I've been at my job 20 years - I know my job inside and out. Get a job criticizing nobody blames you for doing that. If we come down hard on anyone who makes an error (I'm looking at you, airlines who "resign" flight crews over errors), we're asking for errors to continue unchecked until an aircraft gets binned. Management often screws around. Would you fly with this ass. at the controls? I am sorry that their may be other factors that may say hey if the plane had performed better and had not taken over he may have been able to fly over the trees and been able to safely land the plane. Aside from the strong evidence that Air France, Airbus and the nation itself may well have had a hand in falsifying data related to the crash, there are several very important points to take away in this very sad and tragic story. Yesterday, I watched the tv document of disaster. Some seconds later the aircraft touched the tops of the trees behind the runway and crashed into a forest. It then takes one second more to go from 67 to 83% N1. Edit. But the airline is ultimately at fault for allowing such a low unprepared fly over. With the CFM56-5 engines, four seconds are required to go from 29% N1[a] (flight idle) to 67%. Some individual in Texas, I read a little excerpt from book written by a man whom I quite dislike,. His job was to find its limitations, but one slipped past him, and Airbus and all the designers and engineers. 12:45:35 - nose-up attitude is now 15 and speed is 122 knots. . The A320 had been recently introduced, and Flight 296 was the first passenger flight of the A320. I do feel the pilot did make 1-3 possible errors - 1) he didn't see the airfield in time - he should have went around again and not descended so quick. Five individuals, including the captain and first officer, were later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. It might have been acceptable if only the flight crew were aboard, otherwise totally irresponsible. Moderators: richierich, ua900, PanAm_DC10, hOMSaR, Military Aircraft You are Captain Michel Asseline. Facts: 1) new plane (model/style) = bugs still to be discovered & pilots not familiar w how plane functions (new technology / automation) 2) pilot was not familiar w air field not shown air field and only given a map of it (inaccurate map showing no terrain) right before the flight 3) air France never should have had people on the flight except crew knowing all these factors. As for pilots at the start of their career they work for peanuts $20,000 by the time they get up to $100k they been living like poppers long enough and I want a confident pilot not some mousy week person that buckles under pressure. Michael failed to obey the rule Michael choose to not only ignore it for himself but for every one on the plane. I want to do a good job and take pride in my work. I thing, there was no evidence, that captain Asseline made a fault before crash of plane. The fact that the pilot deliberately disabled the alpha-floor safety system that would have prevented this accident is crucial. 12:43:44 - the aircraft begins its descent from 2,000 feet (610m), initially at a rate of 300 feet (91m) per minute with 'Flaps 1'. ", I thought a little more broadly. Its about commercial aviation, and Ive tried to include all the relevant facts for you to draw conclusions. It threatened to ruin the reputation of the A320, potentially losing many millions of dollars in sales. His job was to find its limitations, but one slipped past him, and Airbus and all the designers and engineers. as much as I want to believe that Asseline is not to blame, unfortunately he is. Captain Michel Asseline served a year in prison. . Fly-by-wire was perfect for this precision maneuver of an aircraft. [2], Traditionally, pilots respect the inherent dangers of flying at low speeds at low altitude, and normally, a pilot would not attempt to fly an aircraft so close to stalling with the engines at flight idle (minimum thrust setting in flight). Photos taken by airborne photographers of airborne aircraft, Special Paint Schemes If you change the pilots cap for a lab coat, arent you Captain Michel Asseline, too? You must learn and follow the rules otherwise you may DIE or kill someone else and die.This one fact that Michael choose to fly at 100ft that Michael performed as the pilot in charge of this Aircraft is sufficient to place the guilt firmly in his lap. Aircraft flying government officials, Helicopters Well to see if like i said a truck were parked on the runway or if the runway at the end had trees which were not on the map that he had. and our As a pilot you study this rule and there are many rules. He exposed multiple anomalies, not to say lies, in the experts evidence and in the data of the crash all of which pointed to a very high level, state inspired plot to whitewash the aircraft in the crash and confirmed what the pilot had been saying all along. He joined the pilots defense team. Captain Asseline was initially sentenced to 6 months in prison along with 12 months of probation . COLMAR, France (AP) _ The pilot of an Airbus A320 jetliner that crashed during a 1988 air show, killing three passengers while hundreds watched, was sentenced to six months in prison Friday. However the fact he had never flown to this airport previously. This bug has now been corrected in later versions of the 320. The Airbus A320 couldnt handle it. Wouldnt a 200-foot overflight be nearly as spectacular? A pilot should ALWAYS be able to immediately over-ride computer systems in critical moments, such as seeing another aircraft on his runway and needing to suddenly pull up. During the appeal process, Captain Asseline 's sentence was increased to 10 months of imprisonment along with 10 months of probation . Guilty. Today, the captain, Michel Asseline has lost his French pilot license for 8 years. Who went to prison? I know a captain who made a barrel-roll with a Dornier 328. Quote: "and there were trees that shouldn't have been in the area. The captain would make a low-level fly-pass over Runway 02, climb up and turn back, and repeat the fly-pass over the same runway in the reciprocal direction (Runway 20). And we dont share your email with anyone. The captain made a last-second turn and approach to overfly Runway 34R. He also claims he recognized that spectators were on a different runway than the one included in his flight plan. I'm confident in my skills & my co workers often come to me with questions or for help and always no matter how busy I am I gladly help them. The orders were not particularly explicit fly to the Habsheim Aerodrome and go low and slow over Runway Ought-2 to show off for the spectators. I have a hard time believing that the pilot was literally four seconds from the trees when he applied power. Privacy Policy. Do you think Airbus truly covered up a serious flaw in their aircraft? All survived the crash, but three of the passengers died before they could be hospitalized. Local emergency services were informed by radio communication. I think, it was easier to charge captain, than continue in investigation and may find out faults of someone or something else. The crash was a great embarrassment to Air France and Airbus, a European company with deep roots in France. IMDbPro. auto throttle at one of the floor limits) misjudged the situation (the length of the runway, and altitude of the plane), and didn't know the performance of the aircraft sufficiently well (engine spool up times) to safely perform the manoeuvre he was undertaking. Another interesting factor: The investigator, Bechet, was close friends with several executives of both Air France and Airbus- and he and several chiefs of France's accident investigations bureau owned substantial stock in the companies- particularly Airbus. He then tried to open the left-side forward door, which was blocked by trees. The flight would take 130 passengers and 6 crew aloft. The day after the crash, French transport officials called a news conference to say the pilots were flying too slow and too low. The evidence is clear - the plane was at alphamax (high angle of attack), at very low airspeed, and with engine set to idle. The plane had design flaws, the pilot made bad decisions, and there were trees that shouldn't have been in the area. Taking Healthcare Back From The Idiots Who Are Now In Charge. 12:45:15 - the aircraft, now at 90 feet (27m), begins a deviation to the right (maximum bank angle: 30) to line up with the grass strip 34R. And air law states that 500ft is the minimum height for air shows. He is dangerous and shouldn't be flying. If you remove management edicts and substitute human judgment, you can eliminate 19 out of 20 errors. ALL pilots KNOW, that there is a spool up time on jetengines. O June 26 th, 1989, Captain Michel Asseline was planned to pilot the brand new Airbus A320 for the air . All the passengers survived the initial impact, but a woman and two children died from smoke inhalation before they could escape after struggling to unfasten the seatbelt. The map he was given was not accurate the info he was given i.e. There is a very good reason for it. It was a demonstration charter flight, Air France Flight 296. All the passengers were specially selected for the trip. As Air France's technical pilot, he had been heavily involved in test flying the A320 type and had carried out maneuvers beyond normal operational limitations. After looking into all the documentation on this accident, the Pilot is not to be blamed. Mazires was given a twelve month suspended sentence. This and another point i wish to make the fact that most pilots would have performed a procedure called a go around when approaching an airport that you are unfamiliar with. This was a tragic incident. 3 passengers died in the accident and about 50 were injured. There were HUGE financial incentives, at many levels, to place all the blame upon Asseline.This much I do know: Asseline made serious errors in judgment for which he is responsible- lack of recon, altitude & speed, allowing himself to be pressured into doing the fly-by without proper preparation. The egress of the passengers was temporarily halted while the purser and another flight attendant began clearing the branches. It's about commercial aviation, and I've tried to include all the relevant facts for you to draw conclusions. In reality, that only ensures that one pilot never makes the mistake again. Today, they would perform a flyover at the Habsheim Air Show at the Habsheim Aerodrome and go on to a sightseeing tour of Mont Blanc. Menu. It was the third A320 delivered to Air France, the launch customer. [2] The flyover had been approved by Air France's Air Operations Directorate and Flight Safety Department, and air traffic control and Basel tower had been informed. Due to the many demands of redirection and reconfiguration, the craft flew above Runway 34R at 30 feet, not the usual 100 feet which is standard for low-altitude demonstration overflight. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [2], The panicking passengers now began pushing toward the front of the cabin. Where was that, somewhere in Kentucky or Tennessee? Four seconds later, the aircraft begins striking the treetops. If he was still alive today he would be around 92 years old, so I fear he's long since more than likely passed away. Man can find signs of manipulation in recorded data, missing data etc. the plane was stalled? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But the take home message, why do you spend every day at work in the cross-hairs of numerous non-producers who cant do the job, but are stalking you? And that's a big systematic default. Its FREE!!! The pilot called out to the co-pilot for emergency power. Related news. If he wants to skylark on his own with the permission of the aircrafts owner where he can't hurt others, then fine, but the passengers expect utmost safety - not extraordinary risk taking. The press was aboard. Anyone who has worked same job for years will know what I mean when I say we don't really have to think about what we are doing at work we just do it because we have done it so many times before and know exactly how to do it correctly. This accident simply demonstrated that in changing basic functionality of the control systems of a complex machine, unanticipated vulnerabilities were introduced. Michel Asseline was the pilot in command of F-GFKC, Pierre Mazire was his first officer, when the aircraft overflew the airfield at 2 pm in wonderful sunny weather. However, the innocent people, who trusted Air France and Captain Asseline, were not awared that they were placeing themselves in such a perilous situation. Annual Membership Lifetime Membership , Address: PO Box 70423 Oakland Park, FL 33307. its the fault of the AIRBUS not the pilot, NO it isn't. I saw this case on Netflix tonight (Air Disasters, Season 2, Episode 9) and frankly, I find Captain Asseline's explanation very compelling even though it is a classic conspiracy theory. There's every reason to suspect Airbus is correct, that many crashes have been prevented. From higher up, the forest at the end of 34R had looked like a different type of grass. An independent investigator from England is certain that they are not the same. I thought I'd share it with others who love a mysterious conspiracy, especially one with lots of juicy detail. To pull a low-altitude stunt like that, with no margin of error AND with PASSENGERS ABOARD beggars belief! He was leader of the French air force's aerobatics team and, later, a Boeing 747 Flight Captain with Air France. The flight would take 130 passengers and 6 crew aloft. "I've done it twenty times!" Plane" and included an interview with Captain Michel Asseline, survivors, and accident investigators.[10]. The rich stay rich because they are manipulative, greedy, throat-cutting bastards who will literally do ANYTHING, trash anyone, to protect/increase their wealth. 16-ago-2021 - Captain Michel Asseline, 44, had been a pilot with Air France for almost twenty years and had the following endorsements: Caravelle; Boeing 707, 727, and 737; and Airbus A300 and A310. But now that the aircraft was performing its flyover at only thirty feet, the crew noticed the aircraft was lower than the now-identified hazard that they were fast approaching. Much of this stock was held in the names of various family members and shell corporations. However why were passengers allowed on this flight. at the end he did try and regain altitude and power, but, alas, he did not allow the 8 seconds for the engines to spool up to full power. Why be a sucker? Asseline made some critical errors, but there were also some big problems with the A320's fly-by-wire system. His craft was the third Airbus ever built. This is a clear case of giving a good dog a bad name in other to hang it.Airbus overlooked the plane's defects, gave the pilots terrible recon photos which didn't even include the woods(In which the plane crashed into) and even swapped the blackboxes.Wat a shame, I had a few beers with Captain Michel Asseline, 10 years later -His opinion of the A320 (I quote his words in French) "Airbus, c'est la merde" - Try a web translation(s) Retired 747 pilot - TRE-TRI. Some faceless desk-pilot added on a trip to a tiny airfield on the day of the flight but did not bother to do the hard work of preparing the particulars necessary to do so. If you get blamed for everything, its better to do nothing. If he maintained 100ft, the aicraft would've missed the 40ft trees! He always could have done a couple fly overs and looped back. But as the aircraft approached the field, the flight deck crew noticed that the spectators were gathered beside runway 34R (2,100 feet (640m) long, grass). *Management often screws around. Pilot was sentenced to imprisonment for about a year. Props and jets from the good old days, Flight Decks Big business wins in the end and Captain Asseline took the fall. The day's flight plan was completing a low altitude and speed turn demonstration. Captain Asseline, First Officer Mazire, two Air France officials and the president of the flying club sponsoring the air show were all charged with involuntary manslaughter . 3 people died due to smoke. Also punished with suspended sentences were Air Frances then-director of air operations, a security official for Air France, and the president of the Habsheim air club. He was leader of the French air forces aerobatics team and, later, a Boeing 747 Flight Captain with Air France. Guilty. My father was in no doubt that the pilot was solely responsible for the crash, as M. Assline was well known to be over-confident in his appreciation of his flying abilities by all who worked with him (ie: a 'cocky' sort). Asseline worked with my father in Australia after that incident and he was convinced of a conspiracy in which the French airlines covered the entire thing up and made it look like his error so as not to damage sales of the new model of plane he had transcripts of documents showing that the black box recovered from the crash was replaced with a fake and that he could tell from the records of the fake black box that it was recorded in a flight simulator somewhere in South Africa honestly people, it is manslaughter by negligence. After a few seconds, Asseline claims, he became worried that the plane's completely computerised throttle control had malfunctioned and responded by pulling the throttle all the way back then forward again. It was piloted by a premier captain of Air France, Captain Michel Asseline, with over10,000 air hours, and led the training division of Air France for qualifying pilots on the Airbus 320. I should estimate that in my experience most troubles and most possibilities for improvement add up to the proportions something like this: 94% belongs to the system (responsibility of management), 6% special. Page 315 of Out of the Crisis by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Airport overviews from the air or ground, Tails and Winglets I'd give the pilot 30-40% responsibility for the crash. Aside from the strong evidence that Air France, Airbus and the nation itself may well have had a hand in falsifying data related to the crash, there are several very important points to take away in this very sad and tragic story. Everyone thought it was a no-brainer for the A320 to wow this crowd. Why not consider Direct Primary Care, when your quality reviewer is the patient alone? His choice to put the safety of the passengers at risk was and is the defining point I wish to make. He is now flying in Australia. Self: Air Crash Investigation. He was a highly distinguished pilot with 10,463 flight hours. The others were sentenced to probation. [1], At the time of the incident, only three of the new aircraft type had been delivered to Air France, and the newest one (in service for two days) had been chosen for the flyover. But its all about me and you. Every type from fighters to helicopters from air forces around the globe, Classic Airliners 500 feet is the law it is not simple a suggestion. He was supposed to conduct a low-level pass over the runway at . Fly-by-wire, only previously used in military craft, was a sophisticated design in which the software could override human inputs to prevent pilot error. He had been charged with ``involuntary homicides and injuries.. [2], The medical team from the airshow arrived and began examining the passengers. Airbus had too much to lose as far as money invested developing the plane. Unprofessional. I also remember the incident and also am on the side of the pilot. My feeling: pilot did as he was told by air France. [3], It was also claimed by the Institute of Police Forensic Evidence and Criminology, based in Switzerland, that the flight data recorders may have been switched and were not the original ones in the airplane. The episode "Disastrous Descents" of the TV series Aircrash Confidential produced by WMR Productions and IMG Entertainment, featured the accident and included an interview with Captain Michel Asseline. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is a very bad thing for a pilot to do at any time, and a cardinal sin when done 30 ft above the ground. Asseline claims that this indicated a problem with the aeroplane's fly-by-wire system rather than pilot error. He was however given a plane that would not climb properly when he tried to and this also contributed to the crash. You sound very biased towards the pilot.No wonder you completely missed the point that the Flight Data Recorder's data was tampered with, with the crucial seconds intentionally cut off from the magnetic tape that would confirm the plane's delay in response to his increase in thrust in his attempt to lift the plane over the treetops. Not being able to fly directly to the airport. Discover (and save) your own Pins on Pinterest. This was yet another unanticipated vulnerability. What is crucial is to understand the threats that can lead to errors, look at how those threats can be mitigated, and have procedures in place that allow errors to be caught and resolved before they become a safety event. Pictures of great freighter aircraft, Government Aircraft There is a flying carpet and its pilot; and there is a veritable sewer of filth which has been swept beneath it and has not yet been revealed to the public. The posters here who support the pilot don't know what they are talking about. This was the first fatal crash of an Airbus A320. [5][6], The plane's flight recorders were found still attached in the unburnt tail section. your own Pins on Pinterest Discover (and save!) Respond with some you can think of! Christian Roger, a professional pilot, complained energetically about the fact-finding process around the crash. Whos going to fly the goddamn airplanes in the future? I think the best example of this case would be Captain Lyle Prouse - he went to jail for flying a passenger flight while drunk, lost his job with NW as well as his FAA licence, and ends up being rehired, regained his licence & retired from NW as a 747 captain. Foremost in my mind when I fly is safety not only form anyone flying with me but also for myself. Asseline had to disengage the autothrottle and the alpha floor function which he was used to applying in high altitude flight. He continued flying and after two years he became a captain again Everyone airminded in France knows that Michel Asseline, who was an Air France chief pilot instructor at the beginning of the Airbus A-320 era and PIC in the A-320 that crashed at Mulhouse-Habsheim airfield in June 1988, resumed his career some years after the accident as a Boeing-737 pilot in Australia. ("Is guilty the pilot") published in 1992 ("Edition N1" editor). A training captain since 1979, he was appointed to head the company's A320 training subdivision at the end of 1987. [2], The flight deck crew believed that the engines had failed to respond to the application of full power. After the first pass, the first officer would then apply the takeoff/go-around switch (TOGA) power and climb steeply before turning back for the second pass. The captain, Michel Asseline, disputed the report and claimed an error in the fly-by-wire computer prevented him from applying thrust and pulling up. Then takes one second more to go from 67 to 83 % N1,,. This airport previously in charge his flight plan was completing a low altitude and turn... France flight 296 was the first fatal crash of plane, it was the first fatal crash of Airbus!: richierich, ua900, PanAm_DC10, hOMSaR, Military aircraft you are Michel! A320 for the trip in their aircraft info he was told by France... Passengers died in the area, Military aircraft you are captain Michel Asseline,,! Striking the treetops x27 ; s flight plan was completing a low unprepared fly over not to be blamed:. Incident and also am on the plane had design flaws, the plane had flaws... 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