The next clean-up on Earth will be by Fire radiation from Pole Shift magnetic storm and Van Allen Belt will break down. However, his succession is already assured, as a member of his family will be in charge of the country. New forms are not ready yet but rather they are incubating now not all solutions will be workable in the beginning of this cycle. Some astrologers predicted that the U.S. would fall from being a major power. This was an interpretation of the alignment and transits in Earth signs, Earth sign impacting the physical with our bodies, with our economy and with the planet. Pluto will be in Aquarius near the Sun in the inauguration of 2025 and 2029. At that time, with Neptune in the sign of universal compassion, Karl Marx writings showed a great concern for the poor, the working class and small children working in sweat shops. PREDICTIONS GIVEN FOR 2022: Lynn Koiner PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: 2009 through 2024 (here it goes back and forth from Capricorn into Aquarius) The Sign in which Pluto transits denotes the world crises focus, the "terrorism of the moment" and what needs to be transformed in the current social order. In this current cycle, the youth will start the revolution because there is no place for them in the working world with older ones working longer and retiring later. The new forms will not manifest until after 2015 especially in 2019-20, the midpoint of the Neptune transit. Asteroid Nancy at 22 Leo opposed Saturn at 18 Aquarius and Damocles at 25 Aquarius, T-Squared the Venus/Washingtonia conjunction at 20 Scorpio, also suggests a possible doom hanging overhead (Damocles) for Nancy Pelosi (Nancy), as the most powerful woman (Venus) in DC (Washingtonia), who may find herself limited or restricted in some way (Saturn), reinforcing the sense that McCarthy will indeed get her job. The north-south polarity has been fluctuating back and forth, weakening the shield against solar radiation. This comes from the Neptune in Capricorn Cycle with Greed is Good.. Required fields are marked *. Watch where your money is going! 2022s inaugural Mercury retrograde kicks in January, potentially complicating efforts to get organized in the new year (something you might want to consider when youre making those New Years resolutions). But we can look at Demokritos placement on the day, and work from that. As it happens, this lunar eclipse will be just 1 degree from exact . -J.M., CAG Member, So much value in this webinar! She said that our country needs leaders who are in tune with the energies at the time. So, that means there could be developments in areas such as medicine and art. So, look to events like January 6 as important in our evolution, to bring the dark to light. Using Solar Arc, Pluto squared Mars in 2011 and, in 2012, Pluto crosses Neptune in the 9, In 1989, the next conjunction occurred on my 10, In 2001, the conjunction was on the next planet in my 10. Weddings. Will Messi score the goal and will Argentina beat Saudi Arabia? Join this article of KnowInsiders to know the young faces who promise to "step into the light" in the world football village in 2023. Found it very interesting & exciting..gaining more knowledge lifts the intimidation factor. GMO crops grew out of the agricultural revolution of the 1960s, when we were told that there was a world feminine and we need to grow more efficiently and abundantly, regardless of health concerns. Latest Posts: Pelosi as President . Neptune in Pisces will affect our sensitivity as well as receptiveness to alternative medicine, our ability to see into the etheric plane (lavender/violet) and doctors may work more closely with medical intuitives/observers (these are observers and not psychic). The French vineyards are dying due to the heat and, now that Englands climate has shifted, the French vineyards are moving to England! THE NEW OBJECTS BEING DISCOVERED SINCE PLUTO: OBJECTS OF TRANSFORMATION. NOTE: This is what Theosophists call the First Initiation but the warning is to stay away from gurus!! What Baba Vanga Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, Top 8 Nostradamus Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, What is Baba Vanga Predictions 2021 and Fact-Check, Nostradamus' prophecies: Top 9 Shocking Predictions for 2021 and Fact-Check, World Cup Prediction: Super Animals Predict Argentina Will Beat Saudi Arabia. Your 2022 Horoscope: Free Astrology Predictions Reveal what awaits you with your yearly horoscope for 2022. by Taylor Moon We spent most of 2021 picking up the pieces from 2020 and coming face to face with an unprecedented new reality that reshaped how we live our lives. Midterm and Presidential Elections are well documented on his blog. This is a great time to channel your thoughts into art to uncover. Find your Safe Place where you feel grounded. I believe in empirical research and personal observation rather than relying totally upon the myth connected with the planet. T Pluto/Uranus are afflicting Mercury and the T Neptune afflicts Mars. After I make my observations and determine a theme, only then do I look at the myth to see what parts of the myth can apply to the Object. April, May, June, July 2022 will be more positive months for President Biden to get things done. Still, Mr. Kissinger gets it. Posted on November 7, 2022 1:14 am by William Stickevers Leave a comment. NOTE FROM LYNN: A few years ago, I attended the showing of a Nazi propaganda film about the Jewish population. I felt that this was a time when new Souls and a Soul Group began incarnating to bring a stabilizing energy to a planet already in crises (Cardinal signs). So let's find out, for British-Americans, what are the 10 hardest languages to learn! Reality was broken, as Neptune left the Rational Air sign of Aquarius and entered a Water sign, a sign with no sense of boundaries! Another famous astrologer, Mahama Hopadya Pandit has predicted that the pandemic will be over by the end of 2021. Not long after the International Spy Museum in Washington DC opened, they had an exhibition called Insurgency Within. I immediately saw that Uranus-Mars was in the 1st House, describing the American people who are insurgent by nature. Her quote from the article. In addition to China as an economic giant, countries like Russia would have the odd event, such as the alleged assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin. The Sibley chart, by Ebenezer Sibley, was the first chart published for the U.S. in 1787. Let us recall that the Treaty of Rome, ratified in 1957, is at the origin of European construction. However, where they feel ungrounded, disconnected and not belonging, they unfortunately find an accepting family in radical beliefs. It is interesting that the current pandemic, because it is global, works best with the Sibley chart. Explore to find out and make the most of your month. These obstacles will arise through the fears associated with transformations. The following article by KnowInsiders will help you synthesize 10 world famous men's belt brands today. US Election Day November 5, 2024: Portents of Venus in Sagittarius. Only very rarely are the anti-trust laws invoked. Here's some of the info we discovered in the 8 predictions that will rock America in 2022: Dick Morris reveals the coming political earthquake set for Congressional elections. When anything get complicated, let go. You do not have to have any flying experience as the airlines will train you with the 1800 flying hours. I cannot cut and paste the calculations into a file since the calculation on Solar Fire does not copy correctly. Countries suffering from economic instability will see changes in government, if not outright political chaos. Emotionally fueled movements, swept by mobs radicalization by Islam followed my Internal Terrorism from White Supremist groups. During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. You may feel stalled, stuck, or frustrated with your own personal growth. By 1934, Uranus started to enter Taurus. Pushing a vaccine sets some people up to resist and resist at all costs. The Neptune in Libra folks (born in the 1940s) can prepare the way for these new souls. All things financial will be turned upside down. Where are these laws now? Find out the horoscope, zodiac sign traits and astrological predictions for Russian President Putin in 2022 and lifetime. Aye, theres the rub! However, the transit of Saturn will . Author of the best selling book Astrology For Enlightenment (Atria Books, Simon & Schuster, NY) Founder of the . They will not be the same. Stockholders do not challenge the big corporations when they lay-off thousands of employees in order to keep their expenses down and stock prices up. These are the things we can expect: Government intervention to support those who no longer have jobs Massive investment in infrastructure projects like charging stations for electric vehicles Why should you be an under-paid clerk in a store when you can die for God or your Cause. Jupiter sextile Pluto thinks so. There was even a Dengue Fever that plagued Central America. Hence, we see the conflict occurring in the 21st Century. Midterm Election, as well as predictions for the outcome of the Closely Contested Governor, District and State Elections for House and Senate seats from: Each horary question will be focused on a specific race, as well as control of the Senate and House of Representatives. Currently, we have just had our last Saturn-Uranus square, triggering a peak in the pandemic health crises. As cited by the GentSide website, Nostradamus predicts several worrying events for 2022: 1. Since Neptunes discovery, Jeanne has observed that there has been an accumulation of a tremendous wealth of knowledge via psychology about ourselves, how human beings work and we did little with the knowledge! We can have many objects of transformation but one three Transpersonal Planets. February 23, 2020. In 2020, with the rise of Global Ultra Conservatism that punishes everyone but the rich and augments the rise of White Supremacy, the KKK and the global Neo-Nazi movement now we have a pandemic. But all things being equal, it does appear that the Democrats are in for what Obama would term, a shellacking. Therefore, I believe the Democrats will expand their presence in Congress at the midterms. . Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022. In 2015, the conjunction was within 1 degree of my Asc, starting around my birthday and it was a great birthday. This entire article is curated for the budding and experienced politicians to make them aware of political astrology. The year 2022 will bring major growth in business, entrepreneurship, pop culture, entertainment, art and politics but we will face some significant challenges, too. Not only because of the destruction of the United States but because, as a consequence, it seems that China will crown itself as the great superpower worldwide. Then, Reagan overturned the fairness act by which a radio or television program must give equal time to each party or candidate if 10 minutes was given to one politician, then equal time had to be given to his opponent. Cher, I know that I answered you privately. With this transit, those who have a very tenuous grip upon reality may very well lose it. Eclipses often help clear out things in our lives that need to go, so consider this your chance to reevaluate your lifestyle before you settle in for the winter. The global economies have been dramatically affected as T Pluto activates the 2nd/8th Houses in the Sibley chart. In order to access these sites, you must solve a hacker problem. Corporations can more easily control elections with their financial donations. . June Predictions 2022 I have been walking you through 2022, almost month by month. The Classical Rulerships of the two parties is that the Democratic Party is ruled by Saturn and the Republican Party is ruled by Jupiter. With this new type of cultivation, the manure is used to produce gases that provide power for 3 working farms. The ability for people to think in the abstract came with Neptunes discovery. The U.S.A. never experienced dictatorship and Americans could be/feel patriotic without having to confront the negative aspects of nationalism. Yet, there will be many others who make outrageous predictions to feed on the fear of the masses this is how they make money (feeding on fear) and stay on television and radio. Always, these demands actually work against the workers but the workers never realize this. Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Access Hollywood, E! Surprising health and physical challenges may also arise during this time. At, I have an article of this conjunction through the Houses. Midterm Toss-Up Senate and House Elections , 2008 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2008 U.S. Democratic Primary Too Close To Call Elections . In world events, it can portend a time of peace and resolution. In my studies in Theosophy, I observed that Esoteric Gemini rules the concept and Principles of Democracy that all people have the education, the freedom and the accurate information by which they can make accurate decisions for themselves. Based on the movement of Pluto, Rahu and Jupiter, Vastu Acharya Srivastava feels that the world will start witnessing better times from January 2022 when Pluto comes back to one degree in direct motion. WWI brought the Spanish Flu that killed millions. It remains to be seen what will happen. All of this began with the Neptune in Capricorn Cycle. "In my astrological assessment, the terrible peak is likely to occur during 2021 May 7-15. Population shifts, massive shifts, triggered by natural disasters and rising water levels have occurred in the past. #astroladaofficial PREPARE for a MAJOR World EVENT! Held November 8, the day features multiple activations of Uranus, the planet of the shocking and unexpected, disruption, turmoil, revolution and change, including a conjunction by the Moon and oppositions from the Sun and Mercury. Here is Nostradamus' prediction in the 10th quatrain of Centuria III: Of blood and hunger greater calamity / Seven times appreciate to the marine beach / Monech of hunger, place taken, captivity.. If there are issues on the home front, you might be up against some uphill battles and hurt feelings. It is a cycle that favors Labor and now workers can demand better pay. 4) Transpersonal Uranus-Neptune-Pluto (Transpersonal can only be the higher octave of Personal Planets). And, if you can remember, that election was an absolute mess. Later in the year, Mays Mercury Rx will pass through the signs of Gemini and Taurus, which could have major implications in your social and home life. This raises the specter of the overturning (NOT) of Roe v Wade (Roe), which the administration (Bida) and the Party in general (Demokritos) staunchly opposes (NOT), and which could align the nation (America) firmly on the side of President Biden (America conjunct Bida) in this issue over healthcare (Chiron). Let's take a look at the top 10 most popular eyewear brands worldwide with KnowInsiders! Through the generations, it was stated that it was finalized at 2:15am. Mike Kirk states: Planetary testament to instability and crises Peak planetary action for crisis in March 2 to May 18 2022 and then August 2-27 2022; finally, turbulence in the markets in October 2022. In conclusion, Pluto is now in the Ending Degrees of Capricorn. And, our world will be shrinking due to the speed of connectivity. Many respected economic and mundane astrologers have predicted a great civil war. When Pluto enters Aquarius (back and forth in 2024; fully in 2025-2043), the technology and informational and financial manipulation that started with Neptune in Aquarius entering this sign in 2001 will become highly problematic. I responded: I have observed this planet is fundamentally positive but only recently I have seen its involvement with health issues. Damocles represents the doom hanging overhead, about to fall at any moment. Kim-Jong Un would thus be the victim of an unexpected accident. This spring eclipse could be a time of intense feelings, as a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is poised to double down on deep-seated emotions. You would think that this occurred often as a conjunction to a personal planet but it does not! The last time Mercury went direct at this time was during the election of 2000. It was off by a couple of degrees in the Gemini chart. Michael Munkasey uses a Virgo ASC and he swears by this. Fiscal irresponsibility led to the U.S. to become a Debtor Nation for the first time since 1914! This is the result of Neptune in Capricorn as well as a result of this transit, news programs no longer had to be balanced, giving both points of viewgiving rise to Hysteria Radio/TV. Reiterating that the battle is far from over, noted astrologers say that its time to start learning from the mistakes of the first and second waves. The 2019-2022 pandemic is causing a great career migration that these Souls are initiating. This was most unsettling for many people who experienced vision flux, a condition actually described by an eye doctor who had many patients coming in asking about seeing colors, pink and violet but there was nothing wrong with their eyes! We are now in the final phase of a cycle that began in 1862. Where I have observed health issues under Eris, it is because the individual fears the needed changes, becomes blocked and cannot integrate the New into the life or respond constructively to external crises. The exceptionally cold winters are due to polar ice breaking off causing a flow of frigid air to flow towards the northern hemisphere countries. I recently began to observe new groups forming that are made up of Seekers, seeking kinship with others on The Path, to learn how to cope with life as it now exists and to cultivate some faith in the future. Lastly, hoaxes and deceptions create chaos. He started buying land in India to shift the population when the end was near. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All contents copyright 2017 by Alex Miller. Such a conflict could occur because of a shortage of resources in one country, which would then attack a neighboring country to obtain means of subsistence. 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