnah Kholin | Also how in the heck would he access shadesmar being just a seer? If he When his companions begin to argue, he notices Ishikk listening in and directs the others to move their discussion to another language. Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard. When Kelsier came to inspect the caves it was Demoux who led him around. Zahel, the grumpy swordsman and teacher. That's gonna be Galladon. Perhaps the ability comes from something else and by focusing on the various magic systems, we're missing something. Thanks a lot for doing this, Brandon. How and why, we do not know, but the mere fact that Demoux shows up intWoK proves there possibly is a way for him to get there without burning Atium. He Last week, Alice and Megan took a hard look at all of the secret societies operating on Roshar. WebA Worldhopper is any character from within the cosmere books who is capable of 'traveling' from locale to locale in the Physical Realm by the use of some form of Investiture. In the Cognitive Realm, they are a horde; most are more like forces of nature rather than beings of intellect. There is a word of Brandon that indicates that Nicrosil works in a similar manner to copper: something distinct (memory/investiture) is removed from the individual and is later restored. He later becomes a worldhopper, travelling to Roshar in search of Hoid. Waxillium Ladrian | Assisted by Kelsier's Allomancy, Demoux wins the fight and Kelsier seizes the moment to invigorate his troops by proclaiming that Demoux had the arcane arts the Lord Ruler possessed, that they all might possess. He is fromWhite Sand. ah ok thanks! Baon wondered if there Depends on how fast they get between things. He RAFOed a later question about her being a feruchemist. Yeden, Stormlight Archive The short answer is Shadesmar. However, he is far too crafty to make it that easy to catch him. I dunno. 2. Khriss is likely 3). Roman religious beliefs changed slowly over time. Likely, There are likely others out there that traverse the worlds beyond their home. Adolin Kholin | (Oh, and that Shardblade of hers? Thanks! If there is something striking about the ethnicity of the name, then it's most likely not a Terris name. With some They move and act, bound by their natures and intents. This topic is highly amusing to me. Demoux was their leader. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. They came from Ashyn, another world in the Rosharan system, before taking up their eternal struggle against Odium and the Fused. Aslydin sounds pretty terris to me. How is he alive? I think themore interesting question is: Why Galladon? Believe me, we would also all like to know. Here's the topic where Felt the Worldhopper of House Venture was discovered (or the possible worldhopper, that is). Occupation The death of a thought I'd the birth of another. Hammond | A Worldhopper is any character from within the cosmere books who is capable of 'traveling' from locale to locale in the Physical Realm by the use of some form of Investiture. Demox could have gotten that, or even had some left over. The ardent who plays strange games, speaks in strange idioms, and reminisces about strange voices in his head. The Cryptics are hard to ply for information, but if one listens carefully, one can decipher meaning in their circling words. We don't know the events that occurred between HoA and AoL. I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you. New Zealand Dalinar Kholin | Today, I am going to ask you a simple question: How do you think Demoux became cosmere aware and a worldwhopper. Stormlight Archive Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Demoux is revealed to be a preacher for the Church of the Survivor. Mistborn The fact that Brandon even highlighted the fact that the ethnicity of the name is off suggests that it's probably offworld, with -din suggesting Rohsar. This is a very interesting question. I can actually understand why people think Jasnah may be a worldhopper, but I think that if she is, she will be one in the future, if at all. So it's likely that he's aged normally, but time didn't pass normally for him. Yeah, those were obvious ones. Shallan Davar | Characters from essentially every other world have shown up on Roshar, which means we have an extensive list to cover today! A medallion for F-atium wouldn't help with executing the Rashek Maneuver, though, as that requires constantly tapping an atiummind once one lives past one's natural lifespan,and to an ever-increasing degree. It was how the Lord Ruler became immortal, and it's reasoned that other characters (such as Marsh and possibly Demox) use it to stay young as well. (laughter) Thats a good question, the answer is no. Perhaps the most notorious of all the worldhopping groups (thanks to the official Brandon Sanderson fan website), the Seventeenth Shard has actually been pretty quiet thus far inThe Stormlight Archive. Now here's the distinction. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Both 1 ) and 3 ) the idea of Demoux kind of tagging along for the ride via his interest! 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