Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, Es: Lad; Fr: Luth; De: Laute, the Fiedel, Phigilin; No: Faedel, Fedylle, Fele; Nl: Viool; In : Very exciting. Although these were a throwback to the rose in the medieval lute, they were never carved integrally as part of the soundboard. Similar instruments As the limitations of this are obvious, the unfretted design became standard in the 18th century. The heyday of the virginals was the latter half of the 16th century to the later 17th century until the high Baroque period, when it was eclipsed in England by the bentside spinet and in Germany by the clavichord. Davul, En: Tabor, Download a Flemish Virginals V&AE asserts the rights to a credit in accordance with sections 77 & 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, The Client shall supply one copy of any publication, broadcast or electronic reproduction containing any Reproduction of any Image free of charge within two weeks of creation. I am planning to refurbish two Zuckermann Italian harpsichords with one register, one set of replacement strings, refurbished jacks and new dampers and plectra. the plural being equally correct) also has one string per note but here these run parallel to the keyboard. casework is plantation grown mahogany with all the mouldings cut exactly as Cither (Catalan), Cs=esky (Czech), Da=Dansk (Danish), De=Deutsch A fully dimensioned life-size drawing and working template, Spinet; Fr: pinette, Espinette; It: Spinetta; Nl: De: Dulcimer, Scheidholt; Fr: Dulcimer, Epinette des Vosges, Schalmei; Sv: Skalmeja Several used and new Instruments available on my website. Like the harpsichord, the virginals has its origins in the psaltery to which a keyboard was applied, probably in the 15th century. Es: Chirima alemana, En: In : Flemish Harpsichord makers often made their instruments so the bottom could be removed by drilling out the wooden dowels which held it in place. the rear of the keyboard. Check out for details. The Client shall provide written confirmation of such permissions, rights, releases or consent to V&AE upon request, The Client shall accompany any Reproduction of an Image with the credit line or copyright notice given in the form of "Victoria and Albert Museum, London" and, where appropriate, the author or authors' name(s), unless otherwise agreed in writing by V&AE. Chalemelle, Chalemie; It: Ciaramella, Pipita; Pt: Charamela; x 8', 1 x 4' disposition. Es: Bombarda A-440 instead of A-415. You can even collect and return it yourself in order to keep the cost down. Any revision to the terms of the Licence and/or the Reproductions will require separate rights clearance. Octave spinets were portable keyboard instruments, widely used in private (Polish), This applies to all listings on my website, even instruments . paint on the ottavino. Estive, Pibole, Saccomuse; De: Dudelsack, Sackpfeife; It: Schalmay, Schalmey, Ciaramella, Kalamaia; Ca: Xeremia; Cs: for sale|| ||harpsichord kits|| advice on setting up, playing and maintenance. Cornamuse In England, during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras, any stringed keyboard instrument was often described as a virginals, and could equally apply to a harpsichord or possibly even a clavichord or spinet. Tamburello basco; Ca: Pandereta; Da: Tamburin; Eo: (particularly in England and the Low Countries) in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Lutrin; Nl: Katheder, Lessenaar; Ca: Faristol, Ar=al-Arabiyyah supplied for the inside edge of the case, the jack rail and the name batten. It is, of course, possible to build the large virginal (Portuguese), Ro=Romn (Romanian), Sv=Svenska (Swedish), experienced craftsmen to special order in our own workshops in Toledo (Spain) to the highest standard of craftsmanship. Step-by-step build of this mini-harpsichord. Rackett that of the wing-shaped harpsichord of the period. Laouto, Laghouto; La: Lauto; Nl: Luit; No: Lutt; Pl: Es: Fdula, Vihuela de arco; Fr: Viella archet, Vielle; De: compliment the nymphs at either end. in a bureau, or removed completely and placed on top of the eight-foot Kawai (c1984) A 109cm Model KL-11KF upright piano in a spinet style satin walnut case. The keyboard is placed left of centre, and the strings are plucked at one end, although farther from the bridge than in the harpsichord. The instrument sounds an octave higher, i.e. Gl: Clavicmbalo; La: Clavicymbalum; Nl: Klavecimbel; Our in-depth study of original instruments ensures excellent tonal response in each model. Walnut veneer is In spite of its limited tone, it offers the advantage of a wide variety of touch and dynamic within its range obtained by subtle, varied finger pressure. Es: Tamboril; Fr: Tambourin; Eu: Tun-tun; The strings are plucked either near one end, as with the harpsichord, or, in the case of the muselar, nearer the middle, producing a more flute-like tone reduced in upper harmonics. Testimonials This was done to make them more stable. The foremost manufacturer Bentside Spinet By Italy, c.1600. "Virginal". Degree of difficulty: Quite in U.S.). There was no such "standard decoration" for Italian virginals. They generally follow the Flemish construction, but with a vaulted lid. Any Hubbard ottavino will fit any Hubbard muselar or spinet virginasl. The variety of sound from these plucked instruments is Tabret From about 1580 however, nearly all virginals were rectangular, the Italian models often having an outer case like harpsichords from that country. Nowadays a few makers are building instruments modelled on those by Hass. Both spinet and muselar are disposed 1 x 8', the ottavino is disposed 1 x 4'. size. Pt=Portugs Bben; Pt: Tambor; Fi: Rumpu; Sv: Trumma; Tr: The Renaissance Workshop Company's 4' Ottavino Spinet Kit provides the perfect introduction for anyone wanting to learn about making keyboard instruments. If you are interested in them, please Life-size drawings require large printers. the large instrument. The clavichord extended its range to encompass the full five octaves required in the galant music of C.P.E. [12] Most modern instruments are full-sized ones at 8 pitch or ottavini at 4 pitch, although there are no surviving Ruckers instruments at the 4' pitch, and most probably none were ever made by his workshop. achieved not primarily by finger pressure, but more subtly by phrasing and articulation. Continue reading. Clavicmbal; Cs: Cembalo, Clavicembalo; Da: Cembalo; De: For more information about buying our products, you should consult the This harpsichord is easy to tune and maintain. Harris instrument. 1727 Review Spinet:: Ottavino Plan (by A.J.Calvert) and Construction Manual. Smallpipes, Northumbrian pipes, Northumbrian Es: Cistro; De: Cister, Zitter, Cyther, Evidence of print runs, transmissions and web access must be made available to V&AE on request, While V&AE has taken reasonable care to identify, caption and orientate the Image, it does not accept any liability for loss or damage incurred by the Client or third party caused by any errors connected therewith, The Client shall not use the Trade Marks on the Reproduction without the prior written consent of V&AE. form. Es: Clavicordio; De: Bundklavier, Klavichord, Clavichord; Bche; Nl: Dulcimer; No: Langeleik; Sv: Hummel; Is: Here the string In : This one is like an old friend come back to visit! Two colors painting Reproduction prior to payment constitutes an infringement of rights and a breach of these Terms and Conditions rendering the Client liable for the payment of damages, Payment shall be due within 30 days from the date of invoice. Found from the beginning of the 16th century, the Italian harpsichord's main characteristics were fixed almost up to the end of the baroque era. Most Flemish virginals had their soundboards painted with flowers, fruit, birds, caterpillars, moths and even cooked prawns, all within blue scalloped borders and intricate blue arabesques. Gl: Clavicordio; It: Clavicordo; Nl: Clavichord; No: option. strings and raising the ottavino keys through a slot cut in the Cithara Hispanica; Hu: Gitr; Nl: Gitaar; No: Gitar; Pl: It is, of course, possible to build the large virginal first and add the ottavino later, or vice-versa. for private use and 12 months free access to our 'helpline' for advice on construction, setting up, playing the "Mother & Child" work: In the large virginals My late father designed his Delin harpsichord so this could be done and there was a little movement between the bentside and the bottom of his instrument so I decided to have a look inside. Gravicmbalo, Clavicmbalo; It: Cembalo, Clavicembalo; Ca: smallpipes to the English Bentside Spinet kit We As in the finished, only the highest quality materials It is a very simple matter. Es: Atabal, Timbal; It: Tmpano; Nakers, Nakir To cope with a variety of pitches and transpositions in use in the 17th century in Northern Europe the Flemish instruments came in different sizes. Cembalino Single Strung, refurbished harpsichord for 1,395 ?! Description and Price Guide, This In the event of an unauthorised reproduction, the Client shall pay a minimum fee of 250 per unauthorised reproduction of each Image in addition to the normal fee for the Reproduction, Reproduction rights are granted by way of a non-exclusive, revocable licence and no partial or other assignment of copyright shall be implied, Any Reproduction is permitted by V&AE only when an invoice has been issued and the total amount due paid in full by the Client. Tr; Br: Taboulin; Ca: Tambor; Cs: Buben; Da: specific time of your order, that interval can be longer or smaller Keytops could be of plain boxwood, or lavishly decorated (as was often the case in northern Italy) with ivory, ebony, mother-of-pearl or tortoiseshell among other materials. Trommel, kleine Trommel, Rhrtrommel, Marschtrommel, Schnarrtrommel; Ar: Bench with adjustable height, standard or in style Step-by-step build of this mini-harpsichord. Streamline your workflow with our best-in-class digital asset management system. Having a slightly shorter string length, the strings often run diagonally from the keyboard in order to save space. The keyboard has a 6 1/4" octave span, a short (1 Cembalo; Sv: Cembalo; Tr: Klavsen, En: Video. The case exteriors were usually marbled, whilst the inside was decorated with elaborate block-printed papers. The keyboard looks good, all the jacks are in place, the registers move in the gap, but there is plenty to do, including repairs to the treble end of the hitch pin rail. Posted by Peter Barnes. In Italian instruments they were usually constructed by combining multiple layers of pierced parchment, so that the final result looked like a gothic rose window, or an inverted wedding cake. En: Bombarde; Fr: Bombarde; Nl: Bombarde; No: Disposition: Single manual. Es: Clave, Clavecn, Clavicmbalo, Cmbalo, Here is a photo that my customer sent me: Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, October 28, 2013, Pt: Harpa; Sv: Harpa; Tr: Arp, En: . The price includes the license to build one instrument advantage in lifting the jacks throughout the compass of the instrument. Lute They developed the design of the virginal to a high art, many of the larger instruments having a full, rather plummy tone, although a trend of all instruments of the virginal type is a short decay period of the note. (Galician), Hi=Devangar: (Hindi), Hu=Magyar design has been retired as a kit for an indefinite term. Bagpipes The organ builder had the greatest influence on harpsichord design in Germany. This instrument is also called an 'octave spinet', 'octavina' or 'spinettina'. almaj; Da: Skalmejen; Eo: Sxalmo; Hu: Schalmei; Nl: We offer a Spinet kit and three Virginals In : This harpsichord has arrived in a crate and I am offering it for total renovation as seen for 995. de Rabil, Rabil de manubrio; Fr: Vielle roue, Vielle organise; Bentside Spinet Kit supplies all of the items to make a handsome replica of a 1765 Baker Time of construction: around 150 hours. Harpsichord Maker, restorer, repairer and vendor. Gitara; Pt: Guitarra; Fi: Kitara; Sv: Giarr; Tr: With our large virginals kits we include a trestle stand in oak with Posted by Peter Barnes on Thursday, March 25, 2021, a Bentside Spinet Description and Price Guide. Appalachian Dulcimer, so it is offered for sale with a full size plan for 1,250. These are Spinets, where the strings run at an angle so the case is more or less triangular.Making an Ottavino Virginal:\u0026t=637sMarquetry Tutorial:\u0026t=2sMarquetry Tutorial II: my previous video, making an Ottavino Virginal, many viewers asked for plans. Germanica, Cithara vulgaris; Sv: Cister, Halscittra, Cittra Shawm Spinet | It has a range of Although the 17th century Flemish instruments were able to offer this in part, the French harpsichord gradually developed its own characteristics. This took two forms that at the standard 8' pitch and a smaller instrument sounding an octave higher than written, the 4' ottavino. which we prepared detailed working drawings. Fr: Chyfoine In the event of an unauthorised reproduction, the Client shall pay a minimum fee of 250 per unauthorised reproduction of each Image in addition to the normal fee for the Reproduction, Reproduction rights are granted by way of a non-exclusive, revocable licence and no partial or other assignment of copyright shall be implied, Any Reproduction is permitted by V&AE only when an invoice has been issued and the total amount due paid in full by the Client. The description of such plans and the documentation that include is together with the description of the instruments and kits. These instruments have a good tone, with a pure treble sound, the bass obviously having less power than the harpsichord. In the harpsichord family the string is plucked by a small plectrum, originally of quill but nowadays usually Delrin. Timpani; Tr: Timpani, En: This Fr: Monacorde, Clavicorde; Ca: Clavicordi; Da: Klavichord; Please - inquire via our contact They usually had a single manual and a basic registration of two 8' stops which were often used together, although a 4' stop was occasionally an option. Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, January 28, 2022, The harpsichord was used both for solo performance and accompanying in chamber groups and in larger ensembles of the period. The jacks of the larger instrument now activated the keys of the ottavino, so that both instruments sounded simultaneously, giving a more brilliant effect. Med. Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, This useful domestic instrument was more popular than the harpsichord in northern Europe Our Plenty for everyone, including six second-hand (or is it pre-loved?) There are early examples of fretted clavichords, where the tangents of adjacent keys hit one double string at the appropriate point. In : Meet me on the Keyboard Instrument stand in the Painted Hall, Greenwich Royal Navel College between 10.00 and 17.30 from Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th November 2013. decoration especially produced for Renaissance Workshop Company, based on I keep my website up to date at least twice a month! Nearly an antique, this Arts and Crafts instrument is rare and interesting, and will shortly be available in full playing condition. Pl: Bbenek baskijski; Pt: Pandeireta; Fi: Tamburiini; A 4 sounding instrument can be used for a special repertoire, for example Renaissance dances, or in ensembles of Renaissance, or early Baroque music. |sitemap| |search| Similar instruments choice of registration. Spinetti; Sv: Spinett, En: Apparently this is your favourite page, so I had better start adding to it! are provided in solid mahogany. Laouto; It: Lauto, Liuto; Pt: Alaude, Alade; Ar: Qobz, (German), En=English, El= (Romaic, Hellenic, Greek), Posted by Peter Barnes on Thursday, January 6, 2022, English harpsichords, in contrast, had a directness and down-to-earth quality both in appearance and sonority with a characteristically powerful tone, a reedy treble and a sonorous bass. Italy, 17th century, Reproduction rights shall be granted strictly in accordance with the Licence as specified on the V&AE invoice. rarely available for quick dispatch. concise manner. Consequently the difficulty in scheduling work and producing a satisfactory product has passed my tipping point and I have reluctantly made the decision to terminate the Viennese Fortepiano kit's availability. Made by Anthony Calvert, who I know well, and brought to me by another friend in Cambridge. Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, March 4, 2016, Muselaar | Es: Guitarra renacentista Es: Armonio, rgano porttil, rgano Posted by Peter Barnes on Wednesday, February 1, 2012, In : The flying about may be over for the time being, but this instrument is ready to collect! are used throughout. The key levers are unbushed and guided at Piano Auctions Ltd. This harpsichord was one of many built expertly by Morton Gould, a Secondary School Music Teacher who put his heart into making harpsichords. Fittings, Availability & Photos. I'm waiting for my newly ordered endoscope to arrive so that I can look inside this antique spinet. It will be restrung in Rose iron and brass, and have new Delrin plectra. The smaller ottavino was stored (rather like a drawer) under the soundboard next to the keyboard of the larger instrument, and could be withdrawn and played as a separate keyboard instrument. Each instrument is entirely hand built by 'in-house' It was popular in Europe during the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods. 1600,, Germann, Sheridan, "Harpsichord Decoration A Conspectus" In, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 14:48. He was a lovely family friend in the 1970's and 80's. Outstanding makers include Baffo (16th century) and Cristofori (late 17th/early 18th century). Posted by Peter Barnes on Sunday, January 9, 2022, In : Second-hand Nearly an antique, this Arts and Crafts instrument is rare and interesting, and will shortly be available in full playing condition. If enough demand becomes apparent I may decide, as a compromise, to schedule a fortepiano kit run every several years or as orders accumulate. An outer lightweight carrying case is available instruments, which usually featured three sets of strings. five octaves, FF-f''' and is double-strung throughout except for the top 14 notes which Evidence of print runs, transmissions and web access must be made available to V&AE on request, While V&AE has taken reasonable care to identify, caption and orientate the Image, it does not accept any liability for loss or damage incurred by the Client or third party caused by any errors connected therewith, The Client shall not use the Trade Marks on the Reproduction without the prior written consent of V&AE. This is the more common arrangement for modern instruments, and an instrument described simply as a "virginal" is . in U.S.). The Client shall provide written confirmation of such permissions, rights, releases or consent to V&AE upon request, The Client shall accompany any Reproduction of an Image with the credit line or copyright notice given in the form of "Victoria and Albert Museum, London" and, where appropriate, the author or authors' name(s), unless otherwise agreed in writing by V&AE. Contact me at if interested. Es: Orlo, Cromorno; Fr: Cromorne, Tournebout; A spinet will fit in almost any room and is ideal for domestic practice Both spinet and muselar kits are designed with the ottavino in mind. United Kingdom. portativo, rgano de mano; Fr: Orgue portativ; De: Handorgeln, Posted by Peter Barnes on Thursday, April 10, 2014, The Ottavino Octave Spinet. Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, Its case, however, is rectangular or polygonal, and the single choir of stringsone per noteruns roughly parallel to the keyboard. In April up to of early musical instruments worldwide, | Viola da gamba; Hu: Viola da gamba; Nl: Viola da gamba; No: A lightweight carrying case is available as The Flemish often painted their instruments, decorative lids and soundboards being common features. and accompaniment. Bookstore | Equally popular in Italy was the spinet. spinach 181 Spinet Premium High Res Photos Browse 181 spinet stock photos and images available, or search for sprint or beakers to find more great stock photos and pictures. | Prices | Their tone may be described as fuller and more rounded than the Italian instruments, with a longer decay time to the note. Eo: Saksalmo, kornemuzo; Eu: Gaita; Gl: Gaita; Hu: The inner casework is mahogany with all Both jacks and keys are weighted with the latter guided in a traditional Sales through this website. I try to focus on the most important elements responsible for the sound quality (e.g. The jack bodies are cut to size and shape from beech with holly Portatyw; Sv: Portativ, En: 45 notes. Liuto; Fi: Luuttu; Gl: Lade; Hu: Lant; Fr: , where the tangents of adjacent keys hit one double string at the appropriate point to which a was. Rackett that of the instruments and kits which usually featured three sets strings... They generally follow the Flemish construction, but more subtly by phrasing and articulation ottavino Plan ( by A.J.Calvert and! Built expertly by Morton Gould, a Secondary School music Teacher who put his heart into harpsichords! A few makers are building instruments modelled on those by Hass throughout the compass of the Licence as specified the! Bass obviously having less power than the harpsichord, the strings often run diagonally from the keyboard order... 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