[15] At this juncture, Grant's command was known as the Army of West Tennessee; soon, however, it would acquire its more famous name as the Army of the Tennessee. For his next major objective, Grant maneuvered and fought skillfully to win Vicksburg, the key city on the Mississippi, and thus cut the Confederacy in two. Devenu aprs la guerre, Gnral d'arme, Grant dont la popularit est trs forte, est choisi pour reprsenter les Rpublicains aux lections aprs le mandat d'Andrew Johnson. Grant accepted a position offered by Illinois Governor Richard Yates to recruit and train volunteers, which he accomplished with efficiency. ", DECEMBER, 1838. Political cartoon by Thomas Nast: Grant congratulated for vetoing the "inflation bill" on April 22, 1874The Grant administration reduced the debt by approximately $435 million. Beaureguard, second in command of the Confederates, felt they had lost the element of suprise because of some shots fired by the men in front. Grant writing his memoirs.In 1881, Grant purchased a house in New York City and placed almost all of his financial assets into an investment banking partnership with Ferdinand Ward, as suggested by Grant's son Buck (Ulysses, Jr.), who was having success on Wall Street. His rank, established automatically by his West Point graduation, would be brevet second lieutenant. In the late 1870s, he watched as the Democrats (called Redeemers) took the control of every state away from his Republican coalition. She died October 4, 1975. He reportedly changed his name to Ulysses S. Grant after his Congressman accidently nominated him to West Point as "Ulysses S. Grant of Ohio." After his victory at the Battle of Chattanooga, President Lincoln promoted Ulysses to lieutenant-general and head of the entire Union Army. On the night of April 6, the long-awaited arrival of Don Carlos Buell's reinforcements arrived. This permitted his investiture of Vicksburg, which, after a stern 47-day siege, capitulated on July 4, 1863. Tout commence par la faillite frauduleuse des chemins de fer, ce qui entranera une rcession pendant au moins 6 ans. Washington, July "2:3, 188-">, eleven o'clock a. m. Ex-President, gathered around his death bed. Mark Twain offered Grant a generous contract for the publication of his memoirs, including 75% of the book's sales as royalties. It pitted Grant against the great commander Robert E. Lee in an epic contest. Prentiss greatly understood the seriousness of Grant's orders. He reportedly changed his name to Ulysses S. Grant after his Congressman accidently nominated him to West Point as "Ulysses S. Grant of Ohio.". [34] Historian Allan Nevins concludes:[35]. At Donelson, his army was hit by a surprise Confederate attack (once again by Pillow) while he was temporarily absent. Not only did he believe that the island would be of use to the navy tactically, but he sought to use it as a bargaining chip. Immediately after Lee's surrender, Grant had the sad honor of serving as a pallbearer at the funeral of his greatest champion, Abraham Lincoln. He apparently so overindulged in alcohol that he was impelled to resign from the army in 1854. It was such difficult terrain that the Army of Northern Virginia was able to use it to prevent Grant from fully exploiting his numerical advantage. [10] However, the War Department stated, "Nothing stands against his good name. When Grant realized their scheme to corner the market in gold, he authorized, the Secretary of the Treasury to sell enough gold to wreck their plans, but the speculation, During his campaign for re-election in 1872, Grant was attacked by Liberal Republican, reformers. Grant restera prsident des Etats-Unis durant deux mandats, jusqu'uen 1877. His low standards in Cabinet and federal appointments and lack of accountability generated corruption and bribery in seven government departments. Grant from West Point to Appomattox, an 1885 engraving. Edith Grant 1908 Married 21 November 1936, Governors Island, NY, toDavid Wood Griffith, Col. 1896-1967 with Grant pressed for a field command; Yates appointed him a colonel in the Illinois militia and gave him command of undisciplined and rebellious 21st Illinois Infantry in June 1861. Grant's army went eastward, captured the city of Jackson, Mississippi, and severed the rail line to Vicksburg. Because of the lack of marching experience, the march took much longer than expected. On April 2, 1862, Johnston began his march from Corinth. Grant was deployed to Missouri to protect the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. [26] At the beginning of April, Grant's relentless pressure finally forced Lee to evacuate Richmond, and after a nine-day retreat, Lee surrendered his army at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each . "at tho death bod of a hero futhor. Le mausole abrite galement les restes de l'pouse du Gnral, Julia Dent Grant. Il se marie la mme anne et le couple aura quatre enfants. During his campaign for re-election in 1872, Grant was attacked by Liberal Republican reformers. Presidential historians typically rank Grant in the lowest quartile of U.S. presidents for his tolerance of corruption, but in recent years his reputation has improved among some scholars impressed by his support for civil rights for African Americans. Born on April 27, 1822 Sherman succeeded Grant in charge of the Department of the Tennessee.[24]. "The roads were meandering cow paths," one confederate soldier said. These were completed while he was dying of throat cancer and were published in two volumes as the Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant (1885 - 1886). Ulysses S. Grant Information Center: Family Members and Genealogy of Ulysses S. Grant Information about General and President Ulysses S. Grant and resources for doing research. In 1869 and 1871, Grant signed bills promoting voting rights and prosecuting Klan leaders and later signed the Civil Rights Act of 1875[33], which entitled equal treatment in public accommodations and jury selection. He initially received the colonelcy of an Illinois regiment, but his effective leadership of that soon brought him appointment (Aug. 7, 1861) as a brigadier general of volunteers. He stole a march on Lee, slipping his troops across the James River. Within a few weeks, the American Civil War was effectively over; minor actions would continue until Kirby Smith surrendered his forces in the Trans-Mississippi Department on June 2, 1865. Grant ignored the setback and ordered an advance around Lee's flank to the southeast, which lifted the morale of his army. The Ulysses S. Grant family tree continued when his children began to marry, although he wasn't pleased with his daughter Nellie's choice of husband. Dans l'difice ralis par l'architecte John Duncan en 1897 on y dcouvrira en effet la tombe de Ulysses Simpson Grant (27 avril 1822 - 23 juillet 1885), hros du peuple amricain et 18me prsident des Etats-Unis. (Today it is known as the Office of Personnel Management. Under protection of the cannons the Rebel troops were able to move in and take the sunken road. "[23], After the Battle of Chickamauga Union Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans and his Army of the Cumberland retreated to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Birth of Brigadier General Frederick Dent Grant, "Ulysses Simpson Grant", "President /Grant/", "Sam", "Hiram Ulysses Grant", "President van de USA", Riverside Drive and West 122 Street, New York City, New York, United States, President & General, Union General, 18th President of the United States (18691877) as well as military commander during the Civil War and post-war Reconstruction periods, USMA 21st, graduated from West Point Military Academy, NY, General, 18th Presiden. I could not load it on the wagons, of course, at that time, but I could drive, and the choppers would load, and some one at the house unload. Genies lamp appeared in Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers, during the song "This Is the End". Compare DNA and explore genealogy for Ulysses S. Grant born 1822 Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio, USA died 1885 Mount McGregor, New York, USA including ancestors + descendants + 17 photos + 14 genealogist comments + questions + Y-chromosome DNA + more in the free family tree community. 40 Finally, Grant wrote a letter embodying his terms and Lee wrote one accepting them. The first two chapters cover her Childhood Impressions and her Grandfather's Illness and Death. Hundreds went for a swim in Owl Creek. The Confederate artillery lined up sixty-two cannons at point blank range and fired on the sunken road. Father of Brigadier General Frederick Dent Grant; Ulysses "Buck" Grant, Jr.; Ellen (Nellie) Wrenshall Jones and Jesse Root Grant Includes material suitable for the K-12 audience. Grant and Pemberton at VicksburgKnowing that the Confederates could no longer send reinforcements to the Vicksburg garrison, Grant turned west and won the Battle of Champion Hill. One historian with a military background has written that "we must go back to the campaigns of Napoleon to find equally brilliant results accomplished in the same space of time with such a small loss. [21] Operating in enemy territory, Grant moved swiftly, never giving the Confederates, under the command of John C. Pemberton, an opportunity to concentrate their forces against him. Grant confronted a Northern public tired of committing to the long war in the South, violent paramilitary organizations in the late 1870s, and a factional Republican Party. Became known in 1862 as "Unconditional Surrender Grant". In his letter of acceptance to the party, Grant concluded with "Let us have peace," which became his campaign slogan. Three Presidents of the United States attended the burial services, and Union and Confederate Generals rode together in carriages. The House discovered gross corruption in the Interior, War, and Navy Departments; they did much to discredit the Department of Justice, forced the resignation of Robert C. Schenck, the Minister to Britain, and cast suspicion upon Blaine's conduct while Speaker. Grant the boy never retraced his steps. Cancel any time, no strings attached. For Johnston and thousands of other brave soldiers on the Union and Confederate sides, it would bring death. Secretary of War William W. Belknap was discovered to have taken bribes in exchange for the sale of Native American trading posts. An error has occured while loading the map. His body lies in New York City's Riverside Park, beside that of his wife, in Grant's Tomb, the largest mausoleum in North America. Aid par le major gnral William Sherman, Ulysses Grant force finalement le gnral Lee capituler. Grant first wrote several articles on his Civil War campaigns for The Century Magazine, which were warmly received. Leaving Sherman in command in the West, Grant established his headquarters with George G. Meade's Army of the Potomac in the East. Grant learned that he was assigned to duty, beginning September 30, with the Fourth U. S. Infantry at Jefferson Barracks, just outside St. Louis, Missouri. C'est le 27 avril 1897 que fut inaugure la tombe de Ulysses S. Grant en prsence d'une foule de prs d'un million de personnes et du prsident Williams McKinley. Enormously popular in the North after the Union's victory, he was elected to the presidency in 1868. Officers insisted that Ulysses S. Grant had been appointed to West Point, Hiram Ulysses Grant had not. Husband of Julia Boggs Dent Grant, 1st Lady of the United States Il dmissionne ensuite de l'arme en 1854 et devient fermier et agent immobilier puis aide son pre dans sa fabrique de tannage de cuir. Flashes of lightening showed vultures feeding on the ungathered dead. Late in the administration of Andrew Johnson, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant quarreled. Other scandals included the Sanborn Incident, an embezzlement of government funds involving Treasury Secretary William Adams Richardson and his assistant John D. Sanborn. January 1991. Victories at Fort Henry, Fort Doneson. Presidential historians typically rank Grant in the lowest quartile of U.S. presidents for his tolerance of corruption, but in recent years his reputation has improved among some scholars impressed by his support for civil rights for African Americans. This allowed for the war's only three-way meeting of Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman. Another notable foreign policy action under Grant was the settlement of the Liberian-Grebo War of 1876 through the dispatchment of the USS Alaska to Liberia where US envoy James Milton Turner negotiated the incorporation of Grebo people into Liberian society and the ousting of foreign traders from Liberia.[36]. With grim determination, he stabilized his line. Unfortunately, Jesse Root Grant publicly sued his wife for divorce, and the affair dragged out through the newspapers. His family and Ohio friends continued to call him Ulysses; the other cadets nicknamed him "Uncle Sam" for his initials, soon shortened it to "Sam.". Grant usually stood near the middle of his class in both studies and conduct, distinguishing himself in horsemanship and by election as president of the cadet literary society. The Unionists were able to turn the tide and slowly to push the enemy back toward Corinth. Grant wrote to Lee: "The results of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle." The year before the 1992 Aladdin, The Simpson family visited the Arab country of Morocco, where Homer Simpson acquired a Monkeys Paw which gave the family four wishes. 38. 'But I won't go,' I said. Realizing that he could not wait for another Federal advance, Johnston began concentrating forces at Corinth, Mississippi, where he hoped to take the offensive and destroy General Grant's Army of the Tennessee before it could be joined by General Don Carlos Buell's Army of the Ohio. By 1875 the Grant administration was in disarray and on the defensive on all fronts other than foreign policy. The President was without policies or popular support. Grant whipped it into shape and by September 1861 he had risen to the rank, He sought to win control of the Mississippi Valley. Taxes were reduced by $300 million. Ulysses S. Grant was a general for Abraham Lincoln's Union army during the Civil War, and was elected president in 1869, a post he held for two terms while overseeing the country's. At first conciliatory toward the South, he pushed for the unconditional readmission of Virginia to the Union. He also wanted to enhance and improve the commercial marine. Cut off and with no possibility of relief, Pemberton surrendered to Grant on July 4, 1863. Grant acquired one of his father-in-law's slaves in 1858 (and set him free the next year, when the Grants returned to Illinois) and his wife owned four slaves. Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th President of the United States. While always sensitive to the sufferings of the wounded, this pitiful sight seemed to affect him more than usual. Grant supported his Stalwart ally Conkling against Garfield in the terrific battle over patronage in spring 1881 that culminated in Garfield's assassination. Ulysses S. Grant's family history includes his great-grandfather Noah Grant who was a captain in the Revolutionary War, although he was reputed to be lazy compared to his son, Jesse, who was ambitious and hard-working. As Jean Edward Smith notes in his 2002 biography on Grant, the presidential treasury secretary Boutwell reorganized the Treasury by discharging unnecessary employees, started sweeping changes in Bureau of Printing and Engraving to protect the currency from counterfeiters and revitalized tax collections to hasten the collection of revenue. Many in the North denounced Grant as a "butcher" in 1864, an accusation made both by Northern civilians appalled at the staggering number of casualties suffered by Union armies for what appeared to be negligible gains, and by Copperheads, Northern Democrats who either favored the Confederacy or simply wanted an end to the war, even at the cost of recognizing Southern independence. He had, however, impressed Abraham Lincoln with his self-reliance, bulldog tenacity, and confidence in final victory; so, early in 1864 he was promoted to lieutenant general and named general in chief of all the Federal armies. The coffin was placed in a hastily constructed temporary tomb. During Reconstruction, Grant remained in command of the Army and implemented the Congressional plans to reoccupy the South and hold new elections in 1867 with black voters. He said he thought I would, and I thought so too, if he did. Despite campaign pledges for civil service reform, Grant was largely responsible for scuttling such a program. Upon reprovisioning and reinforcement by elements of Sherman's Army of the Tennessee and troops from the Army of the Potomac under Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, the morale of Union troops lifted. Start your free trial today to learn more about your ancestors using our powerful and intuitive search. It also needed to save the Mississippi Valley. The campaign continued. Terminally ill, Grant finished his memoir just a few days before his death. The division consisted of Illinois and Iowa farm boys mostly, under the command of General Prentiss. Officers insisted that Ulysses S. Grant had been appointed to West Point, Hiram Ulysses Grant had not, so he became U.S. Grant insisting that the middle initial stood for nothing. They had fought well holding the Confederates for six hours. Ulysses joined the Union side and trained new regiments in Illinois. His administration was marred by scandal, sometimes the product of nepotism, and the neologism Grantism was coined to describe political corruption. These attempts failed. Vainqueur avec une large majorit, il devient le 18me prsident des Etats-Unis le 4 mars 1869. Grant the man did not retreathe advanced. In March 1865, Grant invited Lincoln to visit his headquarters at City Point, Virginia. Appointed brigadier general of volunteers in 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln, Grant claimed the first major Union victories of the war in 1862, capturing Forts Henry and Donelson in Tennessee. However, Halleck soon restored Grant to field command of the expedition (personal intervention by President Lincoln may have been a factor), and on March 17 he joined his army at Savannah, Tennessee. Desperate for generals who could fight and win, Lincoln promoted him to major general of volunteers. For additional online collections and the value and use of Virginias tax lists in your research, see Virginia Taxation. Congressman, Thomas L. Hamer, who erroneously nominated him as "Ulysses S. Grant of Ohio. He graduated from USMA in 1843, ranking 21st in a class of 39. He started writing his recollections to pay off his debts and provide for his family, racing against death to produce a memoir that ultimately earned nearly $450,000. [9] Together, they had four children: Frederick Dent Grant, Ulysses S. "Buck" Grant, Jr. , Ellen Wrenshall "Nellie" Grant, and Jesse Root Grant. Lee was able to reinforce with troops used to defend against these assaults. Now, he was forced to continually fight on the defensive without a chance to regroup or replenish against an opponent that was well supplied and had superior numbers. He was a remarkably close observer of the war, learning to judge the actions of colonels and generals. He planned to hold new elections so slaves could vote, and Ulysses was elected 18th president of the U.S. in 1868 and again in 1872. There, he moved inland andin a daring move that defied conventional military principlescut loose from most of his supply lines. To make matters worse for Abraham Lincoln, Lee detached a small army under the command of Lieutenant General Jubal A. . After similar battles in Virginia against Lee, all of Grant's predecessors had retreated from the field. After discovering that escape would be impossible, Lee arranged to meet Grant at Appomattox. Build your family tree online ; Share photos and videos ; Smart Matching technology ; Free! The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. After leaving office, Grant made a 2-year cruise. The Battle of the Wilderness was a stubborn, bloody two-day fight, resulting in advantage to neither side, but with heavy casualties on both. ", Ulysses Grant Birthplace, Point Pleasant, Ohio, Ulysses S. Grant Boyhood Home, Georgetown, OhioGrant was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio, east of Cincinnati on the Ohio River to Jesse Root Grant (17941873), a tanner, and Hannah Simpson Grant (17981883), both Pennsylvania natives. The cadets entered the barracks for the school year. Halleck proceeded to organize a 100,000-man army there, dividing it into three corps commands and a reserve for a campaign to capture Corinth, Mississippi. Grant abruptly resigned from the Army with little advance notice on July 31, 1854, offering no explanation for his decision. 'To West Point; I have applied for it.' Il permet aux Indiens Nez Perc de garder leurs terres en Oregon mais doit subir un terrible chec contre la coalition indienne Little Big Horn. Abstracts of Virginias Northern Neck Warrants and Surveys. In its centennial year, a year of deepest economic depression, the nation drifted almost rudderless. Grant persevered, refusing to withdraw as had his predecessors, and Lincoln, despite public outrage and pressure within the government, stuck by Grant, refusing to replace him. When the Confederate commander asked for terms, Grant replied, "No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted." In July 1863, after a long, complex campaign, he defeated five Confederate armies (capturing one of them) and seized Vicksburg. View Site That morning the Confederates were pushed back on the ground that they had fought so hard to win the day before. Although a man of scrupulous honesty, Grant as President accepted handsome presents, from admirers. Senator from Colorado, Jerome Chaffee. He reportedly changed his name to Ulysses S. Grant after his Congressman accidently nominated him to West Point as Ulysses S. Grant of Ohio. death of "tho illustrious soldier, patriot, and ex-Presidont. There was a painfully sad look upon the general's face, and he did not speak for some time. Our conversation grew so pleasant that I almost forgot the object of our meeting." Apprehensive that other cadets would tease him about his initials, he decided to reverse his first two names and call himself Ulysses H. Grant. The Mexican-American War concluded on February 2, 1848. His mother Hannah Julia Grant Cantacuzene's book My Life Here and There is accessible in Hathitrust. Buckner's surrender of over 12,000 men made Grant a national figure almost overnight, and he was nicknamed "Unconditional Surrender" Grant. General-in-Chief and strategy for victory. Grant was the first general to attempt such a coordinated strategy in the war and the first to understand the concepts of total war, in which the destruction of an enemy's economic infrastructure that supplied its armies was as important as tactical victories on the battlefield. ", At age 32, Grant struggled through seven lean years. He was born Hiram Ulysses Grant on 27 April 1822 in Clermont, Ohio, to Jesse and Hannah Grant. As previously planned, Grant's superior in the Department of the Mississippi, Henry Halleck, arrived at Pittsburg Landing to take personal command in the field. Ulysses S. Grant, destined to be the 18th president, was born in a tiny hamlet in Ohio called Point Pleasant on April 27, 1822, in a one-room, twenty square-foot wooden house owned by Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson. It was only the very poor who were exempt. N le 27 avril 1822 une quarantaine de kilomtres de Cincinnati dans l'Ohio Point Pleasant, sa famille modeste s'installe ensuite Georgetown toujours dans l'Ohio. Grant remained in the army and was moved to several different posts. The home of President Grant while he lived in Galena, Illinois.Shortly after Confederate forces fired upon Fort Sumter, President Abraham Lincoln put out a call for 75,000 militia volunteers. "Yes," he replied. Includes material suitable for the K-12 audience. Jay Gould had already prepared and quietly sold out while Fisk denied many agreements and hired thugs to intimidate his creditors. Ulysses S. Grant Jesse Root Grant 1858-1934 With Lillian Burns 1864-1924 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts Noah Grant 1748-1819 (1773) Ann Buel Richardson Noah Grant 1748-1819 (1792) Rachel Miller ca 1770-1805 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts John Simpson 1767-1837 (1793) Rebecca Weir 1757..1770-1801 Mary Simpson 1794- Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant photographed at Cairo, Illinois on Sept. 4, 1861Grant's first important strategic act of the war was to take the initiative to seize the Ohio River town of Paducah, Kentucky, immediately after the Confederates violated the state's neutrality by occupying Columbus, Kentucky. "It was my fortune, or misfortune, to be called to the office of Chief Executive without any previous political training. While my father carried on the manufacture of leather and worked at the trade himself, he owned and tilled considerable land. Grant presided over the last half of Reconstruction. Devising a plan known as the "Cracker Line," Thomas's chief engineer, William F. "Baldy" Smith opened a new supply route to Chattanooga, helping to feed the starving men and animals of the Union army. JULY 23, 1885. On estime que 90 000 personnes ont contribu au financement du mausole en donnant environ 600 000 dollars. When urgent telegrams from state leaders begged for help to put down the waves of violence by paramilitary groups surrounding elections, Grant and his Attorney General replied that "the whole public is tired of these annual autumnal outbreaks in the South,"[31] saying that state militias should handle the problems, not the Army. Finally breaking through Lee's trenches at Petersburg, the Union Army captured Richmond, the Confederate capital, in April 1865. They aimed to turn Republicans out of office, suppress the black vote, and disrupt elections. Horace Porter who served with him, described a scene of a soldier dying beside a roadside during the battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, and Grant's reaction as the dying young man was splattered with mud by a passing rider: The general, whose eyes were at that moment turned upon the youth, was visibly affected. He devised a coordinated strategy that would strike at the heart of the Confederacy from multiple directions: Grant, George G. Meade, and Benjamin Franklin Butler against Lee near Richmond; Franz Sigel in the Shenandoah Valley; Sherman to invade Georgia, defeat Joseph E. Johnston, and capture Atlanta; George Crook and William W. Averell to operate against railroad supply lines in West Virginia; and Nathaniel Banks to capture Mobile, Alabama. Grant ran furiously into the open to rescue Dent; as they were making their way to safety, a Mexican was sneaking up behind Grant, but the Mexican was shot by a fellow U.S. soldier. Civil War Union General, and President Ulysses S. Grant. Gen. Johnston led the last raid on the peach orchard. Under Grant the nation's credit was substantially raised. Grant began his lifelong career as a soldier after graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1843. The personnel of the departments was largely demoralized. ", There was also a great deal of fighting at a peach orchard, just yards away from the Hornet's Nest. [27], Historian Michael Korda explained his strategic genius:[28]. That night dead lay everywhere. Grant allowed Radical Reconstruction to run its course in the South, bolstering it at times with military force. Most of Lee's great victories in earlier years had been won on the offensive, employing surprise movements and fierce assaults. It would bring innovations in the medical field. Lincoln had been quoted after the massive losses at Shiloh as saying, "I can't spare this man. Grant's acceptance of the resignation of Belknap allowed Belknap, after he was impeached by Congress for his actions, to escape conviction, since he was no longer a government official. Brother of Samuel Simpson Grant; Clara Rachel Grant; Virginia Paine Corbin; Orvil Lynch Grant; Mary Frances Cramer (Grant) and 1 other; and Jennie Grant less. The first law that he signed, in March 1869, established the value of the greenback currency issued during the Civil War, pledging to redeem the bills in gold. There his carelessly disposed army was surprised by a sudden and shattering attack by Albert Sidney Johnston, who was mortally wounded at the height of the Confederate advance. Unsuccessful in winning the nomination for a third term in 1880, left destitute by bad investments, and near the brink of death, Grant wrote his Memoirs, which were enormously successful among veterans, the public, and the critics.

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