Doctors should prescribe the. These things also can help prevent steroid withdrawal symptoms. Metabolism is through the hepatic route, with a half-life elimination of up to 24 hours. Stepping down inhaled corticosteroids in COPD This guide provides an algorithm to identify people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who might benefit from ICS treatment and those in whom it may not be appropriate, and an approach to withdrawing ICS in patients in whom it is not needed. For grade 3 or 4 immune-mediated hepatitis, steroid taper may be attempted at ~4 to 6 weeks . The COSMIC trial, which involved 373 patients with COPD who, after a 3-month run-in treatment period with fluticasone propionate (1000g per day) combined with salmeterol, were randomised to continue or to discontinue the ICS component, replaced by salmeterol only [8]. StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island (FL). As was the case in all these trials, no information was provided on the duration of prior ICS use at the time of randomisation, a key piece of data. Robijn AL, Jensen ME, McLaughlin K, Gibson PG, Murphy VE. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject. Given the stable nature of JHs COPD and that she currently has a reduced risk of exacerbations, it would be reasonable to consider gradually tapering off her ICS and leaving her on maintenance LABA-LAMA therapy. When I did that, I discovered, that Susan had started to take daily antibiotics over the past few years for the acne on her skin. [12] Symptomatic patients on long-term, inhaled corticosteroids should be screened for these conditions, or asymptomatic patients on the long-term, high-dose ICS. Have you wondered if you can decrease your symptoms of asthma and get off of your inhalers or even get rid of asthma for good? Inhalers and nasal sprays help treat asthma and allergies. What type of steroid medicine do I need to take? The studies conducted to date generally suggest that there is no loss of effectiveness on the occurrence of exacerbations when the patients continue exclusively on long-acting bronchodilators, although lung function appears to be reduced, particularly among the patients with more severe disease. Zinc is an important mineral for your immune system, and people with zinc deficiency are at a higher risk for asthma. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a cancer-causing, synthetic female hormone given to pregnant women between 1938 and 1971. Low, medium, and high-dose inhaled corticosteroids are available to treat mild, moderate, and severe persistent asthma, respectively. She was placed on two inhalers for the presumed diagnosis of asthma. Abdominal pain. As you taper intravenous steroids make sure you keep regular communication with your doctor at least twice a week during taper. The COPE trial downgraded from single ICS therapy to no ICS, the COSMIC and INSTEAD trials downgraded from double therapy (ICS/LABA) to LABA only, and the WISDOM trials went from triple therapy (ICS/LABA/tiotropium) to the LABA/tiotropium combination. A third issue is that of the study population in terms of the recent history of COPD exacerbation. This was new for her, and she was frustrated because it was limiting her ability to play the sport she loved. Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are widely accepted as the first line of treatment for the suppression of airway inflammation of asthma [1, 2].Although it is well known that ICS cause dose-related adrenocortical suppression, it is less known that they can lead to iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome (CS) [3-5].Fluticasone propionate (FP) is the most potent inhaled corticosteroid and is highly . While there's . Low blood pressure (hypotension) which can cause dizziness, fainting or collapse. cough. Advantages: Coordination with the patient not required, high doses possible, Disadvantages: Expensive, more time required (10 to 15 minutes per dose), contamination of the machine. Inhaled Corticosteroids for Asthma. To evaluate the evidence for stepping down ICS treatment in adults with well-controlled asthma who are already receiving a moderate or high dose of ICS. Patients should receive education about the local adverse effects and strategies to reduce their impact. A second methodological issue is related to the duration of the ICS therapy being discontinued. Some magnesium like magnesium citrate can loosen your stools. Corticosteroids have been the primary treatment to date, but many patients do not adequately respond to steroids or cannot be tapered off steroids, which puts such patients at risk of . The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines, most recently revised in 2011 and updated yearly, stage the severity of COPD based on 3 criteria: severity of airflow limitation (measured via spirometry as forced expiratory volume [FEV1]), symptom assessment, and number of exacerbations per year.1 The stages range from A (low risk, low symptoms) to D (high risk, more symptoms). You may need to restart the oral steroid medicine if you are under stress or have an asthma attack or other medical emergency. For more than 20 years, doctors have prescribed budesonide, an anti-inflammatory, as preventive medicine for asthmatics. ( Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 2. Low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). If this happens, you may have to take more steroid medicine. Taper systemic steroids and introduce inhaled steroids; Overlap systemic and inhaled therapy for 2 weeks; Inhaled steroids may require 2 weeks to take effect; Medications. Next Article: Heliox of minimal benefit in acute asthma Pulmonology [7] Inhaled corticosteroids come in liquid capsule formulations given through a nebulizer machine, metered-dose inhalers (MDI) administered through spacers, and dry powder inhalers (DPI). Steroid inhalers, also called corticosteroid inhalers, are anti-inflammatory sprays or powders that you breathe in. Allen DB, Bielory L, Derendorf H, Dluhy R, Colice GL, Szefler SJ. In conclusion, the use of ICS in COPD has been widespread, even if treatment guidelines have generally limited their place only after one and two long-acting bronchodilators have been initiated. Treatments for candidiasis include clotrimazole, miconazole, and nystatin. However, ICS are largely overprescribed in clinical practice, and most patients are unlikely to benefit from . That's a Scientific fact. . Finally, the trial should have sufficiently long follow-up to also measure the anticipated benefit from ICS discontinuation in terms of risk reduction, particularly on pneumonia. If you take steroids for a long time, your body may not make enough steroids during times of stress. Evidence is mounting that such extensive use of ICS is discrepant with COPD treatment guidelines and may be inappropriate in a subset of these users [5, 6]. No. Foods rich in zinc include, beans, nuts and animal protein. Adult. [17]These include hypersensitivity to the medication and severe hypersensitivity to milk proteins/lactose. Thrush infections. Proper tapering of steroids. Rationale: There is a need to minimize oral corticosteroid (OCS) use in patients with asthma to prevent their costly and burdensome adverse effects. Inhaled corticosteroids are the cornerstone of asthma therapy and important options for COPD in patients who experience frequent exacerbations. Appetite and weight loss. Asthma is a condition in which a persons airway swells and becomes inflamed, resulting in difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and cough. Inhaled corticosteroids are recommended therapy for treating asthma during pregnancy. I thought I was well on my way to getting off all prescript. During 1-year follow-up, the rate ratio of moderate or severe exacerbation associated with ICS discontinuation was 1.2 (95% CI 0.9 to 1.5, p=0.15) while for mild exacerbations, it was 2.0 (95% CI 1.1 to 3.5, p=0.02). For what should a clinically relevant trial of ICS cessation strive? If a patient begins to experience more exacerbations or a decrease in lung function (GOLD group C), the guidelines currently recommend use of a LABA plus an ICS or a single-agent LAMA.1 This recommendation is based on data showing comparable efficacy of LABAICS therapy and LAMA therapy in terms of rate of COPD exacerbations.3 When a patient progresses to severe COPD (GOLD group D), LABALAMAICS triple therapy (or ICSsingle bronchodilator therapy) is recommended.1,4 Typically, once an ICS is added, it is not removed, due to concern for increasing the risk of exacerbations. These adverse effects are also mitigated by spacer use when taking the medication via metered-dose inhalers. Esophageal candidiasis as a complication of inhaled corticosteroids. Consider buying a bracelet with your medical information on it. 180 mcg twice a day. Because of that, in most cases the tapering period could probably be quite short without imposing a significant risk of adrenal withdrawal symptoms. Although we found no statistically significant or clinically relevant differences between groups with respect to any of the primary or secondary outcomes considered in this review, the data were insufficient to rule out benefit or harm. During this time, you may have steroid withdrawal symptoms. I really want to be free of a daily inhaler and I have been before. were not This often results in a patients problems becoming a chronic and vicious cycle as it did with Susan. They can increase your blood sugar level or blood pressure. Many patients need to wean down slowly. Over time she was able to reintroduce some of the foods that we had eliminated, but she realized that dairy would always cause more inflammation in her body and so decided to eliminate dairy completely. National and international guidelines recommend increasing the dose of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in steps to gain control of symptoms at the lowest possible dose because long-term use of higher doses of ICS carries a risk of side effects. Much inappropriate use of inhaled corticosteroids in COPD can be safely replaced with long-acting bronchodilators Corticosteroids remain the initial drug of choice for treat-ment of parenchymal lung diseases. The reduced systemic bioavailability also minimizes side effects. Inhaled corticosteroids: past lessons and future issues. We were also interested in determining whether taking another type of inhaled asthma medication (long-acting beta agonists - LABAs) would influence the results. Each container has one dose of medicine. Tashkin DP, Strange C. Inhaled corticosteroids for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: what is their role in therapy? They help to reduce redness, swelling, and soreness. Your doctor will gradually lower your dose. Your child breathes them into the lungs. Most people cannot taper off their maintenance meds. If you're using your rescue inhaler more than a few times a week then your asthma is uncontrolled and you need inhaled steroids. You should work with your doctor to find the right one for, Prescription Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medicines, Antibiotics: When They Can and Cant Help. Lori T. Armistead, PharmD, is a PGY1 ambulatory care pharmacy resident at the University of North Carolina Medical Center Department of Pharmacy in Chapel Hill. Check the mouthpiece and remove any foreign objects. Zhong N, Wang C, Zhou X, et al; LANTERN Investigators. We searched for studies (minimum length 12 weeks) in people with well-controlled asthma that compared the effect of reducing the dose of ICS versus maintaining the dose of ICS. I've had asthma all my life and my mom never listened to the doctor and I now have it in adult life and I'm getting or trying to get my script, There are a few ways you can stop steroid medicines safely. IF you are having any difficulty this is a sound signal You NEED THEM!! Add in fish oil. All Rights Reserved. By Elizabeth W. Boham, M.D., M.S., R.D. [1] Regular use of these medications reduces the frequency of asthma symptoms, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, risk of serious exacerbations and improves the quality of life. Short PM, Williamson PA, Elder DHJ, Lipworth SIW, Schembri S, Lipworth BJ. Diarrhea. How To Taper Off Prednisone (Taper Chart) Usual oral dose range: 5 to 60 mg/day given in a single daily dose or in 2 to 4 divided doses; Low dose: 2.5 to 10 mg/day; High dose: 1 to 1.5 mg/ kg /day (usually not to exceed 80 to 100 mg/day). Inhaled glucocorticoid use of greater than Fluticasone 400 micrograms per day (or equivalent) for more than 3 months (1) Patients who are clinically Cushingoid Management of cessation / weaning steroid dose: Not at risk: Can cease abruptly if underlying condition allows, but usually require gradual taper of Inhaled corticosteroids are potent synthetic agents that exert their actions locally in the airways but can cause systemic effects based on several factors that influence systemic bioavailability. Asthma controller medications often are used in conjunction with short-acting beta-agonists such as albuterol as part of an asthma action plan to address acute and chronic symptoms. We used a random-effects model. Take 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5mg in the afternoon. Steroids are a type of medicine with strong anti-inflammatory effects. Corticosteroids are hormone mediators produced by the cortex of adrenal glands that further categorize into glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgenic sex hormones. It's been pretty good.. my asthma is nearly gone when I'm taking it. It's safer to taper off prednisone. Have you done an elimination diet and had improvement in your cough or asthma? Persistent asthma is classified by symptoms more than two days a week, more than three nighttime awakenings per month, more than twice a week using short-acting beta-2 agonists for symptom control, or any limitation of normal activity due to asthma. While in the WISDOM and COSMIC trials patients had to have at least one or two COPD exacerbations, respectively, in the year prior to study entry, the INSTEAD trial selected only patients with no exacerbation during that span, a group that all guidelines would agree should not be on ICS. For patients receiving oral corticosteroids in the 6 months prior to surgery, and for selected patients on high dose inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), IV hydrocortisone may be necessary to reduce risk for complications during and after surgery. 5. There is insufficient evidence to recommend either for or against the use of inhaled corticosteroids in pediatric patients with COVID-19. . You may have stomach pain and body aches. One patient, Susan,* age 19, was unable to control her cough and shortness of breath. Randomised controlled trial design. Steroid inhalers are only available on prescription. Hi Comealongway, I came across your thread after doing a Google search for "weaning off Pulmicort". When I was reading re adrenal 'resurrection' much depended on dose, length of time, etc. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Withdrawal of inhaled glucocorticoids and exacerbations of COPD. Take 1000-2000mg of EPA + DHA per day. (1) The role of ACTH testing is to assess restoration of the normal physiologic response of the adrenal glands after a steroid taper. So I'm on generic Symbicort. The progression of any tapering program relies on the clinician's evaluation of the patients' response. Additional contraindications in Canadian labeling include untreated fungal, bacterial, and tubercular infections of the respiratory tract. Nonetheless, in the subgroup analysis of the 70% of patients who were on ICS prior to the 1.5-month ICS run-in period, and had thus used ICS for a longer period, the results on the risk of exacerbation remained similar. The doctor didn't think they (the teeth) had anything to do with my rapidly worsening condition, but when the first set was pulled out, that same day I was able to cut my nebulizer treatments (which I had in addition to a steroid inhaler) from every four hours (even through the night) to just twice a day. Have you been diagnosed with asthma and wonder if foods may be at the root cause? The fourth trial is WISDOM, which investigated ICS discontinuation in patients given triple therapy consisting of tiotropium, salmeterol and fluticasone propionate [10]. In the case of cough and shortness of breath or asthma, we know that there is too much inflammation in the body impacting the lungs. Capanoglu M, Dibek Misirlioglu E, Toyran M, Civelek E, Kocabas CN. Common inflammatory foods including gluten, dairy, corn and soy were removed from her diet. Tummy (abdominal) pain. Additional studies are needed to answer this question. How will I know if my body is making enough steroids naturally? [3] If inhaled corticosteroids alone are not adequate in controlling a patient's asthma symptoms, other controller medications such as long-acting beta-agonists or leukotriene receptor antagonists may also be started. Inhaled corticosteroids, in fact, have been used for some time in patients of all ages, and very safely. All included studies were RCTs with a parallel design that compared a fixed dose of ICS versus a 50% to 60% reduction in the dose of ICS in adult participants with well-controlled asthma. People with persistent asthma: 1 Have symptoms more than twice weekly Wake up more than 3 times monthly due to asthma Use rescue inhalers more than twice weekly However, the significant relative loss in FEV1 of 50mL in COSMIC and 43mL in WISDOM are at odds with the nonsignificant loss of 9mL found in INSTEAD, though its 95% confidence interval is compatible with a loss of up to 45mL. More importantly, inhaled corticosteroid use correlates with a reduction in growth velocity in children with asthma. However, there are discrepancies between guidelines and real-life practice, as ICS are being overprescribed. I haven't taken my Breo for about two weeks now, and I find myself taking my rescue everyday. Two studies were performed in the setting of primary care, two were performed in the secondary care setting and two reported no information on setting. The impact of tiotropium on mortality and exacerbations when added to inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting -agonist therapy in COPD. If the dose is reduced gradually, the body gradually resumes its natural production of steroids and the withdrawal symptoms do not occur. Current treatment of oral candidiasis: A literature review. 50 mg/m2 IM followed by 50 to 100 mg/m2 IM in divided doses every 6 hours; rapidly taper and switch . 40 mg prednisolone for an asthma exacerbation, 1000 mg methyl prednisolone for graft rejection reactions in transplantation or relapse in multiple sclerosis) to gain disease control, then withdrawing glucocorticoid treatment to as low dose as can These include thin skin, dry mouth, abnormal menstrual cycles, and weakened bones. Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are used to treat people with asthma. Age 6 and older. [11], Local adverse effects of inhaled corticosteroids include dysphonia, oral candidiasis, reflex cough, and bronchospasm. [14][15] It is advisable to have the patient rinse their mouth out after ICS use to prevent oral candidiasis. Over time this made her more and more susceptible to food sensitivities. Taper systemic steroids carefully during the transfer to inhaled steroids; deaths have occurred from adrenaline insufficiency with sudden withdrawal. taking a concomitant LABA (comparison 2). Do not stop taking your steroid medicine unless your doctor tells you to. Adding further impetus to this recommendation are the recently published results of the FLAME trial, which demonstrated that indacaterol-glycopyrronium (LABA-LAMA) therapy was more effective than salmeterol-fluticasone (LABA-ICS) therapy in preventing COPD exacerbations in patients with a recent history of exacerbations.7 It also showed a decrease in rates of pneumonia in the LABA-LAMA group and similar rates of adverse events and deaths between the 2 groups. LANTERN: a randomized study of QVA149 versus salmeterol/fluticasone combination in patients with COPD. We will share with you some simple steps that help improve many of our patients asthma symptoms and allow them to get off of their asthma medication. Dosages of 20 mg: Decrease in 2.5-mg increments until you reach 10 mg per day. *Name and some details changed to protect the patient. No study has specifically evaluated the impact of ICS discontinuation on the reduction of adverse outcomes, which include reducing the elevated risks of pneumonia, cataracts, fractures, tuberculosis and diabetes, known to be associated with ICS use [3]. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011802.pub2, Copyright 2023 The Cochrane Collaboration. It is also not clear whether stepping down the dose of ICS would reduce the occurrence of side effects. However, two of the trials provided data on pneumonia as an adverse event (table 2). Joint pain. This mode of administration decreases the dose required for the desired effect as it bypasses the first-pass metabolism in drugs taken orally. Two review authors independently screened the search results for included studies, extracted data on prespecified outcomes of interest and assessed the risk of bias of included studies; we resolved disagreements by discussion with a third review author. Accessed July 7, 2016. Control/prevent asthma. [18] Therefore, in patients with severe milk protein or lactose allergies, DPI asthma medications are contraindicated. They were somewhat helpful, but she was still coughing and was unable to play soccer at the same level that she had become accustomed to. Long term use of an inhaled steroid can lead to glaucoma, cataracts, thinning skin, changes in body fat (especially in your face, neck, back, and waist . It is important to note that you must take your time while tapering off of prednisone. We identified trials from the Specialised Register of the Cochrane Airways Group and conducted a search of ( and the World Health Organization (WHO) trials portal ( Some typical recommendations for prednisone tapering include: Dosages above 40 milligrams (mg) per day: Decrease by 5 mg at a time until you reach 20 mg per day. The two subsequent trials involved discontinuation among patients given an ICS/long-acting 2-agonist (LABA) combination, replacing it with a LABA only. When you use steroid pills, sprays, or creams, your body may stop making its own steroids. 4. I won't give up until I've turned over every stone. You especially can not control it holistically. It is now 20 years since Richard Albert and colleagues1 published the first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of systemic glucocorticoids in the treatmentof acute exacerbations of COPD. It may take your body a few weeks or months to make more steroids on its own. I tried to wean off of the Breo (taking it every other day, every two days, every three etc.) This barrier protects our body from the contents in our intestines. Four trials have evaluated the effects of ICS withdrawal with somewhat inconsistent results, which may be due to their methodological particularities. A small number of relevant studies and varied outcome measures limited the number of meta-analyses that we could perform. However, recent data are beginning to shift the thinking on the necessity of continuing ICS therapy for COPD patients with stable disease. Choose a symptom and answer simple questions using our physician-reviewed Symptom Checker to find a possible diagnosis for your health issue. More research is needed to determine more clearly the characteristics of the patients who would benefit from ICS discontinuation and to evaluate the impact of such discontinuation on reducing risk, particularly that of pneumonia. High doses of ICS correlate with an increased risk of fracture. [16], Inhaled corticosteroid use has correlations with a reduction in growth velocity in children with asthma. Prednisone should never be stopped suddenly. I managed without ICS for most of my life through use of air purifiers, slow breathing and other natural preventive strategies.. methotrexate is given as a steroid-sparing agent, tapering prednisone to the lowest possible dose. Though not intentional, there have been reports of milk protein contamination within lactose-containing medications, including dry powdered inhalers. The hazard ratio of the first moderate or severe exacerbation associated with ICS discontinuation was 0.80 (p=0.26). Remove one container from the strip of five plastic containers with sealed caps. We should be amazed every time we are able to wean a patient off of their asthma inhalers, because we were trained in medical school that this is not possible. Once the amount reduces enough, the doctor will have you stop taking steroids. According to the current clinical practice guidelines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the addition of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) to long-acting 2 agonist therapy is recommended in patients with moderate-to-severe disease and an increased risk of exacerbations. We found the quality of synthesised evidence to be low or very low for most outcomes considered because of a risk of bias (principally, selective reporting), imprecision and indirectness. [1], Recently updated guidelines also recommend ICS to be used for acute asthma symptoms in conjunction with beta-2 agonists in adolescents and adults. Steroids are effective and lifesaving medicines. Dosing Guidelines. She has a history of multiple exacerbations and 2 hospitalizations (1 for pneumonia). Your doctor may want to do a simple blood test to see how your body is doing. It relieves swelling, itching, and redness by suppressing the immune system. Inhaled corticosteroids come in liquid capsule formulations given through a nebulizer machine, metered-dose inhalers (MDI) administered through spacers, and dry powder inhalers (DPI). An inhaled steroid prevents and reduces swelling . Overall, we found no differences between groups (reduced ICS dose vs maintained ICS dose) in terms of asthma attacks, asthma control, quality of life or side effects. We rated all outcomes using the GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) system and presented results in 'Summary of findings tables. As you taper, you may notice. We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of at least 12 weeks' duration and excluded cross-over trials. Click here for more details on how you can do this. It is essential to know the adverse effects of inhaled corticosteroids. Thus, the management of COPD can be improved by limiting the use of ICS to the minority of patients with COPD who benefit, such as patients with the asthmaCOPD overlap syndrome and those with more severe disease, and weaning the rest from ICS. Crossingham I, Evans DJW, Halcovitch NR, Marsden PA, Crossingham I, Evans DJW, Halcovitch NR, Marsden PA. It is important to work with your doctor when you are eliminating your asthma medication. Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: GINA executive summary. However, we assessed the quality of the evidence as low or very low because of the low number of studies found and problems with how the studies were reported. COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to more than 120,000 deaths each year. However, these effects in low doses of inhaled corticosteroids are small, nonprogressive, and potentially reversible. In this landmark study, a regimen of IVmethylprednisolone four times daily for 3 days was found to produce anearly increase in FEV1 relative to placebo treatment. So avoiding processed foods and eating whole real foods is the most important step you can take to increase the level of magnesium in your body. Indeed, the INSTEAD and WISDOM trials' 6- and 12-month follow-up were probably too short to detect a significant decrease in the rate of serious pneumonia, which also requires some latency. sion, treatment with corticosteroids may be considered. Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are the FDA-indicated treatment of choice in preventing asthma exacerbation in patients with persistent asthma. This will protect the medicine from light. Inhaled steroids have led to fewer hospitalizations and deaths over the past 10-15 years. Reason for this is because a. I'd like to try more holistic approaches to getting rid of asthma such as excercise, diet etc. Well, the lining of our intestine is a very important barrier. They come in pill form, as inhalers or nasal sprays, and as creams and ointments. Corticosteroids can increase blood glucose levels in patients and it is recommended that all individuals have their blood sugar monitored. 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Corticosteroids in pediatric patients with stable disease doctor may want to do simple. 18 ] Therefore, in patients with persistent asthma sealed caps the strip of five plastic containers sealed! * age 19, was unable to control her cough and shortness breath! Rinse their mouth out after ICS use to prevent oral candidiasis dizziness, fainting or collapse medium, and infections. Rinse their mouth out after ICS use to prevent oral candidiasis, reflex cough, and severe hypersensitivity to duration. Prevent oral candidiasis, reflex cough, and soreness, inhaled corticosteroid use correlates with reduction. Root cause zinc deficiency are at a higher risk for asthma management and prevention: GINA summary!, Derendorf H, Dluhy R, Colice GL, Szefler SJ the ICS for. Have to take is recommended that all individuals have their blood sugar level or blood pressure ( hypotension ) can. 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