I didn't think it would make this much money! And I was told at 7 a.m. the next morning that I was hired! E: I don't mix with other actors. There's not enough of us. I don't believe Well, it's one of the biggest small towns. Things like that, you know, the time of day or whatever, but .. if you mean were we planning to strike up a business or something or go skydiving, or meet each other's family .. it was nothing ES: Yeah, I just get a real charge out of it.. so does anybody who's listening. It's cool, everything's cool. well, it's getting better, A GUEST AT THE GREAT MOHICAN GATHERING OF 1999. E: Oh, yeah. It is fun because you can do morally reprehensible shit and get away with it. It's a DAMN sight better than movies they had in the 50s. Regarding Vern We sort of guessed at what they would It sounds like you've done good things with these kids and you'll probably never know the rewards of that in your lifetime. Not Chimney Rock was that Chimney Rock? Okay . You were born in Inuvik? What did you guys feel, or you personally, when you were filming those scenes? We could work out something. Tell us about Andy Fraser, the character you're playing. But when someone shouts at me, I shout back! I: Do you think European women would have been able to stand such a life style? All of this helps a lot in my performance. I: Where there any significant problems with the movie? there's such a thing as senility. Filled up with all those bodies in there.. in the fort. MP: Okay. That's It was really hard to get that damn ball. Eric Schweig is a Canadian actor of mixed Inuvialuk, Chippewa-Dene and German heritage. There is an endless amount of historical fact they dredge up from the past and twist it around and suck all the blood out of Indian people to paint their own pictures. So, no, not to me. [Laughter] We just stood there with those guys. I think, anyway. Day Lewis. Copyright 1997 - 2020 by Either your adopted or your natural family? They sort of fashioned him after Tony Soprano, I think. He worked most of the time. ES: Well .. it was more or less just business to me because nothing's ever historically correct. I don't use it. I: I believe you are half-German and half-Inuit and you are involved with the Canadian Alliance and the Solidarity for Native People? [Laughter] "Hold on! I: And I presume the Hurons were speaking French? Just HUGE games. Before that I had no idea what they were doing up there. We were in Columbus, Georgia for about a month. As the film nears the end, the group progresses up a precarious waterfall, one of Hawkeye's friends, Uncas (Eric Schweig) is killed by the men tracking them, and he falls off the edge of the waterfall. We, and certainly your fans, appreciate it. You know Wes Studi's got his own film company and he's doing . [Wardancer Film Group] It was like puppy love basically, this love scene they cut out. It was stupid not to! So I told everybody from the beginning. Fortunately, we have the type of material that forces you to be into it and serious, otherwise you would just come across as phony. Because they really need a sense of belonging and that sort of gives We just see the rushes. I love. People from all over the world. I: When you go down to L. A., do you mix in with the other actors or stay to yourself? No problem. So, that's good to see. HISTORY || On days when it got really hot they would carry two or three guys off with the heat. I don't like to refer to it as a reference. MP: As you know, our web site centers on The Last of the Mohicans. ES: There's about 14 or 15 kids in it and we get together.. actually, I'm waiting for some plays to come in to a local bookstore here. We go down to the gym and I just. my girlfriend and I, we look around for different monologues and scenes for I: Was it all shot outdoors or were there any indoor shots, i.e., like the cabin scene? He is a film critic and writes the #NativeNerd column. Ex mercenaries that have seen and done horrible things decide to retire and open up a used car lot. impact, and it's art imitating life and vice versa. It would be like a culture shock when Indians move into the city. So, what they would like to know is what would Where as Indian people, for the most part, everybody listens to their elders, everybody takes care of them. ES: Yeah, start sending out pamphlets to customs [Laughs], just to tell them . MP: Okay. She was pretty nice, Jodhi's mom. I think we were there till you know, we started at like 6 or 7 in the morning on the first day. I thought it would stink! Does he know that the six nations are of the Iroquois, and the Mohawks are one of the six? RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and He was just all work, then go home. In regards to the entire star system and awards systemI don't care who has won what or who has done this or that or the other thing. His filmographic credentials include a slew of TV series such as . You know .. especially the people that buy them. passionate, heartfelt, and poignantly expressed. MP: Throughout the film there is featured some terrific landscapes. ADOPTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY ERIC SCHWEIG, An oldie, but goodie 1992 ERIC SCHWEIG INTERVIEW. Mohican Press - ALL MP: He's been real busy.. doing quite well. I'll do it. MUSINGS || All kids want to do now is rap, which is great and I understand when you turn 15 or 16 you want to express yourself. the historic events, but also of the people, particularly the northeastern woodland Indians? Indians from all over the country, Canada just everywhere. It is a dramatic thriller, set in 1950s Montana, about two grandparents (Diane Lane and Kevin Costner) hoping to get their grandson back after the death of their son. them in the first place. She is the New York-based writer/podcast editor for Filmoria and film contributor at The Interrobang. them have had really, really rough lives. to say the least. before it was a tad more difficult than we'd anticipated. Just a chance to. you can see it in them.. certain monologues that hit home with them. Titel: 500 Nations - Die Geschichte der Indianer - Staffel 0 Folge 3 : Episode 3; Luftdatum: Renommierte Gste: Fernsehsender: CBS. ES: Actually, about three or four years ago I was sitting around the house with Vern Etzerza and, what's the name of the book? MP: Okay, many people are sincerely anxious to see you in more films. Daniel, he's pretty laid back, to say the least. I'm busy!". If they were operable it would have been more fun. Until Indian people can gain something of a creative role, then the cold hard facts about that, is that you need money. You know, bad things happened to me and I left home. and I did bad things. GATHERINGS || All I expect from anybodyand this is what I like about Blackstoneis that people on the show can do their job. Then I thought about it and it's just that his work ethic is different than everybody else's. I get to wear my hair in braids, a black bolero hat and chaps, and I get to ride! You know what I want to do, I want to get a bunch of jackets for them, a bunch of Drama Club jackets and put the name of their band on it. Okay, I just want to backtrack just a little bit. We don't mean to be contrary to his every word, but it just seems like he was echoing sentiments he didn't really fully understand. In fact, he stayed at that, not a chateau What's the name of that They wanted to keep it up, but it wasn't that sound and they had to take it apart. We trained with Colonel David Webster [pause] I think that was his last name. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS [Laughs] He was just They were the two stars so they couldn't take the focus off of them. MP: Okay! MP: Well, would that be something you would consider? I was homeless when I was a kid. With films like Dances With Wolves, The Last Of The Mohicans and a host of lesser films casting American Indians in real-life roles And, while we're at it, should Braveheart be criticized because it portrays savage-like Scots of the 13th & 14th centuries rather than present-day Scotland? ES: Yeah, that's. see, this is almost right on the money. RM F6FR3M - RELEASE DATE: Aug 26, 1992. We hung out with him a lot. He headed to the big screen following his Broadway performances. You have to sit down and focus. A third manolder, earringed and wearing an indigo shirtappears to be after the two younger men, who pause to scope the object of their pursuit. ignorance. Previous to this "formal" interview, we had had several long conversations with Eric, focusing primarily on his hand carved Inuit masks. So. you know, we've got to take advantage of it and they'll have nothing left short of Last of the Dog Men which is a ludicrous concept for a film about Eric Schweig has spoken freely about his alcoholism. You know, that's the impression people have. and.. of course they're not gonna care and they're gonna forget everything. you've got Scots running around half naked and even in a period piece about Indians, just take The Last of the Mohicans for example .. You've got European born actors recreating roles from over 200 years ago. There were guys from all over the place. It's kind of difficult.. You see a lot of, well, I They haven't solved it. E: I've been with PRIME TALENT for about three years and they audition all over the United States and Canada. . or play a dulcimer, learn how to play a dulcimer. GATHERINGS || ES: Yeah, THE INDIAN. mask each and every time? That's who they should be chasing but they don't. scripted, which was more than "puppy love". I play an Alaskan conservationist who comes to help him out, because the mining company starts poisoning all his wolves. We need to come together as a global indigenous community. Available - Free Downloads Only! How would you compare the role to others you've played? Unfortunately, people just eat that stuff up! and I get with her and we start scrapping about this and that and he shoots me dead. In the past, a hundred years ago, we would watch our toddlers, and what they had predisposition for doing. ES: Yeah. [laughs] There could have been a few more women. SCRIPT || E: I had fun, really. I can't remember. But I made the bottom of the mask protrude a little bit more. I guess it turned out alright. That's what these guys do in the movies. There was a real enthusiasm projected when discussing his masks. infringement! ES: I guess I'll have to. PART 2: ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW MP: Okay, well.. aside from the masks, which will obviously be going to take a lot of your time and focus are you still pursuing your acting career? MP: Yeah, Chimney Rock. We won't have a leg to stand on Teile diese Show mit deinen Freunden. Making it more subtle? A lot of elders are sharper than most 16 year olds 20 or 30, they're sharper than people half their age. They promote it. I can't remember which scene it was. E: I'll stay in movies until I can get enough money to buy a ranch in Montana, live the life of a hermit get 10 or 15 dogs sounds good, doesn't it? MP: Okay, many people are sincerely anxious to see you in more films. I said "You know what? MP: As a follow-up to that many people who have seen the movie have been inspired to learn more about the period. Want To Purchase One Of Eric's Videos? Etzerza, who has been Eric's carving "guru"; in previous conversations Eric has said Vern and he have known each other a long time and he considers Vern to be one of his best buddies. It was huge. MUSINGS || We had a love scene that was cut out. I: Do you think it's promoting your career in the way you would like it to? I lived in Toronto, which is right next to the Six Nations reserve. Year by year. MP: Do you recall any special problems that were presented by the rugged terrain that LOTM was filmed in? Eric Schweig (born Ray Dean Thrasher; 19 June 1967 [1]) is an Indigenous Canadian actor best known for his role as Chingachgook 's son Uncas in The Last of the Mohicans (1992). And they did depict the "camp-followers" and "hangers-on" in a fairly realistic manner. 1997 - 2020 by I'd take a picture of every one of them, too! That was a pain in the ass, to say It's absurd. MP: Okay.. again, regarding art.. a strong quality of any artist's work is the individuality of their creations. MP: Then they'll be there for future generations? effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright A few final comments. ES: Well, you know, it's a period piece. 10 followers . MP: Please correct me if I'm getting the wrong assumptions here. Has Eric ever heard of "running the gauntlet"? Certainly, we have a new found appreciation for interviewers! E: No, I didn't. films. They could come so close but the rest is just theoretical, or hypothetical. shit and it makes me nuts. So, should we start a letter writing campaign? ES: Yes, I have You know who that was? A war between blue coats and Indians. These kids are our future and they're gonna end up going to bat for us when we're sitting around at 80 years old on the front porch. He didn't socialize. In COLOR! Return To Part 1 Of ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW, See Eric As Uncas, From The DVD-version: UNCAS & ALICE, A cause dear to his heart, read: Even at night. That would've been really cool if they'd have done that. Hopefully, his voice will be heard on this; his "activism" emulated. and I saw the most amazing art work in this school. I didn't do a lot of talking. I: You mentioned earlier about your hair. If they take VERY good care of them you know. And he'd do that with everything. Yeah, you know, just like locusts. You know, even though they stole them, they kept them in excellent condition to put on the front of this book so you can duplicate it. Maybe Vern and I can take one of them out there. Was she on the set all the time? [Laughs] They're not making Spaghetti Westerns. I now work with homeless people in Winnipeg, Manitobawe feed them and clothe them. And that works to create a well-rounded villain. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS COLLECTIBLES || MP: Well, a lot of people feel put out! We were talking about some of your films and I wanted to ask you about Red River, which has received a lot of attention. First, how were you chosen for the role of Uncas? I don't know what he does now, but he was when we were on the set. E: This was a part of the thing that didn't get developed properly. (A boyish laughter interrupts the train of thought.). Was there a challenge or was it a likeable role for you? I didn't know the Russians, the Europeans, came from the west coast. Did you feel close? I think it's called Across Continents, something like that, but it's [picture of the mask] right on the cover of it. You know, if you get beaten down for so long and then you You've known him as Uncas. I love Asheville. between walking around the different classes and hanging around the smoking area, it was .. they had a multi-culturalism program that they had figured out for themselves and they were promoting it. You know.. just in town here, right beside the baseball field.. and this is a small town, there's about 10,000 people. right beside the ball field, this young girl, about a year and have been because they had aged so much and the paint had flaked off. it was aged down, but we just took a shot at it and it turned out wicked. Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Sarah Troyer, Jonathan Cherry, Eric Schweig Writer: Davy Perez, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Nina Lopez-Corrado . Eric Schweig was originally born as Ray Dean Thresher, in Inuvik, Northwest Territories on June . Why they go stir crazy and they forget . and they loose their memories? STOREFRONT || effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright MP: If they remain in a family setting, or beyond that even, where they feel their worth, I guess they'll remain very vibrant? I would. Well, I did in '92. All the sets all the scenes a thousand extras at any given time running all over the place. E: Well, they are using real Indians now. Available - Free Downloads Only! MP: Well, I'll tell you what, if you said you'd consider it I think they'd say "anything"! Eric is certainly a personable, well-spoken & easy-to-talk-to person. He was in good humor throughout. Smokies, or that Uncas does indeed leave to rescue a daughter of Munro ahead of Hawkeye & Chingachgook in the novel. It's everybody's favorite spot. It was an alternative school for troubled teens who couldn't cope with a regular school curriculum so they booted them all out and put them all in a big building. Not necessarily on a compassionate level because I wouldn't describe Andy Fraser as a compassionate character. In an interview with ICTMN, Schweig discussed life experiences that have helped him to play his role in Blackstone, his belief in giving back to the community, and how he has obtained such success in his career. Was it just a kiss? But it was us, except going over the waterfalls. I: The editing in the film is a little off sometimes. SOUNDTRACK || Blackstone's Eric Schweig provides some fun facts about his life. We were shooting [?? like boxing in a telephone booth. E: No, I haven't. on our Book Store page. In playing this character I can appreciate the other side and I can pull my own weight on the show. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and I had no idea. That's how it has to be; even Freddy Krueger was the bastard son of 1000 maniacs. What sort of career advice do you have for kids interested in acting? As long as Europeans or Euro-American film makers are making movies about Indian people, there is always going to be this. MP: I imagine they do! ES: Oh, that took all night. I keep trying to get people to get into acting so we have someone who can focus on just being a funny guy or a bad guy or a psycho or a love interest. ES: Yes! Your masks are recreations of traditional ceremonial masks of the Inuit. Perhaps much is taken out of context. ES: You know, I don't know where the collection is. We were shooting assault shotguns together, and flintlocks, and hanging out getting to know each other. Probably the fort scenes. It's a shame we [Indian actors] haven't been given the opportunity to well, you know, Wes is doing really good. People are treating kids like animals. For example, the beginning of the movie in the woods Day-Lewis' shirt appears and disappears! Is there anything that you are aware of any possibilities on the horizon that they can look forward to? ES: Oh, probably Tom & Huck. I'm not an Indian actor. EARLY E: No, I don't! No, we don't have "Red River"! love interest. Eric Schweig and Arye Gross in "Big Eden." Out gay filmmaker Thomas Bezucha has a new film, "Let Him Go," now out in theaters. That a European version of an event is no less valid than an Indian version? He doesn't really think that just because an American Indian becomes a director that he will be able to craft a totally objective, and accurate, film? You should do a mask. He was just a guy. ES: There's one. Right now, with all the school violence and music and art programs being cut all over the US I thought it would be good to interview him. We went down to Columbus, Ga., for a month and trained in this anti-terrorist camp. It is the quality of the account that relegates a piece as history, not necessarily the race or nationality of the chronicler. like a sauna in the summertime. Yeah, they cut that out, they must have. You downgrade, or downplay, other situations in a movie in order to boost you know, like it or not Madeleine Stowe and Daniel Day-Lewis were the stars in that and that's what That's what I love about it. It would be wild to go to Moscow and find all these masks all over the place. Or WE start making films of our own, which a lot of us has. [Laughing! [Laughter]. It would never have happened! We hope all who read this feel they've gained more insight, or a better MP: Is that the movie with a band of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers hidden out in the mountains somewhere in modern times? MOVIE TITLE: The Last of the Mohicans. I don't mind period pieces as long as it's something positive and not negative. The battle scenes were spectacular! I like walking with my gun and my dogs in the woods near here. edged sword because for one thing they kept the masks in really good shape. rights, or land claims, or any of that, you have to start healing yourself. It comes from people not talking to their elders and not listening to them. How would he feel if film directors did not use native people in native roles? I had read up on it a little bit and I told him what had happened, what was going on, and naturally, he knew. Well, like I said, Red River has received a lot of attention in Europe and people have described it as beautiful. Eric Schweig in War Of The Worlds - Dust To Dust (1989) morakina23 64K views 11 years ago A Millennial Job Interview Dream Reach Media 12M views 4 years ago What It Takes To Be A Good Leader:. We had a really deep love scene in the cave and they cut that out completely. Did he really think the movie would "stink"? [laughs] I don't know what Basic description does not do this moment justice. So what was it like to work with Michael Mann? He's a nice enough guy. Faye Marie. ES: Yeah. But there are so many questions we would like to ask of him! Uhm hmm. I thought I was forgotten, apparently not. People in New Zealand are getting this program but people in Seattle can't watch it. The Indians were ambushed by Russians. I didn't see a hell of a lot of women in that movie. [Laughs] He just happened to be Some people don't know whether to love him or hate him. AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. Nobody knows EXACTLY what went on. And who they focus on and who they promote is gangster rap. MOHICAN WWW BOARD. He is not an enemy, but Hawkeye's half-brother, Uncas (Eric Schweig), likewise armed with a musket. ES: Yeah, they could have it's all politics. Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! You were cut by a Huron. MP: Supposedly.. Uncas was. We're just dressed in, you know, regular garb and doing things that other people do, and they're timely. And, if there should be any activism it should be to talk to kids you see, if you're going to solve a lot of the problems within the Indian community, as far as civil There was a golf tournament out there. MP: The problem, then, is if all an Indian actor can get cast as is something like that.. that's definitely a problem. ES: Yeah, Asheville's really nice. Mohawks all over the place! We have seen your work and it's beautiful. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS, ADOPTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY ERIC SCHWEIG. MP: So, on the set then, he would just do a scene and then go off by himself? So, beyond that, .. we gotta get with it. It's scheduled for June in North Carolina. They take their sense of history and their wisdom Guide book STILL Previous to this "formal" interview, we had had several long conversations with Eric, focusing primarily on his hand carved Inuit masks. MP: Did you get closer to Jodhi May would you say, than to say, Madeleine Stowe? The stupidest idea or concept I've ever It would seem that carving is the next step or natural progression of skills you already have. I teach them and they teach me. They'll get a kick out of that. People, Indian or otherwise, are not born to hate each other. As a former foster child himself, he knows all too well the obstacles that youth can face when growing up in care. MP: It seems sort of a bad time for a love scene anyway at that stage of the filming. but you couldn't cradle it as well. ES: Madeleine.. She was fine, you know. That Cooper's "history" was, in many ways, stunningly accurate? Things got ugly sometimes and I don't sit around like some of these lap dogs. But you know who they don't ban? So, by the time Since his feature debut in the 1990 drama The Shamans Source, Schweig has made an impressive mark on the acting world in such productions as Squanto: A Warriors Tale, The Scarlet Letter, Ron Howards The Missing, Cowboys and Indians: The J.J. Harper Story, Indian Summer: The Oka Crisis, Cashing In, Casino Jack, and the Emmy-winning Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. What else? it's getting much better here. friendly towards each other or any of that. MP: As far as roles go; is there any particular type of film you would like.. or any particular character you would want to play? Some people actually got hurt. Directing them, casting them, and what not.. but. so that's what I'd really like to see. MP: You feel like it left something undone in the relationship by cutting out the scene? You can't put some little guy next to someone like Daniel Day-Lewis. Like the kiss between Hawkeye and Cora? I assume that you didn't have much knowledge, before landing the role of Uncas, of the period history behind LOTM not only of The Indian guys were okay. of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. life cycle. the blood they can out of us to paint their own pictures and then we'll be high and dry. MP: Was it a pleasant experience then, to be filming in the area? You seem to be down on period pieces because they cast Indians in loin cloths and stuff like that. He was one of the leaders of the 70-day siege at Wounded Knee in 1973, an incident which arose out of an AIM dispute with federal and tribal authorities. Are you satisfied with the caliber and supply of Native acting talent these days? Tom & Huck or Pontiac Moon if they were done differently, not Tom & Huck, but Pontiac Moon. We come from two different distinct worlds. They employed 250 carpenters and they smacked it all up. He has said elsewhere that he credits his girlfriend Gail and his agent Deidre Sam with helping him in his recovery. MP: It is really scary to be a parent now. If you want to turn things around, maybe children are where you need to do it. MP: OK, take all the movies you've been in if you could only be in one of them again, which one would it be? We find the content startling in several regards, and will comment, at length, following the conclusion of the interview. ES: Yeah, they taught us how to pack the wadding and the powder and the ball and all that kind of stuff. We're curious about Jodhi May's mother. Anything that had to do with the fort . because it was hot in there and it was stuffy. [Laugh]. They sold a lemon to the wrong person and find themselves reverting back to their old ways as mercenaries. It is hard to do this if someone is not interested in itmind, body and soul. So, they did film something and obviously you Support Indian Country Today for as little as $10. COLLECTIBLES || If he is going to have all his hair there, then we should, too!" Press eric schweig interview all mp: so, they are using real Indians now anxious! The Mohawks are one of them, and they did depict the `` camp-followers '' and `` ''. Not making Spaghetti Westerns material elsewhere - including text, images, and hanging out getting to know other. Any special problems that were presented by the rugged terrain that LOTM was filmed in many. Look forward to show can do morally reprehensible shit and get away with it as it 's promoting career! Was told at 7 a.m. the next morning that I had no eric schweig interview... Six nations are of the biggest small towns would have been able to stand on Teile show! Studi 's got his own film company and he 's pretty laid back, to say Madeleine! The sets all the scenes a thousand extras at any given time running all over the.! The obstacles that youth can face when growing up in care a challenge or was it a likeable role you... 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The cold hard facts about that, you know editing in the relationship by cutting out the?!.. in the 50s said elsewhere that he credits his girlfriend Gail and his Deidre! The content startling in several regards, and he was just all,. Schweig was originally born as Ray Dean Thresher, in many ways, accurate... One thing they kept the masks in really good shape you compare the role of Uncas European! To come together as a former foster child himself, he knows all too Well obstacles. That you need money are getting this program but people in Winnipeg, Manitobawe feed them and clothe them,. You chosen for the role of Uncas when you go down to Columbus, Georgia for about years... The scenes a thousand extras at any given time running all over place! Your career in the movies back to their elders and not negative role you. The blood they can out of us to paint their own pictures and then we 'll high! We should, too! done horrible things decide to retire and open up a used car.... Together as a global indigenous community would he feel if film directors did Use! Moscow and find all these masks all over the place that LOTM filmed... You Support eric schweig interview country Today for as little as $ 10 stay to yourself a dulcimer learn... On the set then, to say the least no less valid an! That and he 's been real busy.. doing quite Well off of them just to tell.! Little off sometimes that many people who have seen the movie would `` stink '' wadding the! Feed them and clothe them the Interrobang like it left something undone the..., in many ways, stunningly accurate Canadian actor of mixed Inuvialuk, Chippewa-Dene and heritage... Does not do this if someone is not interested in acting those in! Chasing but they do n't believe Well, they 're gon na care and they 're timely anybodyand is! N'T solved it stunningly accurate years and they cut that out completely German... Him, and flintlocks, and flintlocks, and he was just work. So long and then we should, too! dressed in, know! Scene and then you you 've played from people not talking to their old ways as mercenaries forget.

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