4591 12 181101 120626 190910 NA NA NA 12.b.2. COLUMN (A) COLUMN (B) COLUMN (A) COLUMN (B) COLUMN (A) COLUMN (B) 5831 5831 5939 5939 5948 5948 OMPF Document Submission Timelines. 18. 0491 114 20191201 NA 20210601 NA NA NA 6222 1 20171101 NA 20211001 20121210 20211001 NA In accordance with reference (b), all correspondence submitted to the President of the board must be received no later than 10 calendar days prior to the board convene date. 15. DSN: 278-9712/9713 Per references(i) and (j), Marines who must and have requested transfer to the FMCR due to ECFC or service limits may request special promotion consideration via correspondence to CMC, Manpower Management Separation and Retirement, Active Duty Retirement Section (MMSR-2).Requests for special promotion consideration must be received prior to the convening date of the board. 9.b. Comm: 1-800-268-3710 (option 3) SUBJ/FY 2022 GUNNERY SERGEANT SELECTION BOARD// Section Head, DSN: 278-3952 11.c. THE INTENDED MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY (IMOS) ALLOCATIONS AND MODIFIED ZONES FOR THE FY 2012 GUNNERY SERGEANT SELECTION BOARD ARE LISTED: 12.b.2.f. 6074 2 20191001 NA 20210401 20130805 20210401 NA It is expected to wrap up in June, tapping about 1,900 staff sergeants for promotion. 0521 2 181001 NA 190701 NA NA NA 12.b.2.f. All Marines who are eligible for consideration by an Enlisted Promotion Selection Board must have satisfied specified Professional Military Education (PME) requirements prior to the convening. 9.b.2. Personal correspondence Receipt Verification. Marines who have lateral move requests approved MUST accept and sign their lateral move approval in order to properly reflect in MCTFS and be eligible for promotion. REF C, MARADMIN 474/21, UPDATED ENLISTED PME REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE. 9.b.2. REF/J/MSGID: DOC/MIFD/14JUL2000// The service already requires gunnery sergeants to serve at least three more years after pinning on that rank, Black told the Marines in Yuma, Arizona, where he discussed the policies last week . Marines are personally responsible for ensuring CMC (MMPR-2) has physically received update material before 2359, EDT on 15 April 2022 and may verify receipt of the material sent to the President of the board via the Enlisted Promotions home page or by contacting CMC (MMPR-2). These changes are reflective of the current requirements of the Marine Corps. Ensure any material sent to CMC (MMRP-20) for filing in the OMPF contains full name, grade, and the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI). Additional changes that occur during the board session will be announced in the selection MARADMIN. Height and Weight Standards. 5954 2 180101 090817 180601 NA NA NA Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMRP) 5948 6 20190601 NA 20210601 NA NA NA Marines who have received an adjusted DOR or made a lateral move and believe they will be considered in the wrong zone (because of the adjusted DOR or lateral move) must notify CMC (MMPR-2), in writing, before 2359, EDT on 25 April 2022. below. 6423 2 181001 100809 190201 NA 190401 NA Commanders are also reminded to make appropriate MCTFS entries, if warranted. 14.b.3. 12.a. 0639 35 171001 080527 180701 NA 190601 111212 It is critical that eligible Marines ensure their record includes evidence of PME completion. For Pre and post selection board counseling and record The tentative allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs are identified below. The MBS can also be obtained through the MMRP web site. 12.a.4. POC/CYRUS J. WILLIAMS/MSGT/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718 EMAIL:CYRUS.J.WILLIAMS1@USMC.MIL// 11.e. Promptly report any Marine eligible for this board who is the subject of completed disciplinary action (by military or civilian authorities) not previously reported on earlier fitness reports. For Pre and post selection board counseling and record Website: www.manpower.usmc.mil, click on "Promotion Branch 6324 6 181001 080714 181001 NA 191201 NA 5951 2 20171001 NA 20210401 20130923 20210401 NA 2131 7 20191001 NA 20211201 NA NA NA EDIPI_ltrtoboard(2). 2311 11 20180101 20101018 20181101 20110321 20200102 NA 0231 30 180601 110110 190501 NA 190801 NA 3529 39 20171001 20100802 20190602 20110314 20201001 NA 6.a.5. The above zone contains Marines who have previously received consideration in the promotion zone and failed selection. 6256 4 150201 NA 181001 NA 191101 NA Ensure those eligible Marines who are voluntarily requesting not to be selected are counseled per reference (g) and submit their requests in the proper format. 4821 4821 5512 5512 5524 5524 PME REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE MarAdmin 521/14 contains complete PME promotion requirement information. 12.a.2. The above zone contains Marines who have previously received consideration in the promotion zone and failed selection. 2008 Elliot Road 6114 2 171001 070806 171001 NA 171201 100125 Marines may perform a self-audit by following instructions at the MMRP home page: www.manpower.usmc.mil, then click on "Active Marine", "Records and Performance (MMRP)", then click on "MMRP-50", followed by "Enlisted Counseling" link on the left, then follow the instructions provided. 6492 4 20180501 20091026 20190201 NA 20200801 NA Manpower Management Records and Performance Branch (MMRP) 6288 3 20191001 NA 20200801 NA 20210401 20130107 3. The cover letter must be addressed to President, FY 2022 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board (see paragraph 14 for complete address). 14. 6326 10 20181201 20100601 20200801 20120213 20210401 NA 11.f. 0848 16 20191001 20090908 20200801 20130708 20210601 NA Reference (b) states, in part, that Marines may send a written communication to the board, to arrive NLT 10 calendar days before the date the board convenes. 2147 4 160102 NA 170702 NA 171001 090921 3152 12 171101 100119 181001 110214 191201 NA As a reminder, Marines "eligible for selection" missing evidence of required PME will be briefed as "not fully qualified" for selection. Comm: (703) 784-9712/9713 or REF/A/MSGID:MSG/CMC/061235ZJUN22// 6153 3 121001 NA 151001 060109 151101 061031 Performance (MMRP)" 6338 6338 6423 6423 6432 6432 Additionally, it is the Marine's responsibility to correspond directly with the President of the selection board if there is classified information in their record that they wish to be viewed by the board. 5954 5954 5974 5974 5979 5979 Enlisted Active Duty Service Limits and High Year Tenure. 12.b.1. 6252 6258 6256 6256 6257 6258 17 Lejeune Road 9.b.1. 0869 13 20171001 20100616 20190102 20110620 20200101 NA 5951 5951 5952 5952 5953 5953 Marines who submit a voluntary request to transfer to the FMCR, but are not required to transfer to the FMCR, are not eligible for promotion consideration. 5811 5811 5821 5821 5831 5831 However, inclusion in the OMPF is substantially faster if the documents are either e-mailed or faxed. 6314 3 20181201 NA 20210101 20120227 20210101 NA MARINE CORPS OFFICER PROMOTIONS MANUAL 2. Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMSR-2) Marines concerned with specific aspects of their record are reminded that they may contact their respective career counselors CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50) by following the instructions listed on the website. All Marines who meet the requirements set forth in this MARADMIN will compete for promotion in the MOS assigned on the day prior to the convening date of the board per paragraph 3100.3 of reference (f). FISCAL YEAR 2024 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CRYPTOLOGIC INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS. 12.b. Briefers may only spend a few seconds on each FITREP. REF/D/MSGID: MSG/CMC/191450ZDEC16// 9.b.1. Operations Officer, DSN: 278-3950 7242 11 20190501 NA 20210501 NA NA NA As announced by reference (a), The FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Selection Board will convene on Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at Harry Lee Hall, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA, for a period. Fax: (703) 784-5682, DSN: 278-5682 Assist eligible Marines in correcting incomplete fitness reports and/or correction to Fitness Reports in accordance with the procedures outlined in chapter 8 and Appendix I of reference (f). See paragraph 14 for physical mailing address, e-mail address and fax number. If more than one file attachment is applicable, label additional files using arabic numerals enclosed in parenthesis, i.e. 2629 32 181001 080908 190601 NA NA NA MOS changes will not be made after the date of this MARADMIN without the prior approval of CMC, Manpower Plans and Policy, Enlisted Plans (MPP-20). It is imperative that documents submitted to CMC (MMRP-20) for inclusion in the OMPF within 60 days of a selection board be conspicuously marked "Contains Documents For The FY 2022 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board". MMRP will push the information to the digital board room. gs. Unit Career Planners or other unit representatives completing the NAVMC 321a must cite the FY23 Approved GySgt Selection MARADMIN as the authority. 3.b. Paragraph 3102.2 also outlines additional responsibilities for commanders regarding the counseling of Marines on the promotion process. Marines serving in a basic MOS will be considered in their IMOS. 6.a.1. 0681 12 20181001 20110418 20200101 20110411 20210101 NA 2629 45 20190601 NA 20210501 20130603 20210601 NA Ensure this MARADMIN is available to all Marines under your command. 1721 1721 1833 1833 2111 2111 10. 6332 1 151101 NA 161001 070730 171001 070611 1833 18 171201 100301 181101 NA 191201 NA 6.a.12. 0111 0111 0161 0161 0211 0211 Marines who have previously been selected for promotion and refused to accept the appointment will not be considered. Therefore, anticipate a 2-3 day lag time for further delivery to Harry Lee Hall. 6218 18 20191201 NA 20200701 20110912 20210501 NA 6.a.7. All Marines who are eligible for consideration by an Enlisted Promotion Selection Board must have satisfied specified Professional Military Education (PME) requirements prior to the convening. The MBS is a tool and is not considered the official source documentation. 7041 10 170101 NA 180501 090209 181201 NA 6217 6217 6218 6218 6222 6222 6257 6257 6258 6258 6276 6276 Marines with lateral move requests that are approved after the board has convened will not be eligible for consideration in their newly acquired MOS/IMOS and will be deleted from the board population. E-mail: smb.manpower.mmrp-20@usmc.mil Per references (h) and (i), Marines who must and have requested transfer to the FMCR due to ECFC or service limits may request special promotion consideration via correspondence to CMC, Manpower Management Separation and Retirement, Active Duty Retirement Section (MMSR-2). REF I, MARADMIN 408/19, ENLISTED ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE LIMITS AND HIGH YEAR TENURE. 12.a.1. REF/C/MSGID: MSG/CMC/132101ZSEP21// 6132 6132 6153 6153 6154 6154 Personal correspondence to the President of the board must be submitted under cover letter with the update material as enclosures (a sample cover letter is available at the Enlisted Promotions home page). Evidence of PME completion within a Marine's record is defined the applicable school code in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and course completion certificate in the OMPF. 1371 38 171001 090831 191101 090817 191201 NA OFFICER RETENTION AND PRIOR SERVICE ACCESSIONS 5. Note: Submitted fitreps pending processing at HQMC MMRP will be expedited for the board. 5954 4 20180601 NA 20210301 NA 20210601 NA 1361 2 161001 060123 180102 091013 190701 NA 6286 1 20191201 20110822 20210401 NA 20210501 NA 6.a.9. It is critical that eligible Marines ensure their record includes evidence of PME completion. 0321 14 170201 070904 171001 100412 181001 100125 wt. The selection guidance (precept) for board members includes a reminder of the requirement for PME. (CMF) 11 Sergeant First Class (SFC) selection list. Marines are personally responsible for correcting deficiencies, missing information, or illegible documents present in either the OMPF or MBS with CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Records Management Section (MMRP-20). 6116 6116 6123 6123 6124 6124 3043 40 20181001 20120103 20190301 20130128 20200701 20130422 1169 32 20180201 20100518 20191101 20110321 20210101 20120625 0372 48 161201 NA 171101 110912 191101 100830 11.a. Website: www.manpower.usmc.mil, click on "Separation and Promotion consideration in conjunction with request to transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve (FMCR). Wrap up in June, tapping about 1,900 staff sergeants for promotion delivery to Harry Hall. Accept the appointment will not be considered 6326 10 20181201 20100601 20200801 20120213 20210401 NA 11.f anticipate... 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